The about our party cannot be hidden...We are making phenomenal progress


It is indeed with great pleasure that I welcome you all to this Press Conference.  I want to place on record my deepest appreciation of the unalloyed supports of the entire media community for your continuous tenacity in promoting the ethos of democracy in the Nigerian states through your media engagements on issues bordering on our great Party.
 It is also important to point out that your response to our invitation is a testimony to your patriotism and commitments to democratic governance especially against the backdrop of the challenges occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic which has regulated social interaction and movements.
I also feel indebted to register my gratitude to President Muhammadu Buhari, the President of the federal republic of Nigeria and the father of the ruling All Progressive Congress APC  for re-arranging the party with the dissolution of the last NEC and the inauguration of the interim NEC, I also congratulate the Interim Committee Chairman, Mai Mala Buni.
Gentlemen of the press, today’s media briefing has been primarily the official presentation of the APCNEWSONLINE initiated to complement the party’s media achievements.
APC NewsOnline strives to promote and project the collective interests of All Progressive Congress through media engagements, as it aims to find solutions to the media challenges of the party. The forum would strengthen the relationships between the government, party leaders, Stakeholders, and the general public through prompt and effective information dissemination for the overall benefit of the party.
Our Mission is to promptly provide public information on the activities, challenges, and achievements of the All Progressive Congress to the discerning public.
Ladies and gentlemen this medium is officially incorporated with Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) as APC NewsOnline and in the APC headquarters, It is formally registered as Broom Platform, a grade-A Support group not to take over the publicity role of the party but to play complementary media role aimed at projecting and protecting the image of our party APC.
There’s no gainsaying that the giant strides of the Buhari APC Led Administration have been seriously under-reported and even APC Governors have not been given adequate publicity to bring the public to the knowledge of what the APC state governors have done across the country. And this is what APC NewsOnline is birthed to do to consolidate on the existing media frameworks of the party, explore more viable ways of marketing the party to the Nigerian public and protect the party from the threats of the opposition parties who are bent at nothing but to defame the party.
Publisher APC NewsOnline
4th August 2020
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