The about our party cannot be hidden...We are making phenomenal progress

Key APC Leaders


President Muhammadu Buhari GCFR (born on the 17th December, 1942) is a Nigerian politician who has been president of Nigeria since 2015. Buhari is a retired general of the Nigerian Army and served as military head of state from 1983 to 1985, after taking power in a military coup d’état. The term BuhMons Officer Cadet Scholars is ascribed to the right-wing policies of his military regime. Buhari has said that he takes responsibility for anything over which he presided during his military rule, and that he cannot change the past. He has described himself as a “converted democrat”. Buhari ran for president of Nigeria in 2003, 2007, and 2011. In December 2014, he emerged as the nominee of the All Progressives Congress for the 2015 general election. Buhari won the election, defeating then incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan. This was the first time in the history of Nigeria that an incumbent president lost a general election. He was sworn in on 29 May 2015. In February 2019, Buhari was reelected, defeating his closest rival Atiku Abubakar by over 3 million votes.

Early life

Muhammadu Buhari was born to a Fulani family on 17 December 1942, in Daura, Katsina State, to his father Mallam Hardo Adamu, a Fulani chieftain, and his mother Zulaihat. He is the twenty-third child of his father. Buhari was raised by his mother, after the death of his father, when he was about four years old. He attended primary school in Daura and Mai’adua, in 1953, Katsina Middle School, and attended Katsina Provincial Secondary School from 1956 to 1961.

Military career

Buhari enrolled at age 19 in the Nigerian Military Training College (NMTC) in 1962. In February 1964, the college was upgraded to an officer commissioning unit of the Nigerian Army and renamed the Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA) (prior to 1964, the Nigerian government sent cadets who had completed their NMTC preliminary training to mostly Commonwealth military academies for officer cadet training).

From  1962 to 1963 Buhari underwent an officer cadet training act  in Aldershot, in England. In January 1963, at the age of 20, Buhari was commissioned a second lieutenant and appointed Platoon Commander of the Second Infantry Battalion in Abeokuta, Nigeria. From November 1963 to January 1964, Buhari attended the Platoon Commanders’ Course at the Nigerian Military Training College, Kaduna. In 1964, he facilitated his military training by attending the Mechanical Transport Officer’s Course at the Army Mechanical Transport School in Borden, United Kingdom.

From 1965 to 1967, Buhari served as commander of the Second Infantry Battalion and appointed brigade major, Second Sector, First Infantry Division, April 1967 to July 1967. Following the bloody 1966 Nigerian coup d’état, which resulted in the death of Premier Ahmadu Bello. Lieutenant Buhari alongside several young officers from Northern Nigeria, took part in the July counter-coup which ousted General Aguiyi Ironsi replacing him with General Yakubu Gowon.

Civil war

Buhari was assigned to the 1st Division under the command of Lt. Col Mohammed Shuwa, the division had temporarily moved from Kaduna to Makurdi at the onset of the Nigerian Civil War. The 1st division was divided into sectors and then battalions  with Shuwa assisted by sector commanders Martin Adamu and Sule Apollo who was later replaced by Theophilus Danjuma. Buhari’s initial assignment was as Adjutant and Company Commander 2 battalion unit, Second Sector Infantry of the 1st Division. The 2 battalion was one of the units that participated in the first actions of the war, they started from Gakem near Afikpo and moved towards Ogoja with support from Gado Nasko’s artillery squad. They reached and captured Ogoja within a week with the intention of advancing through the flanks to Enugu, the rebel capital. Buhari was briefly the 2 battalion’s Commander and led the battalion to Afikpo to link with the 3rd Marine Commando and advance towards Enugu through Nkalagu and Abakaliki. However, before the move to Enugu, he was posted to Nsukka as Brigade Major of the 3rd Infantry Brigade under Joshua Gin who would later become battle fatigued and replaced by Isa Bukar. Buhari stayed with the infantry for a few months as the Nigerian army began to adjust tactics learnt from early battle experiences. Instead of swift advances, the new tactics involved securing and holding on to the lines of communications and using captured towns as training ground to train new recruits brought in from the army depots in Abeokuta and Zaria. In 1968, he was posted to the 4 Sector also called the Awka sector which was charged to take over the capture of Onitsha from Division 2. The sector’s operations was within the Awka-Abagana-Onitsha region which was important to Biafran forces because it was a major source of food supply. It was in the sector that Buhari’s group suffered a lot of casualties trying to protect food supplies route of the rebels along Oji River and Abagana.


From 1970 to 1971, Buhari was Brigade Major/Commandant, Thirty-first Infantry Brigade. He then served as the Assistant Adjutant-General, First Infantry Division Headquarters, from 1971 to 1972. He also attended the Defense Services Staff College, Wellington, India, in 1973. From 1974 to 1975 Buhari was Acting Director of Transport and Supply at the Nigerian Army Corps of Supply and Transport Headquarters.


In the 1975 military coup d’état, Lieutenant Colonel Buhari was among a group of officers that brought General Murtala Mohammed to power. He was later appointed Governor of the North-Eastern State[ from 1 August 1975 to 3 February 1976, to oversee social, economic and political improvements in the state. On 3 February 1976, the North Eastern State was divided into three states Bauchi, Borno and Gongola. Buhari then became the first Governor of Borno State from 3 February 1976 to 15 March 1976.

In March 1976, following the botched 1976 military coup d’état attempt which led to the assassination of General Murtala Mohammed, his deputy General Olusegun Obasanjo became the military head of state and appointed Colonel Buhari as the Federal Commissioner for Petroleum and Natural Resources (now minister). In 1977, when the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation was created, Buhari was appointed as its Chairman, a position he held until 1978.

During his tenure as the Federal Commissioner for Petroleum and Natural Resources, the government invested in pipelines and petroleum storage infrastructures. The government built about 21 petroleum storage depots all over the country from Lagos to Maiduguri and from Calabar to Gusau; the administration constructed a pipeline network that connected Bonny terminal and the Port Harcourt refinery to the depots. Also, the administration signed the contract for the construction of a refinery in Kaduna and an oil pipeline that will connect the Escravos oil terminal to Warri Refinery and the proposed Kaduna refinery.

From 1978 to 1979, he was Military Secretary at the Army Headquarters and was a member of the Supreme Military Council from 1978 to 1979. From 1979 to 1980, at the rank of colonel, Buhari (class of 1980) attended the US Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, in the United States, and gained a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies. Upon completion of the on-campus full- time resident program lasting ten months and the two-year-long, distance learning program, the United States Army War College (USAWC) college awards its graduate officers a master’s degree in Strategic Studies.


General Officer Commanding, 4th Infantry Division: August 1980 – January 1981
General Officer Commanding, 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division: January 1981 – October 1981
General Officer Commanding, 3rd Armed Division: October 1981 – December 1983.
Head of State (1983–85)


Major-General Buhari was one of the leaders of the military coup of December 1983 that overthrew the democratically elected government of President Shehu Shagari. At the time of the coup plot, Buhari was the General Officer Commanding (GOC), Third Armoured Division of Jos. With the successful execution of the coup by General Buhari, Tunde Idiagbon was appointed Chief of General Staff (the de facto No. 2 in the administration). The coup ended Nigeria’s short-lived Second Republic, a period of multi-party democracy started in 1979.

According to The New York Times, the officers who took power argued that “a flawed democracy was worse than no democracy at all”. Buhari justified the military’s seizure of power by castigating the civilian government as hopelessly corrupt and promptly suspended the constitution. Another rationale for the coup was to correct economic decline in Nigeria. Sani Abacha in the military’s first broadcast after the coup linked ‘ an inept and corrupt leadership’ with general economic decline. In Buhari’s New Year day speech, he too mentioned the corrupt class of the Second Republic but also as the cause of a general decline in morality in the society.


The structure of the new military leadership which was also the fifth in Nigeria since independence resembled the last military regime, the Obasanjo/Yaradua administration. The new regime established a Supreme Military Council, a Federal Executive Council and a Council of States. The number of ministries was trimmed to 18 while the administration carried out a retrenchment exercise among the senior ranks of the civil service and police. It retired 17 permanent secretaries and some senior police and naval officers. In addition, the new military administration promulgated new laws to achieve its aim. These laws included the Robbery and Firearms (Special Provisions) Decree for the prosecution of armed robbery cases, the State Security (Detention of Person) Decree which gave powers to the military to detain individuals suspected of jeopardizing state security or causing economic adversity.

Other decrees included the Civil Service Commission and Public Offenders Decree which constituted the legal and administrative basis to conduct a purge in the civil service.

According to Decree Number 2 of 1984, the state security and the chief of staff were given the power to detain, without charges, individuals deemed to be a security risk to the state for up to three months. Strikes and popular demonstrations were banned and Nigeria’s security agency, the National Security Organization (NSO) was entrusted with unprecedented powers. The NSO played a wide role in the cracking down of public dissent by intimidating, harassing and jailing individuals who broke the interdiction on strikes. By October 1984, about 200,000 civil servants were retrenched. Buhari mounted an offensive against entrenched interests. In 20 months as Head of State, about 500 politicians, officials and businessmen were jailed for corruption during his stewardship. Detainees were released after releasing sums to the government and agreeing to meet certain conditions.

In 1984, Buhari passed Decree Number 4, the Protection Against False Accusations Decree, considered by scholars as the most repressive press law ever enacted in Nigeria. Section 1 of the law provided that “Any person who publishes in any form, whether written or otherwise, any message, rumour, report or statement which is false in any material particular or which brings or is calculated to bring the Federal Military Government or the Government of a state or public officer to ridicule or disrepute, shall be guilty of an offense under this Decree”. The law further stated that offending journalists and publishers will be tried by an open military tribunal, whose ruling would be final and unappealable in any court and those found guilty would be eligible for a fine not less than 10,000 naira and a jail sentence of up to two years.


In order to reform the economy, as Head of State, Buhari started to rebuild the nation’s social-political and economic systems, along the realities of Nigeria’s austere economic conditions. The rebuilding included removing or cutting back the excesses in national expenditure, obliterating or removing completely, corruption from the nation’s social ethics, shifting from mainly public sector employment to self-employment. Buhari also encouraged import substitution industrialization based to a great extent on the use of local materials. However, tightening of imports led to reduction in raw materials for industries causing many industries to operate below capacity, reduction of workers and in some cases business closure.

Buhari broke ties with the International Monetary Fund, when the fund asked the government to devalue the naira by 60%. However, the reforms that Buhari instigated on his own were as or more rigorous as those required by the IMF.

On 7th May 1984, Buhari announced the country’s 1984 National Budget. The budget came with a series of complementary measures:

A temporary ban on recruiting federal public sector workers
Raising of Interest rates
Halting Capital Projects
Prohibition of borrowing by State governments
15 percent cut from Shagari’s 1983 Budget
Realignment of import duties
Reducing the balance of payment deficit by cutting imports
It also gave priority to the importation of raw materials and spare parts that were needed for agriculture and industry.

Other economic measures by Buhari took the form of counter trade, currency change, price reduction of goods and services. His economic policies did not earn him the legitimacy of the masses due to the rise in inflation and the use of military might to continue to push many policies blamed for the rise in food prices.


One of the most enduring legacies of the Buhari government has been the War Against Indiscipline (WAI). Launched on 20 March 1984, the policy tried to address the perceived lack of public morality and civic responsibility of Nigerian society. Unruly Nigerians were ordered to form neat queues at bus stops, under the eyes of whip-wielding soldiers. Civil servants who failed to show up on time at work were humiliated and forced to do “frog jumps”. Minor offenses carried long sentences. Any student over the age of 17 caught cheating on an exam would get 21 years in prison. Counterfeiting and arson could lead to the death penalty.

Buhari’s administration enacted three decrees to investigate corruption and control foreign exchange. The Banking (Freezing of Accounts) Decree of 1984, allotted to the Federal Military Government the power to freeze bank accounts of persons suspected to have committed fraud. The Recovery of Public Property (Special Military Tribunals) Decree permitted the government to investigate the assets of public officials linked with corruption and constitute a military tribunal to try such persons. The Exchange Control (Anti-Sabotage) Decree stated penalties for violators of foreign exchange laws.

Decree 20 on illegal ship bunkering and drug trafficking was another example of Buhari’s tough approach to crime. Section 3 (2) (K) provided that “any person who, without lawful authority deals in, sells, smokes or inhales the drug known as cocaine or other similar drugs, shall be guilty under section 6 (3) (K) of an offence and liable on conviction to suffer death sentence by firing squad.” In the case of Bernard Ogedengebe, the Decree was applied retroactively. He was executed even if at the time of his arrest the crime did not mandate the capital punishment, but had carried a sentence of six months imprisonment. In another prominent case of April 1985, six Nigerians were condemned to death under the same decree: Sidikatu Tairi, Sola Oguntayo, Oladele Omosebi, Lasunkanmi Awolola, Jimi Adebayo and Gladys Iyamah.

In 1985, prompted by economic uncertainties and a rising crime rate, the government of Buhari opened the borders (closed since April 1984) with Benin, Niger, Chad and Cameroon to speed up the expulsion of 700,000 illegal foreigners and illegal migrant workers.



In August 1985, Major General Buhari was overthrown in a coup led by General Ibrahim Babangida and other members of the ruling Supreme Military Council (SMC). Babangida brought many of Buhari’s most vocal critics into his administration, including Fela Kuti’s brother Olikoye Ransome-Kuti, a doctor who had led a strike against Buhari to protest declining health care services. Buhari was then detained in Benin City until 1988.

Buhari’s admirers believe that he was overthrown by corrupt elements in his government who were afraid of being brought to justice as his policies were beginning to yield tangible dividends in terms of public discipline, curbing corruption, lowering inflation, enhancing workforce and improving productivity. Ibrahim Babangida justified his coup d’état by saying that Buhari failed to deal with the country’s economic problems and promised “to rejuvenate the economy ravaged by decades of government mismanagement and corruption”.


Buhari spent three years of detention in a small guarded bungalow in Benin. He had access to television that showed two channels and members of his family were allowed to visit him on the authorization of Babangida.

In December 1988, after his mother’s death he was released and retired to his residence in Daura. While in detention, his farm was managed by his relatives. He divorced his first wife in 1988 and married Aisha Halilu. In Katsina, he became the pioneer chairman of Katsina Foundation that was founded to encourage social and economic development in Katsina State.


Buhari served as the Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund (PTF), a body created by the government of General Sani Abacha, and funded from the revenue generated by the increase in price of petroleum products, to pursue developmental projects around the country. A 1998 report in New African praised the PTF under Buhari for its transparency, calling it a rare “success story”. While Buhari was Chairman of the Petroleum Trust Fund, critics had questioned the PTF’s allocation of 20% of its resources to the military, which they feared would not be accountable for the revenue.



In 1971, Buhari married his first wife, Safinatu (née Yusuf). They had five children together, four girls and one boy. Their first daughter, Zulaihat (Zulai) was named after Buhari’s mother. Their other children are Fatima, Musa (deceased son), Hadiza, and Safinatu. On 14 January 2006, Safinatu, the former first lady, died from complications of diabetes.

In November 2012, Buhari’s first daughter, Zulaihat (née Buhari) Junaid died from sickle cell anaemia, two days after having a baby at a hospital in Kaduna.

In 1988, Buhari and his first wife Safinatu divorced. In December 1989, Buhari married his second and current wife Aisha Buhari (née Halilu). They also had five children together, a boy and four girls: Aisha, Halima, Yusuf, Zahra and Amina.


In 2015, Buhari declared US$150,000 cash; in addition to five homes and two mud houses as well as farms, an orchard and a ranch of 270 head of cattle, 25 sheep, five horses and a variety of birds, shares in three firms, two undeveloped plots of land, and two cars bought from his savings.[211]


National honours

Year Country Decoration Presenter Notes

1983 Nigeria, Grand Commander of the Order of the Federal Republic




Oluyemi Oluleke Osinbajo, SAN, GCON is the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Born on March 8 1957 at Creek Hospital, Lagos, Yemi is a professor of law and a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. He is married to Oludolapo Osinbajo (nee Soyode), grand-daughter of the late Sage and Statesman, Chief Obafemi Awolowo. They are blessed with three children.

Yemi’s early years in primary school were spent at Corona School Lagos. Between 1969- 1975, he attended Igbobi College, Yaba where he was the winner of the State Merit Award (1971); the School Prize for English Oratory (1972); Adeoba Prize for English Oratory (1972-1975); Elias Prize for Best Performance in History (WASC, 1973); School Prize for Literature (HSC, 1975); and African Statesman Intercollegiate Best Speaker’s Prize (1974).

Thereafter, he studied for his undergraduate degree at the University of Lagos between 1975-1978 when he obtained a Second-Class Upper Degree in Law. Here, he also won the Graham-Douglas Prize for Commercial Law.

In 1979, he completed the mandatory one-year professional training at the Nigerian Law School whereon he was admitted to practice as a Barrister and Solicitor of Nigeria’s Supreme Court. In 1980, he attended the London School of Economics & Political Science, where he obtained a Master of Laws degree. An accomplished scholar, teacher, lawyer and administrator, Yemi is one of the nation’s leading experts on the Law of Evidence, National and Regional Corporate Commercial Laws and Public.


In 1981, the University of Lagos, Nigeria, engaged Osinbajo as a Lecturer.

From 1988–1992, he was appointed as an Adviser (Legal Advice and Litigation), to the then Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Prince Bola Ajibola KBE.

In 1994, he became a Professor of Law following which he was appointed Head of Department of Public Law, University of Lagos.

Staff Member, United Nations Operations in Somalia, Justice Division, UNOSOM II

Member, United Nations Secretary General’s Committee of Experts on Conduct and Discipline of UN, Peacekeeping Personnel around the globe, Member, 2006. Partner in Law Firm of Osinbajo, Kukoyi & Adokpaye.


Yemi is a member of the International Bar Association and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and has served on the Nigerian Body of Benchers and the Council for Legal Education of Nigeria. He was also an independent director of CitiBank Nigeria and an ethics adviser to the board of the Africa Development Bank (ADB). He has authored several books.


While in public office as Attorney General, Lagos, Yemi is credited with undertaking far-reaching significant judicial reform in Lagos State, addressing critical areas as judges’ recruitment, remuneration, training and discipline. In addition, he addressed access to justice for the poor by establishing appropriate institutions in the Office of the Public Defender (OPD) and the Citizens Mediation Centre (CMC).

Yemi founded the Orderly Society Trust (OST) involved in an Excel literacy

program that aim to provide children in public primary schools with the same level of training in English as is available to their counterparts in private schools. Yemi also co-founded Justice Research Institute (Gte), a justice sector think tank as well as the Convention on Business Integrity.


As a spiritual leader, Osinbajo has organized various initiatives that work towards social justice. He organizes the Liberty Schools Project that provides free primary school education with free school lunches to poor children. This Project has three sites in poor communities in Obanikoro, Ikota and Makoko, all in Lagos. Other initiatives include free health care facilities, free legal services, social rehabilitation, skills acquisition for the very poor, a regular soup kitchen service, and free shelter for young people without accommodation. He is an ordained Pastor of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and an Emeritus Ambassador for the Environment in Lagos.


After the formation of the All Progressives Congress (APC), Prof. Yemi Osinbajo was tasked with other notable Nigerians in the party with the development of a manifesto for the new political party. This culminated in the presentation of the “Roadmap to a New Nigeria”, a document published by APC as its manifesto in 2013. The highlights of the Roadmap included a free meal school plan, and a conditional cash transfer to millions of the poorest Nigerians if they enroll their children in school and immunize them. On 17 December 2014, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, retired General Muhammadu Buhari, announced Osinbajo as his running mate and vice-presidential candidate for the 2015 general elections. On the 31st of March 2015, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) confirmed the Buhari/Osinbajo ticket having won the Presidential election, thus Osinbajo became the Vice President-elect of Nigeria. They were both sworn in on the 29th of May 2015 for the first term. In February 2019, the Buhari/ Osinbajo ticket won the Presidential Elections for a second term in office starting May 29th, 2019.


Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan (born 12 January 1959) is a Nigerian senator who serves as the President of the Senate of Nigeria. He represent Yobe North Constituency of Yobe State under the All Progressive Congress (APC). His tenure as a senator started since 2007 Nigeria general election. In 2019, he emerged the new Senate President of the 9th National Assembly with 79 votes cast to beat Senator Mohammed Ali Ndume with 28 votes.

Ahmed Ibrahim Lawan was a lecturer with a Nigeria federal university of Maiduguri, Borno North-Eastern state and a politician and senator now the president of the Nigerian senate. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Maiduguri in 1984. a master’s degree in Remote Sensing from the Ahmadu Bello University and a Doctorate degree in Remote Sensing/GIS from Cranfield University, UK, in 1990 and 1996 respectively.


Elected to the House of Representatives for the northern state of Yobe in 1999, at different times Lawan chaired the House Committees on education and agriculture.

Lawan was elected to the Senate in 2007. In 2008, he was a member of the National Assembly’s Joint Committee on Constitution Review. In 2009, as chairman of the Senate committee on Public Accounts, Lawan initiated and sponsored the Desertification Control Commission Bill.

In August 2009, Senator Lawan spoke against the proposed Kafin Zaki Dam. He stated that the Tiga Dam and Challawa Gorge Dam had already reduced water flow drastically, and the Jama’are River was now the main source of water in the Yobe River. He said the dams caused intense poverty, increased desert encroachment, migration and conflicts between arable farmers and herdsmen.

Lawan ran for reelection in Yobe North Senatorial District on the ANPP platform in the 9 April 2011 elections. He won with 92,799 votes, trailed by Hassan Kafayos Hussaini of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) with 76,960 votes.



In 2015 Lawan ran for the senate president after APC zoned the position to the north eastern Nigeria based on the party’s power sharing formula among the six geo-political zones at the time. The zoning meant that only senators elected on the platform of the party (APC) from the six states in the north east could run for senate president. After consultations with critical political stakeholders and senators elect from the north east, Lawan was endorsed and presented to the national leadership of the party who anointed him as the candidate of the party for senate president. The APC zoning arrangement prevents other senators elect who are form other zones from contesting for the seat. But senator Bukola Saraki from Kwara State, north central disagreed with the party’s arrangement saying all qualified candidates should be allowed to exercise their constitutional rights to run for positions of leadership of the Nigerian Senate. Saraki declared his candidacy against the party’s zoning principle.

On the morning of June 9, 2015 the day for the election of the senate president 51 senators of the APC gathered at the International Conference Centre waiting for a truce meeting reportedly called by the leadership of the APC and President Muhammadu Buhari with a clear objective to prevail on senator Saraki to drop his ambition and support Lawan when 57 senators mostly of the opposition PDP and a few senators of APC present conducted the election. Saraki won the election by 57 unanimous votes of the senators present during the election. Lawal was at the International Conference Centre when the election was conducted and a winner emerged. That event finally nailed his ambition for the president of the 8th senate.

2019 After meeting with the Nigerian president Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday, June 6, 2019, Senator Danjuma Goje stepped down for Senator Lawan from the Senate Presidency race. On June 11, 2019, Senator Ahmed Lawan of APC was elected and sworn in as the Senate President of the Nigerian 9th Assembly, after defeating his opponent, Senator Ali Ndume who is also an APC Senator. Senator Ahmed Lawan defeated his opponent with 79 votes to 28


Senator Ovie Omo-Agege (born 23 August 1963) is a Nigerian lawyer and politician who is currently the Deputy President of the Nigerian Senate. He is senator representing the Delta State Central Senatorial District at the Nigerian senate. He was first elected in 2011 into the 8th senate. Omo-Agege is from the Orogun clan of the Urhobo ethnic group in Ughelli North local Government area of Delta State. He emerged the Deputy President of the Nigerian Senate of the 9th National Assembly on June 11, 2019 after he defeated his rival, Ike Ekweremadu with a margin of 31 votes to win the second leadership position of the National Assembly.

Omo-Agege is the first senator from Delta State to emerge as Deputy Senate President, and also the first Delta Central senator to be written by Perry


Omo-Agege was born on August 3, 1963 in Delta State. He attended St. George Grammar school, Obinomba Obiaruku, Delta State.


Omo-Agege graduated in 1985 from the University of Benin with a degree in Law. He was called to the Nigerian bar in 1986.

In 2002, he obtained his master’s degree in law from Tulane University Law School.


Omo-Agege was deployed to Kwara State for his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). He completed his NYSC with the Directorate of Criminal investigation and intelligence, Nigerian Police Force, Kwara State Command. Omo-Agege started his career in law by working with Pat Okupa & Co. in Lagos in 1987.

In 1989, Omo-Agege co-founded a law firm; Agege & Co. Omo-Agege moved to the United States of America in 1990, where he worked as a foreign associate at Charles O Agege’s law office in Los Angeles, California.

Omo-Agege was called to the state bar of California, United State District Court and the United States Supreme Court, Washington, DC. Omo-Agege returned to Nigeria in 1992 to establish Omo-Agege & Associates where he was also Senior Partner. In 1996, he merged his firm Omo-Agege & associates in a partnership resulting in the name Agege & Esin.


Omo-Agege started out in politics by contesting for the ticket to be a representative at the Delta State House of Representatives under the platform of the People’s Democratic Party, a ticket he lost in the party primaries. In 2003, former governor of Delta State, James Ibori, appointed Omo-Agege as an executive assistant, a position he held for two years. He was later appointed as a commissioner for special duties by the governor.

Omo-Agege ran for the office of the Governor of Delta State but lost out at the People Democratic Party’s primaries to Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan.

Omo-Agege was appointed as the Secretary to State Government (SSG) of Delta State by Governor James Ibori in 2007.

Omo-Agege ran for Senate in 2015 under the platform of the Labour Party (Nigeria). He was elected as a senator representing Delta central senatorial district on March 28, 2015.

Omo-Agege defected from the Labour Party to All Progressive Congress (APC) on March 7, 2017.

Ovie Omo-Agege was re-elected as the senator representing Delta Central in 2019 general elections. On June 11, 2019, he emerged as the new Deputy Senate President of the 9th National Assembly with 68 votes cast to beat Senator Ike Ekweremadu with 37 votes.

The South-South caucus of the All Progressives Congress (APC), on Thursday 28th of November 2019 chose the Deputy Senate President, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege, as the leader of the party in the region.


Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nigeria


Assumed office

12 June 2019

Preceded by Yakubu Dogara

Personal details

Born 25 June 1962 (age 58)

Lagos State, Nigeria

Nationality Nigerian

party All Progressive Congress (APC)

spouse Salamatu Gbajabiamila

Residence Lagos

Alma mater University of Lagos

Occupation Legislature


Olufemi Hakeem Gbajabiamila (born 25 June 1962), is a Nigerian lawyer, All Progressives Congress Leader, and Speaker of Nigeria’s 9th House of Representatives.

Early life and education Olufemi “Femi” Hakeem Gbajabiamila was born on 25 June 1962 to Lateef Gbajabiamila and Olufunke Gbajabiamila in Lagos, Nigeria. He attended Mainland Preparatory School for elementary education and Igbobi College in 1973 for secondary education.

Subsequently he enrolled at King William’s College on the Isle of Man, United Kingdom for his A-Level. He was accepted into the University of Lagos, Nigeria.

He graduated from Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) with honors in 1983 and was called to the Nigerian bar in 1984.

He first worked for the law firm, Bentley Edu & Co., in Lagos, and then established his own law firm, Femi Gbaja & Co. He then earned his Juris Doctor from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School in Georgia, USA, passed the Georgian bar exam in 2001, and set up a law firm in Atlanta. While in the USA, he actively participated in the election of Bill Campbell who later went on to become Mayor of Atlanta.


Gbajabiamila was elected to the House in 2003, and re-elected in 2007. He represents the Surulere I constituency of Lagos State (see Nigerian National Assembly delegation from Lagos) in the House of Representatives.

He is the Speaker of the House of Representation.

Gbaja Biamila has criticized members of Congress for switching parties. He suggested that many voters don’t have access to the information to

make choices based on every individual stance, and therefore are sometimes only voting for candidates based on their party alignment. He criticized floppers with this in mind, saying the effect “cannot be anything but negative.”

Gbajabiamila was the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives in the 7th National Assembly.

He was head of the House of Representatives ad hoc committee investigating claims by the Asset Management Company of Nigeria (AMCON) that 140.9 Billion Naira (about $1Bn), which was owed by ‘Zenon Petroleum & Gas Limited’ and ‘Forte Oil Plc’, has been paid. The call for investigation of the reported payment was made by another lawmaker, Bimbo Daramola who moved the motion that the House set up a panel to verify the claims by AMCON that the Femi Otedola-owned two companies have paid back the money which the government of Nigeria paid for petroleum products reportedly not delivered as agreed upon by the dictates of the government’s fuel subsidy scheme.

Bimbo Daramola had suspected that the payment, if truly made, was “shrouded in secrecy.”

He was elected speaker in the 9th National Assembly, House of Representative, with 283 vote, while his opponent Mohammed Umar Bago, came Second with 78 votes.


Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nigeria


Assumed office

June 2019

Preceded by Yusuf Lasun

Deputy House Leader of the House of Representatives of Nigeria

In office

June 2015 – June 2019

Personal details

Born 1 June 1964 (age 56)

Plateau State, Nigeria

Nationality Nigerian

Political party All Progressive Congress (APC)

Spouse(s) 2 Wives

Children 9 children

Residence Abuja

Alma mater Plateau State polytechnic

Occupation Legislature


Ahmed Idris attended LSB Primary School Bashar in Wase, Plateau, Government Secondary school Mbar, Government Secondary school Dengi, Plateau state Polytechnic, Kaduna State Polytechnic and Harvard Kennedy School of Government United States

Non-Political Offices

Civil & Maintenance, Works Dept. C.O.E., Gindiri Member.
Sub-Establishment Committee, C.O.E., Gindiri.
Chairman, Non-Academic Staff Union, C.O.E., Gindiri (1989–1994).

Chairman, Senior Staff Welfare Committee (1990–1993).
Chairman, Joint Academic & Non-Academic Staff Union of Plateau State Tertiary Institutions (1992–1994).
President, Civil Eng. Students Association., Kaduna Poly Branch (1994–1995).
Dir. Of organization, Gamji Memorial Club, KadPoly Branch (1994–1995).
Chairman, Non-Academic Staff Union, Plateau State Council (1999–2002).


Deputy House Leader of the Federal House of Representatives, 2018–2019.
Member of the Federal Government Delegation to the 89th Session of the United Nations General Assembly held in New York, United States, 2016.
Governing Council Member of the National Institute of Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), 2015.
Member into the Federal House of Representatives in Nigeria, 2007-
Executive Secretary of State Pilgrims Board, Plateau State, 2005–2006
Ahmed Wase was elected into the lower Chamber of the National Assembly in 2007 and is currently serving his fourth term as a member of House of Representatives, Wase Federal Constituency. He worked in the following committees as Member House of Representatives:
Federal Character
Emergency & Disaster
Public Account
Area Council
Housing and Habitat
Capital Market
Poverty Alleviation
Petroleum (Upstream)
Public Petitions and Labour
Youth and Employment Head of Section

Hon. Ahmed Wase has demonstrated to his constituents that good governance and quality representation is possible hence the positive impact to the masses, giving priority to Education, Health, Good Road and water as his legislative interest. Also accredited to him are the following; Sponsorship of Students Scholarships, Infrastructural Development which includes: Solar Street lights, Hand pump and Motorized Bores-holes, Renovation of Primary Healthcare Centre’s, Building of Skills Acquisition Centre’s, lobbying for the Construction of Roads and Renovation of Secondary and Primary Schools etc.

He is an effective advocate for Youth Empowerment and poverty Alleviation. He has achieved these through: issuing of grants to the Youths and providing welfare packages to the less privileged. He was elected Deputy speaker in 9th National Assembly, House of Representative, with 358 votes unopposed.


Best Legislator in Plateau State- Plateau State Award Committee
Award for Excellence by Centre for Values and Ethics
Leadership Excellence Award by University of Jos


12th Governor of Lagos State

Succeeded by Babatunde Fashola

Political party       All Progressives Congress

(2013 to present)

Other political affiliations

Social Democratic Party


Alliance for Democracy


Action Congress of Nigeria

(2006 to 2013)

Spouse(s)    Oluremi Tinubu

Occupation Accountant, politician

Tinubu was born on 29th March, 1952 in the city of Lagos, Nigeria. His Mother, Chief Abibatu Mogaji, was a trader who eventually became the Iyaloja of Lagos.

He attended St. John’s Primary School, Aroloya, Lagos and Children’s Home School in Ibadan, South West of Nigeria. Tinubu then went to the United States in 1975, where he studied first at Richard J. Daley College in Chicago, Illinois, and then at Chicago State University. He graduated in 1979 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting.

Tinubu worked for the American Companies Arthur Andersen, Deloitte, Haskins, & Sells, and GTE Services Corporation. After returning to Nigeria in 1983, Bola Tinubu joined Mobil Oil Nigeria, and later became an Executive of the company.


His political career began in 1992, when he joined the Social Democratic Party (SDP) where he was a member of the Peoples Front faction led by Shehu Musa Yar’Adua and made up of other politicians such as Umaru Yar’Adua, Atiku Abubakar, Baba Gana Kingibe, Rabiu Kwankwaso, Abdullahi Aliyu Sumaila, Magaji Abdullahi, Dapo Sarumi and Yomi Edu. He was elected to the Senate, representing the Lagos West constituency in the short-lived Nigerian Third Republic.

After the results of the  June 12th , 1993 Presidential Elections were annulled, Tinubu became a founding member of the Pro-democracy National Democratic Coalition, a group which mobilized support for the restoration of democracy and recognition of Moshood Abiola as winner of the June 12th election. Following the seizure of power as military head of state of General Sani Abacha, he went into exile in 1994 and returned to the country in 1998 after the death of the military dictator, which ushered in the transition to the Fourth Nigerian Republic.

In the run-up to the 1999 elections, Bola Tinubu was a protege of Alliance for Democracy (AD) leaders Abraham Adesanya and Ayo Adebanjo. He went on to win the AD primaries for the Lagos State Governorship Elections in defeating Funsho Williams and Wahab Dosunmu, a former Minister of Works and Housing. In January 1999, he stood for the position of Governor of Lagos State on the AD ticket and was elected.


When he assumed office in May 1999, Tinubu promised 10,000 housing units for the poor with little achieved. During the eight-year period of his being in office, he made large investments in education in the state and also reduced the number of schools in the state by returning many schools to the already settled former owners. He also initiated new road construction, required to meet the needs of the fast-growing population of the state.

Tinubu, alongside a new deputy governor, Femi Pedro, won re-election into office as governor in April 2003. All other states in the South West fell to the People’s Democratic Party in those elections. He was involved in a struggle with the Olusegun Obasanjo-controlled federal government over whether Lagos State had the right to create new Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) to meet the needs of its large population. The controversy led to the federal government seizing funds meant for local councils in the state.  During the latter part of his term in office, he was engaged in continuous clashes with PDP powers such as Adeseye Ogunlewe, a former Lagos State senator who had become minister of works, and Bode George, the southwest chairman of the PDP.

Relations between Tinubu and deputy governor Femi Pedro became increasingly tense after Pedro declared his intention to run for the gubernatorial elections. Pedro competed to become the AC candidate for governor in the 2007 elections, but withdrew his name on the eve of the party nomination. He defected to the Labour Party while still keeping his position as deputy governor. Tinubu’s tenure as Lagos State Governor ended on 29 May 2007, when his successor Babatunde Fashola of the Action Congress took office.


In 2007, following the landslide victory of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the April 2007 elections, Tinubu was active in negotiations to bring together the fragmented opposition parties into a “mega-party” capable of challenging the PDP. In February 2013, Tinubu’s negotiations in creating a “mega opposition” party became paid off with the merger of Nigeria’s three biggest opposition parties – the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP), a faction of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) and the new PDP (nPDP), a faction of serving governors of the then ruling People’s Democratic Party into the All Progressives Congress (APC).

In 2014, Tinubu supported former military head of state General Muhammadu Buhari, leader of the CPC faction of the APC – who commanded widespread following in Northern Nigeria, and had previously contested in the 2003, 2007, and 2011 presidential elections as the APC presidential candidate. Tinubu initially wanted to become Buhari’s vice presidential candidate but later conceded for Yemi Osibanjo, his ally and former commissioner of justice. In 2015, Buhari rode the APC to victory, ending the sixteen-year rule of the PDP, and marking the first time in the history of Nigeria that an incumbent president lost to an opposition candidate.

Tinubu has gone on to play an important role in the Buhari administration, supporting government policies and holding onto the internal party reins, in lieu of his long-held rumored presidential aspiration. In 2019, he supported Buhari’s re-election campaign defeating the PDP candidate Atiku Abubakar. In 2020, following an internal party crisis which led to the removal of Tinubu ally and party chairman Adams Oshiomole, it is believed the move was to scuttle Tinubu’s presidential prospects ahead of 2023.

Personal life

He is a Muslim. Tinubu is married to Oluremi Tinubu, the current Senator of the Lagos Central Senatorial District. His nephew, Adewale Tinubu is the CEO of Oando Plc. His mother, Chief Abibatu Mogaji, died on 15 June 2014 at the age of 96. On 31st October 2017, his son Jide Tinubu had a heart attack while in London and was later confirmed dead.


He holds both the chieftaincies of the Asiwaju of Lagos and the Jagaban of Borgu kingdom in Niger State, Nigeria.



He is the Secretary National Caretaker Committee of APC


A former senator for Akwa Ibom North East (1999-2003) on the platform of the PDP and a former Minister of State for FCT in the administration of late President Umaru YarÁdua.


Before then, he served as Chairman of Uyo Local Government Area. And also served as the Chairman of Godswill Akpabio Campaign Organization in 2006/2007.


Mr. Akpanudoedehe, aged 57, was a governorship candidate of ACN in 2011 and later an aspirant on APC platform in 2014 and 2019.


He holds first and a second degree in Sociology and Anthropology from the University of Calabar.

He is married with children.



Babagana Umara Zulum


Governor of Borno State



Assumed office

29 May 2019


Preceded by Kashim Shettima


Personal details

Born 26 August 1969 (age 50)


Nationality Nigerian

Political party All Progressive Congress (APC)


Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum (born August 26, 1969) is a Nigerian professor and politician. He was elected as the governor of Borno State in the governorship election of March 9, 2019 under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC). He was sworn in as governor of Borno State on May 29, 2019.

Early life

Babagana was born in August 26, 1969 in Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State.


After elementary schooling in Mafa Primary School from 1975 to 1980 and secondary education in Government Secondary School, Monguno from 1980 to 1985, he studied at the University of Maiduguri, where he obtained a degree in Agriculture Engineering after which he served as a youth corps member with Katsina State Polytechnic. He proceeded to the University of Ibadan from 1997 to 1998, where he obtained a master’s degree in Agriculture Engineering. In 2005, he enrolled for a PhD in Soil and Water Engineering with the University of Maiduguri which he completed in 2009.


Babagana’s first appointment was in 1989 with Borno State Civil Service as an Assistant Technical Officer in the State’s Ministry of Agriculture. In 1990, Babagana moved into Borno State Unified Local Government Service as Senior Field Overseer and later Principal Water Engineer. In 2000, he took up an appointment with the University of Maiduguri as an assistant Lecturer where he rose to the rank of Professor. Babagana was Deputy Dean and Acting Dean, Faculty of Engineering in 2010 and 2011 respectively. In 2011, Babagana Umara was appointed the Rector of Ramat Polytechnic. Meanwhile, he retained his teaching position in the University of Maiduguri. In 2015, he was made Commissioner of Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Resettlement by Governor Kashim Shetima of Borno State, a position he held till 2018.


October 1, 2018, he won the gubernatorial primaries of the All Progressive Congress for Borno State Professor Babagana was elected to the Office of the Governor of Borno State at the 2019 governorship election held on March 9, 2019 with 1175440 votes.

Zulum’s convoy was attacked by Boko Haram insurgents on July 29, 2020 on Maiduguri-Damaturu highway. Five people were killed including three policemen


John Olukayode Fayemi, (born 9 February 1965) is a Nigerian politician who is currently serving as the Governor of Ekiti State, in office since 16 October 2018. He previously served in office between 2010 and 2014 before losing re-election to Ayodele Fayose. He was also the Minister of Solid Minerals Development in President Muhammadu Buhari’s cabinet from 11 November 2018 to 30 May 2018, when he resigned to contest for a second time as Governor of Ekiti State.

Early life

John Olukayode Fayemi was born on 9 February 1965 a Yoruba native of Isan-Ekiti in Oye Local Government of Ekiti State.


Fayemi attended Christ’s School Ado Ekiti from 1975 to 1980. He later went on to receive degrees in History, Politics and International Relations from the University of Lagos and University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University). From 1989 to 1992, he underwent Doctorate program in War Studies from King’s College London, specializing in civil-military relations.


From 1985 to 1986, he was a Lecturer at the Nigeria-Police Training College in Sokoto. From 1987 to 1989 he was a Research Officer at Development & Management Consultants in Ikeja. From 1991 to 1993 he was a Research Officer at the African Research and Information Bureau in London. In 1992, he was a Tutorial Fellow at the War Studies Department at Kings College, London. From 1993 to 1995, he was the Strategy Development Adviser of Deptford City Challenge in London. From 1995 to 1997, he was the Secretary General of the Media Empowerment for Africa (The Radio Foundation) in London. He was also a journalist with The Guardian and City Tempo; and the Editor of Nigeria-Now, a defunct political monthly magazine.

In 1997, Fayemi returned to Nigeria where he established the Centre for Democracy & Development, a research and training institution dedicated to the study and promotion of democratic development, peace-building and human security in Africa, where he served as Director from 1997 to 2006.

Kayode Fayemi has lectured in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Asia. He has also served as an adviser on transitional justice, regional integration, constitutionalism, security sector reform and civil-military relations issues to various governments, inter-governmental institutions and development agencies.[4] He was the main technical adviser to Nigeria’s The Human Rights Violations Investigation Commission (Oputa Panel), which investigated past abuses and served on the Presidential Implementation Committees on Security Sector Reform, NEPAD and the Millennium Development Goals.[5] He was technical expert to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on small arms and light weapons and United Nations Economic Commission for Africa on governance issues. At other times he has served as a consultant to the OECD on Security Sector Reform and chaired the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative’s Committee of Experts on developing guiding principles and mechanisms of constitution making in Commonwealth Africa.


In 2007, Fayemi made his entry into politics by contesting for Governor of Ekiti State. After three and a half years fighting through the legal system, on 15 October 2010 the appeal court sitting in Kwara state declared Fayemi the duly elected Governor of Ekiti State, and marked the end of Olusegun Oni’s administration as the then Governor of the state. Daily Trust, a national daily, captured the electoral journey in its editorial, published on Friday, 22 October 2010 under the title, Closure to Ekiti 2007 Governorship Saga.

Governor of Ekiti State

In April 2014, Fayemi was endorsed as the governorship candidates of the All Progressives Congress in the state’s gubernatorial elections slated for 21 June 2014. The emergence of Fayemi was preceded by congress held before the governor who had no contestant was endorsed as the flag bearers of their state in the governorship elections. Kayode Fayemi was defeated at the polls on 21 June 2014 by previous governor Ayodele Fayose.

Fayemi re-contested for second term as Ekiti state governor under the platform of the All Progressive Congress in the 14 July, 2018 governorship election after resigning as the Minister of Solid Minerals Development. He was officially declared as the winner of the Governorship election in Ekiti state by the Independent National Electoral Commission on 15 July 2018. He won by 19,345 votes against the People’s Democratic Party’s Kolapo Olusola Eleka who was second.

In October 2018, Fayemi was sworn in as Ekiti State governor for the second time. Fayemi was elected Chairman of the Nigeria Governors’ Forum till 2021.

Fellows and memberships

  • Kayode Fayemi is a Fellow of the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, University of Ibadan
  • Adjunct Professor of Security Studies at the African Centre for Strategic Studies, National Defense University, Fort McNair, Washington, D.C., USA.
  • He was also a Visiting Professor in the African Studies Program at Northwestern University, Evanston, USA in 2004.
  • Dr Fayemi serves on numerous Boards including the Governing Board of the Open Society Justice Institute, Baobab for Women’s Human Rights, African Security Sector Network, and on the Advisory Board of the Global Facilitation Network on Security Sector Reform and on the Management Culture Board of the ECOWAS Secretariat.
  • Member, Africa Policy Advisory Panel of the British Government.



Fayemi has written on governance and democratization, civil-military relations and security sector issues in Africa. Among his recent books are: Deepening the Culture of Constitutionalism: The Role of Regional Institutions in Constitutional Development in Africa (CDD, 2003), Security Sector Governance in Africa: A Handbook (edited with Nicole Ball, CDD, 2004) and Out of the Shadows: Exile and the Struggle for Freedom and Democracy in Nigeria (CDD, 2005).



He was born in June 18, 1975, he’s a Nigerian politician, businessman and the current Governor of Kogi State.

Preceded by Idris Wada

Personal details

Nationality Nigerian

Spouse(s) Amina Oyiza Bello, Hafi Bello, Rashida Yahaya Bello.

Alma mater

Ahmadu Bello University

Early life and education

Bello was born June 18, 1975 in Okene, Kogi State, the youngest of six children. He attended Local Government Education Authority (Nigeria) (LGEA) Primary School, Agassa in Okene LGA beginning in 1984. He was named as a class prefect of class two and was made the school Head Boy in class six. He attended high school at Agassa Community Secondary School, Anyava, Agassa-Okene and obtained his Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination (JSSCE) and Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) certificates from Government Secondary School, Suleja-Niger State in 1994. Bello studied at Kaduna State Polytechnic Zaria in 1995 and obtained an accounting degree from Ahmadu Bello University ABU Zaria in 1999. Yahaya Bello further enrolled for a Master’s program in Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria where he obtained Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in 2002. Bello became a chartered fellow of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria in 2004.

Political career

Bello was declared winner of the 2015 Kogi gubernatorial election after he was chosen on the platform of the All Progressives Congress as the replacement for the late Abubakar Audu who originally won the election but died before the result was declared. On the 16 November 2019, Bello was re-elected after he defeated the PDP opposition by over 200,000 votes.


Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya (born October 9, 1961) is a Nigerian businessman and politician. He is the Executive Governor of Gombe State elected on 9 March 2019, under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC). Early life

He was born on October 9, 1961 in Jekadafari, Gombe State. His father, Alhaji Yahaya Umaru, was a businessman.


After elementary schooling and secondary education, he went to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting in 1983.


His first appointment was with the Bauchi State Investment and Property Development (BSIPDC) as an accountant, and later became the Principal Accountant. He joined Nasara Motors Limited, his family business, as the Administration and Finance Manager and later became Managing Director of the Nasara Group of companies.

In 2003, he was appointed as Commissioner for Finance and Economic Development by Governor Muhammed Danjuma Goje.


Yahaya joined politics in 2003. In the governorship election in 2015, He was the flag bearer of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in Gombe State. On October 1st, 2018. he won the Gombe State gubernatorial seat under All Progressives Congress primary election with the highest votes.

Yahaya was elected to the Office of Governor of Gombe State at the 2019 gubernatorial election which was held on March 9, 2019. He scored a total number of 364,179 votes to defeat his closest rival of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Sen. Usman Bayero Nafada, who polled 222,868 votes.

Personal life

He is married to two wives and has seven children.


Mohammed Badaru Abubakar


Assumed office

29 May 2015

Deputy Alhaji Umar Namadi

Preceded by Sule Lamido

Personal details

Born 29 September 1962 (age 57)


Political party APC

Mohammed Badaru Abubakar (MON) (born in Babura in 1962) is the 4th democratically elected Governor of Jigawa State in Nigeria. He is the Chairman, Presidential Committee on Fertilizer and also the Chairman, Presidential Committee on Non-oil Revenue.


Abubakar is a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria where he obtained a B.Sc. Accounting degree. While studying at the University, he became involved in community activism, sport and business. Badaru is also an alumnus of the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies (NIPSS) in Kuru.

Career as industrialist

After his graduation he established his business, the Talamiz Group, a conglomerate with diverse interest in automobiles, manufacturing, agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as commodity distribution.

Career in politics

Abubakar was Vice President II of the Federation of the West Africa Chamber of Commerce and a Fellow of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria. Prior to that, he was a member of the National Council on Privatization.

Badaru is currently the National President of the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture. He also was a gubernatorial candidate of Action Congress of Nigeria but lost to Sule Lamido. Abubakar also contested for governorship under the platform of the All Progressives Congress in 2015 along with PDP contender Mal. Aminu Ibrahim Ringim. The Independent National Electoral Commission on 13 April 2015, declared him the winner of that election.

On 9 March 2019 Jigawa state gubernatorial election, Badaru was re-elected as governor having polled a total of 810,933 votes, the candidate of the People’s Democratic Party, PDP, Aminu Ibrahim Ringim scored 288,356 while the candidate of the Social Democratic Party, SDP, Bashir Adamu Jumbo scored 32,894 votes, thereby making him the winner of the election.


In recognition of his hard work, philanthropic activities, Abubakar was conferred with the traditional title of Sardaunan Ringim and Walin Jahun in Ringim and Jahun emirate council respectively. He was also conferred with the national honour of the Member of The Order of Niger (MON) by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai (born 16 February 1960) is a Nigerian politician who was elected Governor of Kaduna State since 2015. was previously the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory from 2003 to 2007; and the director of the Bureau of Public Enterprises He is a founding member of the ruling All Progressives Congress.


Nasir Ahmad el-Rufai was born on February 16th, 1960 to a Fulani family in Daudawa. His father died while he was 8 years old, and he was sponsored through his early schooling by an uncle in Kaduna. El-Rufai is married to three wives, including writer and novelist Hadiza Isma El-Rufai. Together, they run the Yasmin El-Rufai Foundation (YELF), set up in honour of his daughter who died in 2011.


El-Rufai was educated in Barewa College. As a junior at the college, President Umaru Yar’Adua was the house captain of his dormitory. In 1976, he graduated at the top of his class, winning the “Barewa Old Boys’ Association Academic Achievement” Trophy. El-Rufai attended Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, where he received a bachelor’s degree in quantity surveying with first class honours.

In 1984, he received a Master of Business Administration from Harvard Business School. He has since attended several professional and post-graduate programs, including the Georgetown School of Foreign Service of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C and programs on privatization and leadership.

In exile, he received a law degree from the University of London in August 2008, and a master’s degree in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University in June 2009. He also received the Kennedy School Certificate in Public Policy and Management having spent 11 months as an Edward A. Mason Fellow in Public Policy and Management from July 2008 to June 2009.

Professional career 

In 1982, he founded El-Rufai & Partners, a quantity surveying consulting firm with three partners which he managed until 1998. During the military juntas of 1983–1998, the firm received building and civil engineering contracts including during the construction of Abuja, making the partners “young millionaires”. In addition to his practice, El-Rufai held management positions with two international telecommunications companies, AT&T Network Systems International BV and Motorola Inc.

Early political career

In 1998, following the death of military head of state General Sani Abacha, his successor General Abdulsalami Abubakar appointed El-Rufai as an economic advisor. In this role he worked with the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

In 1999, the military transferred power to President Olusegun Obasanjo. In November 1999, he was appointed the director of the Bureau of Public Enterprises, and secretary of the National Council of Privatization where he spearheaded the privatization of several government owned corporations alongside Vice President Atiku Abubakar.

Minister of the Federal Capital Territory

In July 2003, he was appointed the Minister of the Federal Capital Territory. During his tenure, he presided over a radical transformation of the federal capital earlier riddled with corruption and vast deviation from the original masterplan. With the establishment of the Abuja Geographic Information System, the capital became the first municipality in Nigeria with a computerized land register and information system.

Along with the President and members of the Economic Management Team, he led the reform of the Nigerian public service which had become dysfunctional during years of military dictatorship. At various times during his tenure as Minister, he oversaw the Federal Ministries of Commerce (twice) and Interior. He also chaired several high-profile cabinet committees that led to the establishment of a mortgage system in Nigeria National ID card system for Nigeria, Electric Power Supply Improvement and the sale of Federal Government real estate in Abuja.

During the last days of the Obasanjo administration, Nuhu Ribadu, a one-time El-Rufai ally described him as the “de facto No. 2 official”, tagging him with the role of Vice President, especially after the fall-out between Obasanjo and his vice president Atiku Abubakar. It is believed that Obasanjo’s trust and confidence in El-Rufai angered a vast majority of the political class, which would later persecute him.


In 2008, el-Rufai went into self-imposed exile and became a vocal critic of the Umaru Yar’Adua administration. In exile, he received a law degree from the University of London in August 2008, and a master’s degree in public administration from the John F. Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University in June 2009. He also received the Kennedy School Certificate in Public Policy and Management having spent 11 months as an Edward A. Mason Fellow in Public Policy and Management from July 2008 to June 2009.



In 2010, he returned to Nigeria and was subsequently arrested by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). He explained his return was in order to clear his name of corruption charges. In 2011, el-Rufai joined party politics with the Congress for Progressive Change supporting Muhammadu Buhari’s campaign in the 2011 presidential election. In 2013, el-Rufai was appointed deputy national secretary of the newly formed All Progressives Congress (APC).

In 2014, El-Rufai declared his campaign for Governor of Kaduna State, contesting the APC governorship primaries to emerged as the party’s candidate for Governor of Kaduna State. He went on to win the governorship election, with over one million votes to defeat the incumbent Governor Mukhtar Ramalan Yero the candidate of the People’s Democratic Party. In 2018, he again emerged as the APC’s governorship candidate. He was re-elected on 9 March 2019, defeating his closet rival by over 200,000 votes.[32]


Governor of Kaduna State

On 29 May 2015, El-Rufai was sworn in as the 22nd Governor of Kaduna State. In his inaugural address, he declared that he and his deputy were cutting their allowances by half pending an improvement in the state’s fiscal situation. On 6 August 2015, El-Rufai in one of his first acts as governor announced that Kaduna State will adopt the Treasury Single Account policy by 1 September of the same year. At the end of the exercise, 470 accounts belonging to different ministries, departments and agencies were closed and a sum of N24.7 billion was recovered and remitted to the Kaduna State Government TSA with the Central Bank of Nigeria.


By blocking leakages and cutting the cost of running government, it is estimated that the El-Rufai administration was able to save N1.2 billion in just two months. El-Rufai also reformed the civil service in Kaduna State and reduced the number of ministries from 19 to 13 and the number of permanent secretaries from 35 to 18. In a bid to reduce the cost of governance, El-Rufai appointed only 13 commissioners, 10 special advisers and 12 special assistants as against the 24 commissioners, 41 special advisers and about 400 special assistants appointed by the previous administration.


As governor, El-Rufai has embarked on a comprehensive education reform with the goal of revamping the moribund state of education. El-Rufai sacked over 22,000 unqualified primary teachers. El-Rufai’s administration launched the School Feeding Program, aimed at providing one free meal per day to 1.5 million pupils in public primary schools within the state. He also abolished the collection of fees and levies in public primary and junior secondary schools in Kaduna, thereby removing a financial burden of N3 billion from the parents.

On March 28 2020, El-Rufai tested positive for COVID-19, following contact with an index case. He placed a curfew in Kaduna State and restricted movement, to prevent the spread of the virus.






























Abdullahi Umar Ganduje



Governor of Kano State



Assumed office

29 May 2015


Personal details


Born 25 December 1949 (age 70)

Ganduje, Northern Region, British Nigeria

(now Ganduje, Nigeria)


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressive Congress (2014 to present)


Other political

affiliations People’s Democratic Party

(1998 to 2014)


Spouse(s) Hafsat Umar


Children Fatima Umar Ganduje

Muhammad Umar Ganduje


Education Government College, Birnin Kudu

Alma mater Ahmadu Bello University

Bayero University Kano

University of Ibadan


Occupation Politician




Abdullahi Umar Ganduje OFR (born 25 December 1949) is a Nigerian politician who is currently serving as the Governor of Kano State. He took over office in 2015. He previously served as Rabiu Kwankwaso’s deputy governor twice, between 1999 and 2003 and 2011 to 2015.


Ganduje was born in Ganduje village of Dawakin Tofa Local Government Area of Kano State in 1949. He started his early education in Qur’anic and Islamiyya school at his village, Ganduje, where he was trained in Islamic knowledge. He later moved to headquarters of his local government where he attended Dawakin Tofa Primary School from 1956 to 1963. Ganduje attended the prestigious Government College, Birnin Kudu from 1964 to 1968.

Ganduje attended Advanced Teachers’ College, Kano between 1969 and 1972. He then attended Ahmadu Bello University, located in Zaria, Kaduna State, where he graduated with a Bachelors in Science Education in 1975. In 1979 he obtained master’s degree in applied educational psychology from Bayero University Kano and later returned to Ahmadu Bello University from 1984 to 1985 for a Master of Public Administration degree. He received his doctorate in Public Administration from University of Ibadan in 1993.


Early political career

Ganduje joined the National Party of Nigeria (NPN) during the Second Nigerian Republic and served as Kano State Assistant Secretary from 1979 to 1980. He contested the House of Representatives election in 1979 under the NPN but lost the election. Between 1984 and 1994, he held various government positions in the Federal Capital Development Authority, and in 1994 he became the Kano State Commissioner of Ministry of Works, Housing, and Transport.

In 1998, he joined the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and aspired to be the party’s gubernatorial candidate, in the primaries supervised by Tony Momoh, Abdullahi Aliyu Sumaila and Senator Bala Tafidan Yauri amongst others; he lost to Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso.

Ganduje was later picked as the deputy to Governor Rabiu Kwankwaso between 1999 and 2003. In addition to the deputy governorship, he was also appointed as the Commissioner for Local Government. From 2003 to 2007 he served as the Special Adviser (Political) to the Minister of Defence. Ganduje also served as executive secretary of the Lake Chad Basin Commission in Ndjamena.







Hope Uzodinma


7th Governor of Imo State



Assumed office

15 January 2020


Personal details

Born 12 December 1958 (age 61)

Omuma, Eastern Region, Nigeria, British Nigeria

(Omuma, Imo, Nigeria)


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress



Other political

affiliations National Party of Nigeria

(until 1983)

United Nigeria Congress Party


Alliance for Democracy


People’s Democratic Party

(1999–2002; 2003–2018)


Spouse(s) Chioma Uzodinma

Alma mater Washington University in St. Louis


Occupation Politician




Hope Odidika Uzodinma (born 12 December, 1958) is a Nigerian politician and currently the Governor of Imo State. On 14 January 2020, the Supreme Court in Nigeria declared Hope Uzodinma of the All Progressives Congress (APC) winner of the 2019 governorship poll in Imo State nullifying the election of incumbent Emeka Ihedioha.



Hope Uzodinma was born on 12 December 1958 in Omuma; his father Chief Michael Uzodinma held the chieftaincy title of Igwe of Ozuh Omuma and his mother was Ezinne Rose Uzodinma (née Nneoha). He is a kinsman of the Okoro family of Etiti-Omuma. Uzodinma is a devout Catholic, and is married to Chioma Uzodinma with seven children.



He holds a Diploma in Maritime Management Technology, and Higher Diploma in the same field, from the Federal University of Technology Owerri. He also has a bachelor’s degree in International Studies and Diplomacy from Washington University in St. Louis. Prior to his entry into politics, Uzodinma was a businessman with vast business interests.


Early political career

Hope Uzodinma began his political career during the Second Nigerian Republic, joining the ruling National Party of Nigeria (NPN), where in 1983, he became the Imo State youth leader. In the 1990s, with the aborted transition to the Third Nigerian Republic, Uzodinma featured prominently as a member of the United Nigeria Congress Party.



In 1999, after the return to democracy, Uzodinma joined the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), where he served as a member of the party’s National Caucus, National Executive Committee and on the Board of Trustees, at various times between 1999 to 2017. As a party boss in Imo State, Uzodinma was a close associate of the Governor Achike Udenwa until late 2002, when ahead of the April 2003 elections he decamped to the Alliance for Democracy (AD), becoming the party’s candidate for the Imo State gubernatorial election. After losing the election to Udenwa, he returned to the PDP in February 2004. He later contested the PDP governorship primaries in December 2006, coming in second to Senator Ifeanyi Araraume. In 2011, after the incumbent Governor Ikedi Ohakim joined the PDP, Uzodinma endorsed him to run for a second-term as Governor of Imo State, favoring him over Rochas Okorocha who he later won.


In January 2011, Uzodinma won the PDP senatorial primary for the Imo West, gaining 2,147 votes, while the incumbent Senator Osita Izunaso came second with 891 votes. Uzodinma was later disqualified by a federal high court judgment as he had not been cleared by the PDP electoral panel led by Nwafor-Orizu. In March 2011, a court of appeal issued a stay of execution while the case was being decided, leaving Uzodinma free to campaign. On 5 April 2011 the Court of Appeal upheld the federal high court judgement, Uzodinma later appealed this decision at the Supreme Court. In the April 2011 elections, Uzodinma received 85,042 votes, ahead of former Governor Achike Udenwa of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) with 64,228 votes and Rajis Okpalan Benedicta of the All Progressives Grand Alliance with 57,110 votes. In May 2011, the Supreme Court overturned the earlier decisions and declared that Uzodinma was the valid candidate and therefore had been elected.



On 29 May 2011, Uzodinma was sworn-in as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, representing Imo State (West Senatorial District). He was re-elected for a second term in the Senate during the 2015 election. In 2018, he left the People’s Democratic Party and joined the ruling All Progressive Congress (APC) in order to contest for Governor of Imo State in the 2019 general elections.


Governor of Imo State

In March 2019, the Independent National Electoral Commission sitting in Imo announced the governorship election results of Imo State: Emeka Ihedioha of the PDP who won with 273,404 votes, Uche Nwosu of Action Alliance with 190,364 votes, Ifeanyi Ararume of the All Progressives Grand Alliance with 114,676 votes; and Uzodinma in fourth place with 96,458 votes. Uzodinma later challenged the victory of Ihedioha up to the Supreme Court. On 14 January 2020, the Supreme Court declared Uzodinma, the duly elected Governor of Imo State. The court held that results from 388 polling units were wrongly excluded from votes ascribed to Uzodinma and the APC in Imo adding that the first appellant Uzodinma holds the majority of lawful votes cast.


On 15 January 2020, he and Placid Njoku were sworn-in as the Governor of Imo State and Deputy Governor of Imo State respectively In his inaugural address, he ordered the states accountant general to provide a comprehensive financial status for the state from May 2010 to January 2020, he also ordered the permanent secretaries of all ministries in the state to forward the status of all contracts awarded, whilst halting the paying for all ongoing contracts.



He had the ceremonial title of Onwa-Netiri Oha of Omuma in Oru local government of Imo State








































Aminu Bello Masari


Governor of Katsina State



Assumed office

29 May 2015


Preceded by Ibrahim Shema

Speaker of the House of Representatives


Personal details

Born 29 May 1950 (age 70)

Masari, Katsina


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Aminu Bello Masari (born 29 May 1950) is a Nigerian politician and current Governor of Katsina State. He was the speaker of the Nigerian House of Representatives between 2003 and 2007. Masari hails from Masari village of Kafur local government, Katsina State.


Political Career

Masari contested for the office of Katsina State Governor in the 2011 election under the platform of defunct Congress for Progressive Change. He lost the Election to PDP’s Ibrahim Shehu Shema.

In December 2014 he emerged as the governorship candidate of the All Progressives Congress for the March 2015 elections.

Aminu Bello was declared winner of the 11 April 2015 Katsina State Governorship election, defeating Musa Nashuni.

Aminu Bello Masari was sworn in as the Executive Governor of Katsina State on 29 May 2015.

Immediately after his inauguration, amid financial recession in the country, Governor Masari accused his predecessor of literally stealing the state treasury after 2015 elections and a few days to handing power to his new government. This accusation along with similar financial cases amounting to N11 billion compelled EFCC to invite and later charge Barrister Shema to court along with some of his cabinet members. Governor Masari also dissolved local government chairmen who were all from the ousted party. On its part, PDP challenged the state in court for dissolving democratically elected local government chairmen.

Aminu Bello Masari was elected for a second term as Governor of Katsina in the March 9, 2019 Katsina State gubernatorial election under the platform of All Progressives Congress having polled 1, 178, 864 votes against People’s Democratic Party’s Senator Garba Yakubu Lado who had 488.


































Abubakar Atiku Bagudu


Governor of Kebbi State



Assumed office

29 May 2015


Personal details

Born 26 December 1961 (age 58)


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


 Atiku Bagudu (born 26 December 1961) is a Nigerian politician and the current governor of Kebbi State, Nigeria. Previously, he served as the Senator for the Kebbi Central constituency of Kebbi state. He is a named accomplice in multiple investigations involving corruption that occurred during the regime of former dictator Sani Abacha.

Although Bagudu came from a wealthy family, his father was the director of Primary Education in Kebbi. He obtained a BSc (Economics), Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Msc (Economics) University of Jos and M.A. (International Affairs).


Political career

Bagudu succeeded Adamu Aliero when he won the by-election for the Kebbi Central Senatorial seat following Aliero’s appointment to become the Minister for FCT. In the 6 April 2011 elections, Bagudu won for the PDP with 173,595 votes. His predecessor Adamu Aliero, who had moved to the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), came second with 137,299 votes and Aliyu Bello Mohammed of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) trailed with 11,953 votes.

During the 2015 General Elections, Atiku Bagudu then moved from the ruling PDP to the All Progressive Congress (APC) and contested for the Governorship, winning a landslide victory in the polls.

In the 9 March 2019 Kebbi state governorship election Bagudu polled 673,717 votes, while his rival Sen. Isah Galaudu of PDP polled 106,633 votes.







Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu


15th Governor of Lagos State



Assumed office

May 29, 2019


Preceded by Akinwunmi Ambode


Personal details


Born Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu

25 June 1965 (age 55)

Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria


Political party All Progressives Congress


Alma mater University of Lagos

London Business School

Lagos Business School

Institute of Management Development

John F. Kennedy School of Government


Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu (born June 25, 1965) is a Nigerian Politician and the current Governor of Lagos State. He was announced the governor under the platform of the All Progressives Congress after contesting and unexpectedly winning the gubernatorial primaries under the All Progressives Congress against incumbent governor, Akinwunmi Ambode of Lagos State in October 2018.[1][2] He is a graduate of the University of Lagos, as well as the London Business School, Lagos Business School and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Before his gubernatorial ambition, He was the Managing Director/CEO of Lagos State Property Development Corporation (LSPDC).






Sanwo-Olu has a B.Sc in Surveying and an MBA from the University of Lagos. He is an alumnus of the John F. Kennedy School of Government, the London Business School and the Lagos Business School.

He is an associate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM) and fellow of the Nigeria Institute of Training and Development (NITAD).





Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu was the treasurer at former Lead Merchant Bank from 1994 to 1997 after which he moved to the United Bank for Africa as the head of foreign money market. He then proceeded to First Inland Bank, Plc (now First City Monument Bank) as a deputy general manager and divisional head. He was the chairman of Baywatch Group Limited and First-Class Group Limited.


Public service

Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu began his political career in 2003, when he was appointed a Special Adviser on Corporate Matters to the then deputy governor of Lagos State, Femi Pedro. He was later made the acting Commissioner for Economic Planning and Budget until 2007, when he was appointed as the Commissioner for Commerce and Industry by then Governor, Bola Tinubu. After the General Elections of 2007, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu was appointed Commissioner for Establishments, Training and Pensions by Governor Babatunde Fashola. Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu was made Managing Director/CEO of the Lagos State Development and Property Corporation (LSDPC) by Governor Akinwunmi Ambode in 2016.

Some of his notable public sector achievements include the supervision of the Bureau of Public Enterprises (BPE) privatization projects. He set up and was the Pioneer Board Chairman of Lagos Security Trust Fund. The LAGBUS System and the Control & Command Centre in Alausa were subsequently established under his directives.



On 16 September 2018, Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu formally declared his intention to run for the office of the governor of Lagos State under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) Party, making him a major contender to the incumbent governor Akinwunmi Ambode.

His declaration attracted endorsements from major stakeholders in Lagos State politics; including the Governor’s Advisory Council of the Lagos chapter of the All Progressives Congress and members of the Lagos State House of Assembly, which led to withdrawal of Dr. Femi Hamzat, a governorship aspirant on the platform of the All Progressives Congress APC in Lagos from the gubernatorial race.


He won the Lagos gubernatorial primaries of the All Progressives Congress (APC) on 2 October 2018. At the APC flag-off campaign rally held on 8 January 2019, Governor of Lagos, Akinwunmi Ambode, and 63 political parties lent their support for the candidacy of Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu. In a landslide victory over his opponent, Jimi Agbaje, Sanwo-Olu was elected to the Office of Governor of Lagos State at the 2019 General elections for Lagos State which held on 9 March 2019. He was sworn in as the 15th Governor of Lagos State at the Tafawa Balewa Square (TBS) Lagos Island on Wednesday May 29, 2019.

He has been working on different development activities, one of which is road construction across major areas in Lagos state. Recently, Babajide Sanwoolu asked that the statue of Fela Kuti that was erected by Akinwunmi Ambode be removed from Allen Avenue in Ikeja as he to ease the situation of traffic in that area. However, the statue is said to be relocated to a more convenient area in Lagos state.




Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu has obtained a variety of awards in his career, some of which include:

  • Platinum award from the Lagos State Public Service Club.
  • 2009 Best in Human Capital Development award from the Industrial Training Fund (ITF).
  • Merit award from the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria.
  • Merit award from the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management in Nigeria (CIPMN).
  • Merit Award from the Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN).
  • LSDPC Impactful Leadership and Recognition Award.


Personal life

Babajide Olusola Sanwo-Olu is married to Dr. Ibijoke Sanwo-Olu.





Governor of Kwara State



Assumed office

May 29, 2019


Preceded by Abdulfatah Ahmed


Personal details


Born 5 February 1960 (age 60)

Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria


AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq (born February 5, 1960), is the Governor of Kwara State in North Central Nigeria. Before joining active politics, AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq was a successful businessman and philanthropist with special focus on the poorest of the poor and persons living with disabilities.

AbdulRahman, a Muslim, comes from Ilorin West local government, which is in the Kwara central senatorial district of the state. He speaks Yoruba, English, and Hausa languages fluently.


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Early life

Born in Zaria into the family of the first lawyer from Nigeria’s northern region, AbdulGaniyu Folorunsho (AGF) Abdul-Razaq SAN (OFR) who until his death in late July 2020 held the prominent traditional titles of Mutawalin Ilorin and Tafida of Zazzau (Zaria).





Abdul-Rahman’s innate entrepreneurial spirit drove him to making history at the age of 31 when he founded Nigeria’s first indigenous oil and gas trading companies, NOPA Oil Services and First Fuels. The latter was the first indigenous company to lift crude oil and petroleum products to the United States, Europe, and Asia. His success story inspired several other young people who also have become accomplished oil & gas magnates in their own right.


Renowned for his immense knowledge of the petroleum industry, his managerial skills and competence cut across energy, agriculture, construction, technology, shipping and real estate sectors. He is a consultant to various multinational oil companies and governments, including Ghana and Cote D’Ivoire.



Abdul-Rahman’s humanitarianism in Kwara began long before his foray into partisan politics. This included educational sponsorship of indigent, granting of scholarships, and provision of potable water in disadvantaged areas of the state. Hundreds of women and youths are known to have benefited from his empowerment schemes, vocational training, provision of start-up capital for small scale businesses, and provision of tools post vocational training.

AbdulRahman is also a renowned supporter for the cause of people living with disabilities. His contributions included donation of Braille, educational aids and equipment to School of the Blind in Ilorin and Pacelli School of the Blind in Lagos, and the development of football in Nigeria



Abdul Rahman’s father, Alhaji AGF AbdulRazaq (SAN), was a prominent statesman who fought for Nigeria’s Independence and a Federal Minister the First Republic in 1965. He was a man of many firsts: first lawyer from the northern region; first university graduate from his Ilorin community; first Ilorin man to establish a private secondary school; among several others.


the dawn of democracy in 1999, Abdul Rahman’s elder brother and a law scholar, Dr Alimi Abdul-Razaq, was the People’s Democratic Party PDP Kwara State Governorship candidate in 1999. His sister, Senator Khairat Razaq-Gwadabe, was the Senator representing the Federal Capital Territory from 1999 to 2003.


It therefore comes as no surprise that AbdulRahman has become a politician. He ran for the office of governor as the CPC candidate in Kwara State but lost to PDP’s Abdulfattah Ahmed in 2011. In the 2015 General Elections, AbdulRahman ran on the PDP ticket for the Kwara Central Senatorial Seat.

Followers of Kwara politics say AbdulRahman has an appreciably strong political structure and goodwill spanning the state’s three senatorial districts, oiled with numerous social empowerment program, free healthcare services and community interventions. AbdulRahman has been a consistent critic of the poor governance in his native Kwara State, one of Nigeria’s first generation yet least developed states. He believes the state deserves a clean break from the status quo, presenting himself as a dependable wealth creator and effective manager of human and material resources.

He won the gubernatorial primary election in the October 2018 APC’s keenly contested direct primaries, AbdulRahman was declared the party’s candidate for the governorship election slated for 2nd March, 2019. His earliest mainstream backers include heavyweights like Muhammad Dele Belgore (SAN)[1] and Ambassador Yahaya Seriki who stepped down for the businessman two days before the primaries.


His impressive showings as Governor

AbdulRahman went ahead to win the 2019 governorship poll in Kwara State. His ruling APC also won all the seats in the state House of Assembly and all the federal parliament’s seats from the state. Since he was sworn in on May 29, 2019, AbdulRahman has rewritten the story of his native Kwara State in all ramifications, impressively etching his name in gold within a short period of time. For the first time in Nigeria’s history, he constituted a cabinet that is 56.25 percent female – the highest and most gender friendly cabinet on the African continent. He also has one of the youngest cabinets in the country.


In December 2019, he became the first Governor of Kwara State to initiate citizens-driven budget process which involved getting ordinary citizens to make direct inputs to the state’s fiscal plan. He has been hailed for his strategic decisions as a chief executive. In May 2020, Kwara slashed the right of way charges for telecommunication firms to 1 Naira per kilometre, setting a national record that is certain to attract more investments into the state. Dr Isa Ali Pantami, Nigeria’s Minister of Communications and Digital Economy, hailed the decision as “truly commendable.”


From a state in the backwater of national health ratings, AbdulRahman’s brilliant showings and strategic investments in Nigeria’s fight against COVID-19 pandemic have earned his Kwara State a fourth place in the national ratings involving 36 states+ the federal capital territory Abuja.


He has a record of being very responsive to public yearnings. AbdulRahman won a national applause during the recent COVID-19 lockdown when he personally called in civic groups to lead the distribution of government’s palliatives to the poorest of the poor to ensure that the palliatives get to the right targets and are not unduly politicized to the detriment of the poor and the vulnerable. Such a bold, pro-masses step was until then unknown to Kwara state where the displaced Saraki dynasty often used state resources to garner political patronage or settle old scores.


Recently, in a bid to scale up the quality of public-funded projects, AbdulRahman initiated “social audit” which would empower civic organizations and communities to monitor projects and report back to the government. Reports from social audits, according to the Governor, would guide government’s payment to contractors. This initiative is the first in Nigeria. The governor said the social audit process is a confidence building measure as the government awaits passage of the Freedom of Information Bill by the Assembly.

AbdulRahman’s style has brought governance closer to the people in way never seen before in his native Kwara State. Analysts say this accounted for why his first one year garnered so much positive ratings among the people who point at how his interventions across various sectors have brought ease to the masses and redirected governance in the state.

With his pro-masses, gender-friendly inclinations, pundits have said AbdulRahman is set to become one of the best Governors of this republic. The good thing about him is that he views his huge impacts on the people as the least he could do for a people that had long been thirsty of people-centric governance.


Personal life

He is married to Olufolake Abdulrazaq, a career diplomat and they are blessed with children.














Engineer Abdullahi Sule


Governor of Nasarawa State

Bayaran Lafia


Preceded by Umaru Tanko Al-Makura


Personal details


Born December 26, 1959 (age 60)

Gudi Station, Akwanga, Nasarawa State, Nigeria


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressive Congress


Spouse(s) Hajiya Silifa, Hajiya Farida


Parents Alhaji Sule (Father), Hajiya Hauwa Sule (Mother)

Alma mater Roman Catholic Mission (1968), Government Technical college, Bukuru (1977), Zang Commercial secondary school (1974), Plateau State Polytechnic (1980), Indiana University (1980–1984).


Occupation Businessman and Politician


Engineer Abdullahi Sule (born December 26, 1959) is a Nigerian entrepreneur, businessman and politician. He is the serving Governor of Nasarawa State in the 2019 Governorship election under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC).

He was born on December 26, 1959 in Gudi Station, Akwanga-West Development Area of Nasarawa State.



His early schooling was at Roman Catholic Mission (RMC) Primary School, Gudi Station in 1968. He then entered Zang Secondary School in 1974 and later Government Technical College, Bukuru in 1977. After his secondary education, he went to Plateau State Polytechnic, in Barkin Ladi in 1980. He then left Nigeria on a scholarship to study at Indiana University, Terre Haute, Indiana, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Technology and a master’s degree in Industrial Technology.



Returning to Nigeria in 1985, Sule served as a youth corps member with Plateau Utilities Board. He later joined the Jos Steel Rolling Mill in 1985 as a Production Engineer. Returning to the United States in 1989, he worked for several companies (Lancer Corporation, OEM component and Osyka Corporation among others) before returning to Nigeria in 2000. On his return to Nigeria, he co-founded Sadiq Petroleum Nigeria Limited in Lagos and was made the managing director/CEO. Under his leadership, the company won a bid to acquire African Petroleum (AP) Plc and he became the CEO of AP in 2001.


Prior to his gubernatorial ambition in 2018, he was the Group managing director of Dangote Sugar Refinery Plc.



He won the gubernatorial primaries for Nasarawa State of the All Progressive Congress on October 1, 2018.

On March 10, 2019, Engineer Abdullahi Sule was declared as the Governor-elect of Nasarawa State at the 2019 Governorship Election which held on March 9, 2019. He was sworn in as governor of Nasarawa State on May 29, 2019.



















Abubakar Sani Bello


Governor of Niger State



Assumed office

29 May 2015


Preceded by Mu’azu Babangida Aliyu


Personal details


Born Abubakar Sani Bello

17 December 1967 (age 52)

Niger State, Nigeria


Citizenship Nigerian


Political party APC


Spouse(s) Dr. Amina Abdulsalam


Parents Sani Bello


Education Economics

Alma mater University of Maiduguri


Occupation Politician



Abubakar Sani Bello also known as Lolo, is a Nigerian politician and the current executive Governor of Niger State, Nigeria

Born on 17 December 1967. He is the eldest son of the Nigerian Billionaire and former military Governor of old Kano state Col Sani Bello (RTD)[2] . Abubakar Sani Bello attended ST. Loius primary school, Kano from 1974 – 1979 and later went to Nigerian Military School from 1980 – 1985 then was given admission into University of Maiduguri 1986 – 1991 where He obtained a B.Sc in Economics. Abubakar has worked in several parts of the country Starting from His NYSC days where He was posted to serve in Port Harcourt in the Marketing department of NICOTES Services as Supervisor.


Political career


Gubernatorial run

Alhaji Abubakar Sani Bello won the Niger State, APC gubernatorial primaries for the 2015 election. Abubakar polled 3,829 votes to defeat Senator Musa Ibrahim in the primary election. Abubakar later went ahead to win the general election with a total of 593,709 votes. Abubakar was declared winner by the INEC on 13 April, 2015. On March 9th, 2019, Abubakar was reelected as the Governor of Niger State.





















His Excellency

Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu



Governor of Ondo State



Assumed office

24 February 2017


Preceded by Olusegun Mimiko


Personal details

Born Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu

21 July 1956 (age 64)

Owo, Ondo State


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress


Spouse(s) Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu

Alma mater Obafemi Awolowo University


Occupation Politician





Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredolu, SAN, or Rotimi Akeredolu, (born 21 July 1956) is a Nigerian politician and lawyer who is also the Governor of Ondo State, Nigeria and also a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN) who became president of the Nigerian Bar Association in 2008. Akeredolu was also a Managing Partner at the Law Firm of Olujinmi & Akeredolu, a Law Firm he co-founded with Chief Akin Olujinmi, a former Attorney General and Minister for Justice in Nigeria. On 21/07/20 he was declared as the Ondo governorship primary election under the platform of APC.


Akeredolu was born on 21 July 1956 in Owo to Reverend J. Ola Akeredolu of the Akeredolu family and Lady Evangelist Grace B. Akeredolu of Aderoyiju family of Igbotu, Ese Odo, in Ondo State. Akeredolu started his primary education at Government School, Owo. He proceeded to Aquinas College, Akure, Loyola College, Ibadan and Comprehensive High School, Ayetoro, for his secondary school education and Higher School Certificate, respectively. His middle name “Odunayo” means “Year of happiness” in Yoruba He went on to the University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University) to study Law, graduating in 1977. He was called to the Nigerian Bar 1978.



Akeredolu was appointed Attorney General of Ondo State from 1997–1999. In 1998 he became a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. He was Chairman of the Legal Aid Council (2005–2006). In November 2009 he faced allegations of corruption when the Bar Association’s Third Vice-President, Welfare Secretary and Assistant Financial Secretary circulated a petition entitled “Complaints against your fraudulent manifestations, violation of the NBA”. Subsequently, the allegations against him were reviewed and dropped by the National Executive council of the Nigerian Bar Association.


In a lecture in December 2009, Akeredolu said no amount of electoral reform or judicial system could give Nigeria free and fair elections, if Nigerians themselves refused to take practical steps to ensure that their votes count.  Later that month he stated that Umaru Yar’Adua, the President of Nigeria should have handed over to Vice-President Goodluck Jonathan in an acting capacity during his illness, a statement that was backed up by the Nigerian Bar Association who said he was authorised to speak on their behalf.


In 2012, the Nigerian Bar Association named its new secretariat in Abuja after him with its president citing the reason being the need for “generational identification and recognition of those who had contributed immensely to the development of the association.Everything in the NBA is usually highly politicised. The sheer courage for him (Akeredolu) to go through the rigour is a testimony to his selfless service.”


Governorship candidate

In November 2011, Akeredolu was among a crowd of aspirants to be Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) candidate for Governor of Ondo State in the 2013 elections. In an interview that month, Akeredolu said that he had become well known and respected as president of the Bar, and described himself as a progressive. If elected, his priorities would include agricultural development, fish farming for export, improvements to education, jobs for youths and improved roads. He would provide free education and primary health care. He was in favour of increased subsidies and greater local control over public spending.


On 28 July 2012, On Akeredolu was selected as the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) candidate for Governor of Ondo State during the ACN congress in Akure. His selection pitched him in a head to head battle with the incumbent, Olusegun Mimiko and Mr Olusola Oke of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Akeredolu promised to create 30,000 jobs in his first 100 days in office. His promise was refuted by the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) as a ruse. His promise nonetheless resulted in the submission of over 10,000 CV’s to his campaign office.

On Saturday September 3, 2016, in a controversial primary election that rocked the ruling party during which Asiwaju Bola Tinubu a major party voice and National Leader of the ruling APC demanded the resignation of the party’s chairman John Odigie-Oyegun, Akeredolu was awarded ticket to represent the All Progressive Congress (APC) the 2016 elections for governor. On Sunday, 27 November 2016, he was declared winner of the keenly contested Ondo State gubernatorial elections.

On 29th of July 2020, Rotimi Akeredolu Picked Lucky Aiyedatiwa as his running mate for the Ondo State 2020 governorship election after the controversy between the Governor and his Deputy, Agboola Ajayi.


Governor of Ondo State

On Sunday, 27 November 2016, Akeredolu was announced by the Independent National Electoral Commission as the winner of the Ondo State Governorship Election. He amassed 244, 842 votes in the election while Mr. Jegede with 150, 380 votes and Mr. Oke with 126, 889 votes. According to Prof. Ganiyu Ambali, INEC Returning Officer, Akeredolu defeated two major opponents, Eyitayo Jegede of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and Olusola Oke of the Alliance for Democracy (AD), to clinch victory. He was sworn in as the governor of Ondo State on 24 February 2017 in Akure, the Ondo State Capital.

He won the battle to re-contest for the Ondo State 2020 governorship election after beating Olusola Oke, DI Kekemeke, Jimi Odimayo, Segun Abraham and few others in the APC Primary election.






Dapo Abiodun MFR



Assumed office

29 May 2019


Preceded by Ibikunle Amosun


Personal details

Born 29 May 1960 (age 60)

Iperu Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Spouse(s) Bamidele Abiodun

Dapo Abiodun (born 29 May 1960) is a Nigerian businessman and politician, who is the Governor of Ogun State after winning the 2019 general elections under the platform of the All Progressive Congress. Dapo Abiodun was the board Chairman of the Corporate Affairs Commission. He is the managing director of Heyden Petroleum and the founder of First Power Limited. On 10 March 2019, he was declared Governor-Elect of Ogun State by the Independent National Electoral Commission.

He was sworn in as Governor of Ogun State on 29 May 2019


Early life

Abiodun was born on 29 May 1960 in Iperu Remo, Ogun State, to the royal family of Iperu. He was born into the family of Dr. Emmanuel Abiodun and Mrs. Victoria Abiodun from Iperu Remo, in Ogun East senatorial district.



The educational background of Abiodun remains unclear. He was involved in a certificate scandal in the build up to the 2019 general elections when he claimed in the 2015 senatorial election form for Ogun East to have graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University, but in the 2019 governorship form, he claimed to possess only secondary school certificate of education.

In an interview with Seun Okinbaloye on channels television in December 2018, Abiodun ‘Claimed to Have Never Gotten A Degree from Obafemi Awolowo University”. He claimed to have been a student of the institution but didn’t graduate from the school



He is the managing director/CEO of the Nigerian oil and gas company Heyden Petroleum Ltd (HPL). He is also reportedly the founder of First Power Limited.



Abiodun is a founding member of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Ogun State, although he is currently a member of the All Progressive Congress (APC) defecting after the 2015 general elections. He contested the Ogun East senatorial seat on the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC) in the 2015 Nigerian general elections which he lost to the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) candidate. He was elected a senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the platform of the defunct United Nigeria Congress Party (UNCP) in 1998. He has served as a member of various presidential committees and organization.

In 2019, he contested in the gubernatorial elections in Ogun state and won, under the platform of the All Progressive Congress (APC).

He is a born again Christian and worships with the Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministry. He has testified that despite much opposition to him getting into the office of Ogun state governor God still got him there.


Private Life

He is married to Bamidele Abiodun and they have had five children.


















Simon Lalong

20th Governor of Plateau State


Assumed office

May 29, 2015


Preceded by Jonah David Jang


Personal details

Born Simon Bako Lalong

5 May 1963 (age 57)

Shendam, Plateau State, Nigeria


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressive Congress


Education Master’s Degree in Law from University of Jos


Profession Lawyer

Simon Lalong (born 5 May 1963 in Shendam, Plateau State) is a Nigerian lawyer and politician, who is the present Governor of Plateau State, Nigeria.

After his elementary and secondary schools education in Shendam Local Government Area he proceeded to the School of Preliminary Studies (S.P.S) Keffi, passing out in 1986. He then continued to Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, graduating in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in Law. This was immediately followed by the Law School in Lagos, where he was also called to Bar. He later obtained a master’s degree in Law from the University of Jos, in 1996.


Professional career

Lalong’s professional career as an attorney lasted between 1992, the year following his graduation from law school, and 1998, the dawn of Nigeria’s new democracy. During this period, he worked with a few law firms, one of which he co-owned. Between 1992 and 1994 he was the Deputy Scribe of the Nigerian Bar Association in Plateau State. After a political stint that lasted seven years he again returned to legal practice as the Principal Partner of Simon B Lalong and Co, until 2015.


Political life

Simon Lalong temporarily discarded legal practice to join the political bandwagon in 1998. Under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), he successfully contested the seat of the member of the Plateau State House of Assembly representing his native Shendam Constituency. In October 2000 he became the speaker of the assembly, occupying that position till the year 2006, following a political storm within the House. The seven years he served as the Speaker of that assembly made him the longest serving speaker of the House in the history of Plateau State. During that period, he was two times (2001–2002) elected as the Chairman of the Conference of Speakers of the 36 states of Nigeria. In the year 2015, as the second tenure of the serving Governor of Plateau State, Jonah Jang, neared its end, Lalong joined the contest to succeed Jang. This time, he did so under the All Progressive Congress (APC) political platform. His chances seemed narrow at the beginning, but the capricious nature of politics tipped the balance eventually, favoring him by a slim margin. He was sworn in as the new Governor of Plateau State on May 29, 2015.

In the March 9, 2019 Plateau State Gubernatorial Election and March 23, 2019 Plateau State Supplementary Gubernatorial Election, Lalong was reelected as Governor of Plateau State, having polled 595,582 votes against his rival, Gen. Jeremiah Husseini of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) who polled 546,813 votes. He was re-elected as the governor of Plateau State on May 29, 2019.






















Mai Mala Buni


Caretaker Chairman of All Progressives Congress



Assumed office

25 June 2020


Assumed office

29 May 2019


Preceded by Ibrahim Geidam


National Secretary of the All Progressives Congress

In office

14 June 2014 – March 2019


Succeeded by Victor Giadom


Personal details

Born 11 November 1967 (age 52)

Buni Yadi Town, Yobe State


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressive Congress


Residence Yobe StateNigeria


Occupation Politician

Mai Mala Buni (born 11 November 1967), Nigeria) is a Nigerian politician. He is the current governor of Yobe State, Nigeria and the caretaker chairman of the All Progressives Congress. He was elected governor during the 2019 Nigeria general elections under All Progressives Congress (APC) party. Before being elected governor, he was the national secretary of the All Progressives Congress.



Alhaji Muhammad Musa Bello, who hails from Adamawa state, was born on 8th January 1959. An old boy of the prestigious Barewa College, Zaria, the Minister is a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, where he obtained a B.Sc. in Management with bias for Banking and Finance in 1980 as well as an MBA in the same field.

He had an impressive career which spanned banking, industry, business and public service. He, at various times, was in charge of credit and marketing at the ICON Merchant Bank Plc and later a Director at Habib Bank Plc and several other top-ranking firms.

An experienced project manager, he was Managing Director of the Bakabure Industrial Complex, Yola. He also has been member of several sub-committees of the defunct Technical Committee on Privatization and Commercialization (TCPC). He has equally been very active in the promotion of enterprise and commerce in Adamawa State, a passion which saw him play an active role as an official of the Adamawa Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ACCIMA).

Before he was invited to join the cabinet of President Muhammadu Buhari, the Minister was Chairman of National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) from 2007 until May, 2015.
























  1. President Muhammadu Buhari – Minister of Petroleum


  1. Mohammed Musa Bello – Adamawa State – Minister of Federal Capital Territory, FCT


Alhaji Muhammad Musa Bello, who hails from Adamawa state, was born on 8th January 1959. An old boy of the prestigious Barewa College, Zaria, the Minister is a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, where he obtained a B.Sc. in Management with bias for Banking and Finance in 1980 as well as an MBA in the same field.

He had an impressive career which spanned banking, industry, business and public service. He, at various times, was in charge of credit and marketing at the ICON Merchant Bank Plc and later a Director at Habib Bank Plc and several other top-ranking firms.


An experienced project manager, he was Managing Director of the Bakabure Industrial Complex, Yola. He also has been member of several sub-committees of the defunct Technical Committee on Privatization and Commercialization (TCPC). He has equally been very active in the promotion of enterprise and commerce in Adamawa State, a passion which saw him play an active role as an official of the Adamawa Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (ACCIMA).

Before he was invited to join the cabinet of President Muhammadu Buhari, the Minister was Chairman of National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) from 2007 until May, 2015.















Sen. Godswill Akpabio – Akwa Ibom State – Minister of Niger Delta


Assumed office

21 August 2019


Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for Akwa Ibom North-West Senatorial District

In office

9 June 2015 – 9 June 2019


Senate Minority Leader

In office

28 July 2015 – 7 August 2018


3rd Governor of Akwa Ibom State

In office

29 May 2007 – 29 May 2015


Personal details

Born 9 December 1962 (age 57)

Ukana, Ikot Ntuen, Essien Udim, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria


Political party (APC)


Spouse(s) Ekaette Unoma Akpabio


Parents Chief Obot Akpabio Madam Lucy Obot Akpabio (nee Inyangetor)


Alma mater University of Calabar

Chief Godswill Obot Akpabio, CON (born 9 December 1962), is a Nigerian lawyer and politician. He is the current Minister of Niger Delta, a former Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Senate’s Minority Leader. He also served as Governor of Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria from May 29, 2007 to May 29, 2015.


Early life and career

Godswill Akpabio is the son of Chief Obot Akpabio and Madam Lucy Obot Akpabio (née Inyangetor) of Ukana, Ikot Ntuen in Essien Udim Local Government Area. He was born on 9 December 1962. He lost his father early in life and was raised by his mother.



Akpabio was educated at Methodist Primary School, Ukana, Essien Udim LGA, Akwa Ibom State; the Federal Government College, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; and the University of Calabar, Cross River State, where he obtained a Degree in Law.

While at the Federal Government College, Port Harcourt, he was appointed the Senior Prefect. In the University of Calabar, Akpabio was elected as the speaker of the parliamentary year.


Family and personal life

Akpabio’s grandfather, Okuku Udo Akpabio, was the Warrant Chief in Ikot Ekpene province. His uncle, Dr. I. U. Akpabio, was the Minister of Education/Internal Affairs in the then Eastern Nigeria. Justice Nsima Akpabio, his cousin, was a senator in the Second Nigerian Republic.


Akpabio is a Christian of the Catholic faith Akpabio is married to Ekaette Unoma Akpabio, the founder of Family Life Enhancement Initiative (FLEI), a non-governmental organization providing a platform for redirecting the focus of development efforts on the family as a strategy for achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Akpabio and his wife have four daughters and a son.


Career and employment

Akpabio had a brief stint as a teacher and as an associate partner with Paul Usoro and Co., a law firm in Nigeria.

Akpabio also worked with EMIS Telecoms Limited, a wireless telecommunications company in Lagos, Nigeria. In 2002, he rose to the position of the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of the company. In this position, he helped in shaping the future of the burgeoning telecoms industry. He had earlier served as the National Publicity Secretary of the Association of Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria, (ATCOM), while a director of EMIS.


Appointments and politics

In 2002, he was appointed Honourable Commissioner for Petroleum and Natural Resources by the then Governor Obong Victor Attah in Akwa Ibom State. Between 2002 and 2006, he served as a Commissioner in three key ministries: Petroleum and Natural Resources, Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs, as well as Lands and Housing.

In 2006, he aspired for the governorship of Akwa Ibom State in a contested primary election and defeated 57 other aspirants to emerge the candidate of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). His campaign with the slogan, “let God’s will be done” received mass support and was elected Governor in 2007. He was re-elected for a second term in office as Governor of Akwa Ibom State in 2011.


In 2013, he was elected Chairman of the newly formed PDP Governors Forum.

In 2015, he contested and won the Senate seat of the Akwa Ibom North West Senatorial District (Ikot Ekpene) to represent the district in the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Running under the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), he polled 422,009 of the 439,449 to defeat Chief Inibehe Okorie of the All Progressive Congress (APC) who recorded 15, 152 votes to be declared elected by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC). Akpabio was nominated for the position of the Senate Minority Leader by the South-South caucus of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), ratified by the caucus of the PDP in the Senate and announced by the Senate President as Senate Minority Leader on 28 July 2015. The PDP lost the majority to the All Progressives Congress (APC), in the 2015 general elections.


In August 2018, Senator Akpabio resigned as the Senate Minority Leader, after he had announced his defection to the All Progressive Congress. His defection was marked by Political rally in his hometown at the Ikot Ekpene township stadium, Akwa Ibom State.

In July 2019, he was nominated by President Muhammadu Buhari and screened by the Nigerian Senate for a Ministerial appointment On August 21st, 2019 he was sworn in as Minister of the Federal republic of Nigeria, Minister for Niger Delta Affairs.



International honours

  • The Congressional Certificate of Recognition of the United States Congress (2011).
  • Africa Lifetime Achievement Prize awarded by Millennium Excellence Foundation in Kenya.
  • The Gold Humanitarian Services Award of the Republic of Niger 2008 conferred on him by Niger’s Ambassador to Nigeria, His Excellency, Alhaji Moussa Ibrahim.
  • Exam Ethic Marshall 2009: Exam Ethic International, Ghana.
  • Best Governor, Infrastructure Development 2009: BEN Television, London.
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Georgia, New Jersey in United States


National honours

  • Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON).
  • Best Governor Infrastructure and Empowerment Award of the Central Bank of Nigeria (2012).
  • Most Prolific Governor by the National Councilors’ Forum.


Academic & professional honours

  • Doctorate of Management Science, Honoris Causa, Nigeria Defense Academy (2011).
  • Doctorate of Law, Honoris Causa, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (2010).
  • Doctorate of Law, Honoris Causa, University of Calabar, Calabar (2009).
  • Doctorate of Law, Honoris Causa, University of Uyo, Uyo (2009).
  • Doctorate of Public Administration (Honoris Causa), Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (2009).
  • Doctorate of Management Science (Honoris Causa) Federal University of Technology, Owerri (2011).
  • Doctorate of Public Administration, Honoris Causa Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu (2013).
  • Doctorate of Human Resource Management (Honoris Causa) Wesley University of Science and Technology, Ondo.
  • Honorary Fellow of Nigeria Society of Engineers (2010) (Only fourteen non-engineers have so far been so honoured in Nigeria).
  • Fellow, Kazaure Polytechnic, Kazaure (2008).
  • Fellow of the Yaba College of Technology, Yaba (2011).
  • Fellow of the College of Education, Bichi, and a host of others.
  • Most Education Friendly Governor in Nigeria (2008) by the National Parent-Teacher Association.
  • Best Booster Governor Award for Promoting Science, Technology and Mathematics by the Science Teachers Association of Nigeria.
  • Goodwill Ambassador of the Nigerian Medical Association.


Media honours

  • Best Governor in Africa, Africa Development Magazine.
  • Governor of the Year 2012, Leadership (newspaper).
  • Man of the Year 2011, Sun (newspaper).
  • Best Governor in Nigeria and Outstanding Human Brand 2010: Billboard World.
  • Man of the Year 2010: National Daily Newspaper.
  • Governor of the Year 2010: Nigerian Tribune.
  • Award of Excellence for Outstanding Performance 2010: Nigeria Union of Journalists.
  • Nigeria’s Emerging Tiger 2009: Thisday Newspapers.
  • Man of the Year 2009: The Daily Independent (Lagos).
  • Man of the Year 2009: National Daily Newspaper.
  • 2008 Most Outstanding Governor in Nigeria (South South): National Daily Newspaper.
  • Governor of the Year (South-South): City People Magazine.
  • Best Governor Infrastructure 2009: Encomium Magazine.
  • Best Governor (South South): Encomium Magazine.
  • Excellency Award as Best Governor South-South 2009: Global Excellence Magazine

























  1. Chris Nwabueze Ngige


Minister of Labour and Employment Nigeria


Assumed office

11 November 2015


Appointed by Muhammadu Buhari


Preceded by Chukwuemeka Ngozichineke Wogu as Minister of labour and productivity

Governor of Anambra State

In office

29 May 2003 – 17 March 2006


Senator for Anambra Central

In office

May 2011 – June 2015


Preceded by Annie Okonkwo


Succeeded by Uche Ekwunife


Personal details

Born 8 August 1952


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Dr. Chris Nwabueze Ngige (born 8 August 1952) is the current Minister of Labour and Employment (Nigeria), appointed to serve in two terms under President Muhammadu Buhari’s regime. He was elected Senator for Anambra Central Constituency in April 2011. He was the governor of Anambra State in Nigeria from May 2003 to March 2006 under the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Chris Ngige is currently a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC).





A medical doctor by profession, Ngige graduated from the University of Nigeria-Nsukka in 1979. Chris immediately went into the civil service, serving at the National Assembly and State House clinics at different times. He retired in 1998 as a Deputy Director in the Federal Ministry of Health.


Political career

Dr. Chris Nwabueze Ngige joined politics, becoming a member of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). In 1999, he was Assistant National Secretary and Zonal Secretary of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) in the South East region of Nigeria.


In 2003, he was elected governor of Anambra State in controversial circumstances. He quickly broke ranks with his political godfather, Chris Uba brother of Andy Uba, after an unsuccessful attempt on 10 July 2003 to have him removed from office, through a fabricated letter of resignation which the state assembly accepted. In August, 2005, an election Tribunal led by Justice Nabaruma nullified Ngige’s 2003 victory. He appealed to the Nigerian Federal Court of Appeal, but the annulment was confirmed on 15 March 2006, in a judgment awarding victory to Peter Obi of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA). No further appeals were possible, and Ngige accepted the judgment in good faith, calling on the people of Anambra to give their support to his successor. Following Peter Obi’s subsequent impeachment, Ngige attempted to participate in state governorship elections in April 2007, but was frustrated by the Independent National Electoral Commission and federal ‘disqualification’, even after a Federal High Court had voided the disqualification. In the final event, Obi’s impeachment was overturned anyway, and Obi served out his four years. At the time, Ngige was also severely criticized for appearing naked at the dreaded Okija voodoo shrine during his campaign to be made governor.


6 February 2010, Ngige again contested for the governorship of Anambra State. Other notable politicians who contested with him included Andy Uba, Charles Soludo, Nicholas Ukachukwu, Mrs. Uche Ekwunife, Ralph Nwosu, and the incumbent governor, Peter Obi. In all, there were 25 candidates for that election. Peter Obi won that election and started his second term as the governor of Anambra State.


In April 2011, Ngige ran for election for Senator of Anambra Central, on the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) platform. After voting problems in some areas of the constituency on 9 April, the election in these areas was held on 25 April and Ngige was declared the winner over former Minister of Information and Communications Professor Dora Akunyili of the APGA, with 69,765 votes to Akunyili’s 69,292.


Ngige’s tenure as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria came to an end following his defeat in the 2015 election by Hon. Mrs Uche Ekwunife who has been sworn in as the Senator representing Anambra Central Senatorial District in the current 8th National Assembly of Nigeria.


On 11 November 2015, Ngige was named minister of Labour and Employment by President Muhammadu Buhari.  In 2019, Chris Ngige was Nominated by President Muhammadu Buhari as a returning minister for screening by the house of assembly. On the 21st of August 2019, he was sworn in by the President as the Minister of Labour and Employment.



























  1. Sharon Ikeazor


Minister of State Environment


Assumed office

August 21, 2019


Preceded by Ibrahim Usman Jibril

Executive Secretary


Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate

In office

September 26, 2016 – August 20, 2019


Preceded by Nellie Mayshak


Personal details

Born Sharon Olive Ikeazor

28 August 1961 (age 58)


Alma mater Godolphin School

Ahmadu Bello University

University of Benin

Nigerian Law School


Sharon Ikeazor (born August 28, 1961) is a Nigerian lawyer, politician and management consultant. She is the former executive secretary of Pension Transitional Arrangement Directorate. On August 2019, Sharon was appointed the Minister of State for Environment.



Ikeazor commenced her primary school education at St. Mary’s Convent School in Lagos. Thereafter, she attended the Queen of The Rosary College, Onitsha and proceeded to the Godolphin School, Salisbury, England where she obtained her GCE A’ levels. She completed her Higher Studies at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 1981 and graduated from the University of Benin with a Bachelor of Law  degree (LL.B Hons.), in 1984. In 1985, she obtained her Certificate of Practice from the Nigerian Law School.




Ikeazor’s early legal experience spans counsel positions at a variety of national and international banks; the Nigerian Merchant Bank, Nerderlansce Middenstandbank and Midas Merchant Bank, respectively. She then worked at Shell Petroleum as a company lawyer before establishing her own legal practice in 1994. By 1999, she was the legal secretary and project coordinator for Fluor Daniel Nigeria Ltd, a subsidiary of the also-named US Engineering Firm. She was actively involved in the execution of the Atlas Cove Tank Farm Project which was a technical partnership between Fluor Daniel and the National Engineering and Technical Company (NETCO), as regulated by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).


Subsequently, Ikeazor became the Vice President for Business Development and Government Relations for the United States Consulting firm, Good Works International (GWI) Consulting, from 2003 to 2008. Whilst there, she provided consulting and advisory services to the Oil and Gas / Energy Sector stakeholders in Nigeria. In particular, she was the principal consultant for General Electric (GE) on the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP) with the Federal Government of Nigeria. She also oversaw the development of other emergent business opportunities in Africa in her time at GWI.

Ikeazor was eventually a legal representative for Aso Energy Resources, Ltd, Abuja for two years, 2008-2010, prior to her foray into politics.



In 2011, she contested and won the position of National Women leader of the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) Party. used her platform to champion capacity building for women by partnering with the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to train women for leadership and political roles in Nigeria.

With the merger of three political parties in Nigeria in 2013, Sharon emerged the Interim National Women leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC) – until her appointment to the APC Board of Trustees in 2014, a position she holds till date. During her tenure as the Women Leader, she established the APC Young Women’s Forum to mentor and sponsor young female politicians. In 2016, she emerged APC Senatorial Candidate for Anambra Central Zone. On Wednesday, August 21, 2019, she was appointed by President Buhari as the Minister of State Environment.





Ikeazor has continued to organize and participate in leadership, training and mentoring of young women and other socially disadvantaged persons.

She has carried on the philanthropy work of her late father, Chimezie Ikeazor (SAN), founder of the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Free Legal Aid for the Poor in Nigeria. The organization which she now oversees provides reimbursements for legal services offered to under-served citizens living below the poverty line. Similarly, she runs a prison outreach program that pays the fines of those awaiting trial as well as providing free legal representation for some of the inmates.


She founded The Wakiliyan Mata Empowerment Initiative, an NGO for Internally Displaced Women, which avails them of interest-free loans to start small scale businesses. Sharon is the Vice President of Women in Politics Forum (WIPF) which she also co-founded to build the capacity of female politicians across political lines.


Public Service

Ikeazor served as the Executive Secretary of PTAD from 2016 to 2019 during which she was tasked with steering the organization towards its mandate of sustainable welfare fulfillment for pensioners. In 2017, she was nominated for the LEADERSHIP Persons of the Year award. She also received the Public Service Excellence Award from BusinessDay in 2017. On the 21st of August 2019, Barr. Ikeazor was sworn in as Minister of State for Environment of the Muhammadu Buhari led administration, following a successful screening exercise conducted by the National assembly.










  1. Adamu Adamu


Minister of Education



Assumed office

11 November 2015


President Muhammadu Buhari


Preceded by Nyesom Wike (in 2014)


Personal details

Born 25 May 1956 (age 64)

Azare, Northern Region,

British Nigeria

(now Azare, Katagum, Bauchi State, Nigeria)


Alma mater Ahmadu Bello University

Columbia University

Mallam Adamu Adamu is a Nigerian accountant and journalist who is currently serving as the Minister of Education.


Adamu was born on 25 May 1956 in Azare. He received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from the Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria. He later received a master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University’s School of Journalism. He is a polyglot speaking six languages fluently – Arabic, Persian, Fulfulde, Hausa, English and French.



After graduating, Adamu worked briefly as an accountant in Bauchi State before later venturing into journalism. He began his journalist career as a public analyst and writer and later got his first job with a newspaper in 1984. He rose through the ranks in journalism until becoming Deputy Editor of the New Nigerian newspaper. Adamu was also a back-page columnist for Media Trust’s titles and has contributed to many news outlets including London-based Crescent International. Adamu also served as a personal assistant to Solomon Lar, the first chairman of the People’s Democratic Party. Before his appointment as minister, in 2015, he was the secretary of Muhammadu Buhari’s presidential transition committee.

Minister of Education

Adamu was first appointed Minister of Education by President Muhammadu Buhari on 11 November 2015, along with 35 others, when the president made his first major appointments. He was reappointed on 21 August 2019.





































  1. Ambassador Maryam Katagum – Bauchi State – Minister of State Industry


Mariam Yalwaji Katagum.


Mariam Yalwaji Katagum (born 18 November, 1954, Azare, Bauchi state) is an Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO and a Minister of State for Industry, Trade and Investment from Bauchi state in Nigeria.



In 1976, Mariam Y. Katagum obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Graduate Certificate in Education at the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. In 1985, she earned a Master in Administration and Planning at the University of Lagos. In 1999, Katagum obtained a Certificate in Social Development Policy, Planning and Practice at the University College, London. The same year she was awarded a UNESCO Fellowship.



Katagum started her professional career with National Youth Service, at the Water Board, Jos. In 1977-1981, Katagum was a Senior Education Officer at the Federal Government College, Azare. Later she served at Federal Scholarship Board, Lagos (1981-1984).

Next fifteen years she was posted to the Nigerian National Commission for UNESCO (1985-2000). In 2000-2001, Katagum was a Director for Special Projects at the National Primary Education Commission in Abuja. Starting from 2001, Katagum served as the Secretary General of the Nigerian National Commission for UNESCO. In 2004, Katagum gave a final speech at UNU-UNESCO Conference on Wars in the 21st Century in Paris.[7] Starting from 2006 Katagum was supervising the National and International Partnership Division of the Federal Ministry of Education.[1] In June 2009, Katagum was appointed Ambassador, Permanent Delegate of Nigeria to UNESCO.[6]

She served on a number of national and international Committees and Panels including the Board of Trustees of the African World Heritage Fund (2009-2011), the West Africa Group in UNESCO (2009-2012), the E-9 Group in UNESCO (2010-2012), the UNESCO Headquarter’s Committee (2011-2013), the PX Commission of the Executive Board (2013) and others.[6]

In 2017, Katagum attended Gala Night of the Africa Week, 2017 organized by the Africa Group at UNESCO Headquarter in Paris.[8]





  1. Timipre Sylva


Minister of State, Petroleum Resources



Assumed office

21 August 2019


Preceded by Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu

Governor of Bayelsa State

In office

27 May 2008 – 27 January 2012


Preceded by Werinipre Seibarugo


Succeeded by Nestor Binabo

Governor of Bayelsa State

In office

29 May 2007 – 16 April 2008


Preceded by Goodluck Jonathan


Succeeded by Werinipre Seibarugo


Special Assistant to Minister of State for Petroleum Resources

In office



Personal details

Born July 7, 1964 (age 56)

Okpoama-Brass, Brass LGABayelsaNigeria


Political party All Progressive Congress (APC)


Spouse(s) Alanyingi Sylva


Children Taria Sylva (20), Timipre Sylva (16), Pagabio Sylva (15)


Education University of Port Harcourt and UBIS University


Occupation Public Servant


Timipre Marlin Sylva (born July 7, 1964)  was the Governor of Bayelsa State in the Southern part of Nigeria and currently works as Nigeria’s Minister of State for Petroleum Resources.


Early life and background

Sylva was born in Brass, Bayelsa (formerly Rivers State, of which Bayelsa State was split off from in 1996), and was educated there and in Lagos, the former capital of Nigeria. He was a member of the Rivers State House of Assembly in the 1990s.



Sylva graduated from the University of Port Harcourt with distinction in English (Linguistics) in 1986. At the time, he was the best graduating student from his department and departmental valedictorian. He was subsequently awarded a Doctor in International Relations (Honoris causa) by the UBIS University in 2011.


Political career

Sylva’s political career started in 1992 when he won a seat in the House of Assembly election representing Brass constituency in old Rivers State. At the time, he was the youngest of all the members in the house of Assembly. His political career continued when he was appointed as the Special Assistant to the Minister of State for Petroleum in 2004 under the auspices of Dr. Edmund Dakouru. He continued in that position until he resigned to join the PDP gubernatorial primaries in 2006 in Bayelsa State, in which he placed, second behind Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. After the PDP presidential primaries election and Dr. Jonathan was appointed as a running mate to HE Umaru Musa Yar’adua of blessed memory, the gubernatorial candidacy for PDP became vacant, and conventional wisdom took the better of the political actors and Sylva was elevated to occupy the position of PDP gubernatorial candidate.


As a candidate of the People’s Democratic Party Sylva won the Bayelsan gubernatorial election on May 29, 2007 and succeeded Goodluck Jonathan who went on to the position of Vice President. During his inauguration he said that Bayelsa was “the least developed industrially and commercially” of all 36 states.


Sylva’s opponent in the 2007 election, Ebitimi Amgbare of the Action Congress, legally challenged his victory. Although the Bayelsa State Election Petitions Tribunal upheld Sylva’s election, Amgbare took the matter to the Appeal Court in Port Harcourt which overturned the Tribunal’s decision and nullified Sylva’s election on April 15, 2008. The Appeal Court’s five justices were unanimous in their decision and ordered that Speaker Werinipre Seibarugo be sworn in to replace Sylva as acting Governor, with a new election to be held within three months.


A new election was held on May 24, 2008, and Sylva, again running as the PDP candidate, was overwhelmingly elected with 588,204 out of about 598,000 votes. He was sworn in again on May 27, saying on this occasion that he would form a broadly inclusive unity government. On January 27, 2012, his tenure was terminated by the Supreme Court with an acting governor appointed to oversee the state until the election of February 2012. Sylva was appointed by President Buhari on Wednesday, August 21, 2019, as the Nigerian Cabinet Minister of State for Petroleum Resources.






















George Akume


Immediate past Senator for Benue NW



Assumed office

29 May 2007


Former Minority Leader

In office

June 2011 – June 2015


Governor of Benue State

In office

29 May 1999 – 29 May 2007


Preceded by Dominic Oneya


Succeeded by Gabriel Suswam


Personal details

Born 27 December 1953 (age 66)


Political party All Progressives Congress(APC)


George Akume (born 27 December 1953) is a Nigerian politician who is the current Minister of Special Duties and Inter-governmental Affairs. He was a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He was the Minority Leader of the Senate from June 2011 to June 2015. He was also the Governor of Benue State from 29 May 1999 to 29 May 2007. He was the first Governor of Benue State to have completed two terms in office. He was elected governor of Benue State on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and was then elected to the Senate.


Akume was re-elected Senator for Benue North-West in the April 2011 elections, running on the platform of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) He won another term in 2015 but lost to Senator Orke Jev of the PDP in 2019. On July 23, 2019, President Buhari nominated Akume to serve as a minister.Akume obtained a bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a master’s degree in Labour Relations from the University of Ibadan. He now resides in Abuja, Nigeria.



In 1999, he became governor of Benue State and served two terms of four years. He won elections to represent the people of Benue as a senator for Benue North-West in Nigeria’s senate. 


Akume was re-elected Senator for Benue North-West in the April 2011 elections, running on the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) platform. He polled 261,726 votes, defeating Terngu Tsegba of the PDP who won 143,354 votes. He was again re-elected to the senate under the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2015. He was chairman senate committee on army and a ranking member of senate. He was nominated and confirmed a minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nigeria by Muhammadu Buhari.

























Former Group General Manager, Crude Oil Marketing Division, Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC).


On 21 August 2019, He was appointed by Muhammadu Buhari as the Minister of state Power.


Personal details

Born 20 August 1958

Obudu, Cross Rivers State


Nationality Nigerian


Alma mater Ahmadu Bello University

University of Lagos.


Occupation Public servant


Goddy Jedy Agba OFR, born Godwin, 20 August 1958, is a Nigerian bureaucrat, politician, farmer, author and former Group General Manager, Crude Oil Marketing Division, Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC). As of July 2019, he was nominated as a minister of the federal republic of Nigeria from Cross River by the government of President Mohammadu Bhuari. In 1983, he had his first Degree in International Studies from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He obtained his master’s degree in International Law and Diplomacy from the University of Lagos, Akoka in 1989. Goddy joined Federal Civil Service in 1984 and retired at NNPC in 2014 to join the Nigerian politics.


Background and education

Goddy was born into a royal family in Obudu in the year 1958 by Uti J.D. Agba, the paramount ruler from Obudu, Cross Rivers state. According to Thisday newspaper, “Agba is the first son of HRH Uti J.D. Agba, the paramount ruler of Obudu Area Council reputed to be the longest serving traditional ruler in Cross River State. Agba father has been on the throne for over 50 years and he is a three-time chairman of the State traditional council” He bagged his first degree in International Studies from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Kaduna State In 1983. in 1989, he proceeded to University of Lagos, Akoka for his master’s degree in International Law and Diplomacy.  He was honored as an Officer of the Order of the Federal Republic (OFR) On September 2012. Goddy’s autobiography, “Stepping Forward with Uti J.D. Agba” was presented to the public on 18 November 2017.The book reflected on the influence of his father on his life from childhood. In July 2019, he was nominated for a ministerial position by the government of President Muhammadu Bhuari. In August 2019, he was sworn-in as the Minister of state for Power, Federal Republic of Nigeria.



Goddy joined the Federal civil service in September 1984 as an Assistant Secretary II. He was posted as a senior assistant secretary to the Federal Development Authority (FDA) in Lagos On October 1985. in the same office, he was promoted to the post of Deputy Liaison Officer in 1987. He became the personal assistant to the minister of special duties under the presidency, state house-Lagos. In 1989, Agba was selected as personal assistant to the minister of special duties under the presidency, He was moved to the ministry of foreign affairs as personal assistant to the minister of state on foreign affairs in December 1990. He was on this position till 1993 when he became the personal assistant to the secretary of the state till 1995 when he joined NNPC. At the nation’s oil company, he rose to the position of head market research, crude oil marketing department and later became the head gas/gas liquids/condensate sales, GGLU Crude Oil Marketing Department In 2014, he left NNPC to join politics in his state. After being nominated for ministerial position by President Muhammadu Buhari in July, he was assigned the portfolio of Minister of State, Power on 21 August 2019.




















Minister of State, for Labour and Employment



Assumed office

24 September 2019


Preceded by Stephen Ocheni


Personal details

Born 21 January 1970

Ughelli, Delta State, Nigeria


Political party All Progressives Congress, APC


Parents Pa Matthias Keyamo, Caroline Abeni Keyamo(née Ogunjobi)


Occupation Lawyer


Known for Human rights activism

Festus Egwarewa Adeniyi Keyamo, SAN is a Nigerian lawyer and politician who is presently the Minister of State for Labour and Employment. He was appointed a Minister in July, 2019 after successfully leading the second term campaign of President Muhammadu Buhari as the Director of Strategic Communications. He was first assigned to the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs as Minister of State, after which he was redeployed to his present position due to his versatility

In 2018, he was appointed as a member of the Board of the Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC), an appointment he had to relinquish when he was appointed a Federal Minister.

Festus Keyamo a lawyer, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, FCIArb (UK), social crusader, critic and columnist was elevated on September 18, 2017, as a Senior Advocate of Nigeria SAN.


Early life

He was born in Ughelli, Delta State of Nigeria on Wednesday, January 21, 1970 by a father who hails from Uvwie L.G.A, near Warri, in Delta State and a mother from Yewa South L.G.A in Ogun State. He is the third child and first son in a family of seven children. Festus Keyamo attended Oharisi (Model) Primary School, Ughelli, 1975 to 1981, Government College, Ughelli, 1981 to 1986 and proceeded to his Higher School Certificate (HSC) course in the same school. Before he completed his HSC course, he gained admission through JAMB in 1988 into Bendel State University, (now Ambrose Alli University (AAU)) Ekpoma, in Edo State, and obtained his LL.B degree (Second Class Upper) in 1992. He was called to the Nigerian Bar on December 15, 1993 setting the stage for a colourful career in law. Much later, Festus Keyamo proceeded to the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in the United Kingdom where he qualified as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK).


Legal career and activism

He started his legal practice in Gani Fawehinmi Chambers in Lagos State, southwestern Nigeria, at the height of the agitation for the revalidation of the June 12, 1993 election. Even as a young lawyer, he was on the front row of legal activism with Chief Gani Fawehinmi and did so well in some landmark cases there that he won the Award of Best Lawyer in Gani Fawehinmi Chambers in March, 1994.


He left Gani Fawehinmi Chambers in 1995, had a brief stint in a partnership and then established his own law firm, Festus Keyamo Chamber, which has since grown rapidly with three offices in Lagos State, Abuja Federal Capital Territory, Warri in Delta State and liaison offices in many states with over 23 lawyers and more than 30 para-legal staff.

Before his appointment as Minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Festus Keyamo was one of the private prosecuting counsel for the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. In that capacity, he prosecuted some Politically Exposed Persons on behalf of the Commission. In his nearly three decades in legal practice, he has handled other several controversial, constitutional and landmark cases in almost all branches of the legal profession, and many on pro bono basis.


Mr. Keyamo also has a rich history of social and legal activism. In 1994, he teamed up with his late boss, Chief Gani Fawehinmi and other pro-democracy activists to campaign against military rule, and he suffered several arrests and detentions as a result.


Sometime in 2009, he prompted a probe of the leadership of the Federal House of Representatives over alleged profligacy and mismanagement of public funds in the purchase of 380 units of 407 Peugeot Cars. His crusade for accountability by the Legislators led to the eventual investigation, arrest and trial of the House Leadership. The case is still at the Court of Appeal, Abuja, Nigeria.


Social activism

Whilst working with Chief Gani Fawehinmi, he teamed up with him to establish the National Conscience Party which was originally designed to challenge military rule. He was the first Northern Co-ordinator of the Movement.


In 1997, he formed the Youth Against Misguided Youths that mobilized thousands of youths to oppose the self-succession bid of General Sani Abacha.

Keyamo’s brush with the authorities has been audacious. He has been detained several times in prisons and cells across Nigeria on account of his crusades for justice, human rights and against corruption. This also led to his facing several Charges in Courts that were all dismissed.


Awards and accolades

In 2017, he was awarded the Global Human Rights Award by the United States Global Leadership Council in Washington for his efforts over the years in respect of protection and promotion of human rights and the crusade for accountable governments in Nigeria. He also received the award of Defender of Press Freedom Award on May 5, 2018 from the Nigeria Union of Journalists.


A man of amazing gusto and dogged spirit, his other honours include, Best Single Advocate of Nigeria Law Students, (Taslim Elias Moot Trial Competition) 1992; Best Lawyer, Gani Gawehimi Chambers (March, 1994); Honorary Alumni of various Students’ Associations; Activist of the year (2001) by the Students Union, University of Jos; Listed in the New Who is Who in Nigeria, 2003; and nominated for the World Medal of Honour, 2003, by the American Biographical institute, in 2005. He was conferred with the chieftaincy titles of Ogba-uri of Ogor Kingdom (Strong man of the law) 2005 and Omorokaro of Uvwie Kingdom (The child who leads the way) 2011 in Delta State but prefers to be called ‘Mr.’



He was once a weekly columnist with The Sun Newspapers. He is an ardent fan of Arsenal Football Club of England and Warri Wolves FC of Delta State.





Dr. Ogbonnaya Onu



Minister of Science and Technology



Assumed office

November 11, 2015


Personal details


Born Ogbonnaya Onu

December 1, 1951 (age 68)

OhaozaraEbonyi State


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress


Residence Nigeria


Education University of Lagos

University of California, Berkeley


Profession Politician, Engineer

Ogbonnaya Onu (born December 1, 1951) is a Nigerian politician, author and engineer. He was the first civilian governor of Abia state and the immediate past Minister of Science and Technology, Federal Republic of Nigeria.


Life and Education

Ogbonnaya Onu was born on the 1st of December 1951, to the family of His Royal Highness, Late Eze David Aba Onu (Eze Adu of Uburu) in Ohaozara Local Government Area of Ebonyi State Nigeria. He started his education at Izzi High School in Abakaliki, the Ebonyi State capital. Here, he obtained grade one with distinction in his West African School Certificate Examination.  He also sat for the High School Examination at College of Immaculate Conception (C.I.C) Enugu, graduating as the overall best student. He proceeded to the University of Lagos and graduated with a first class degree in Chemical Engineering in 1976. He went for his doctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley and obtained a PhD in Chemical engineering in 1980.




Teaching career

After his graduation from the University of Lagos, Ogbonnaya Onu became a teacher at St. Augustine’s Seminary, Ezzamgbo, Ebonyi State. After the completion of his doctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley, Dr. Onu became a lecturer in the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Port Harcourt, and later became the pioneer Head of the Department. He also served as the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and was also elected as a Member of the Governing Council of the University.


Political career

Ogbonnaya Onu started his political Career as an aspirant for a Senatorial seat in the old Imo State on the platform of the National Party of Nigeria (NPN). He contested for the position of Governor of Abia State in 1991 under the umbrella of the National Republican Convention and won. He was sworn in as the first Executive Governor of the State in January 1992. He was the first Chairman, Conference of Nigerian elected Governors. In 1999, he was the Presidential flag bearer for the All People’s Party but relinquished the position to Chief Olu Falae after a merger of his party with the Alliance for Democracy who lost to Olusegun Obasanjo of the PDP. He became the National Party Chairman of the All Nigerian People’s Party 2010. In 2013, he his party (ANPP) successfully merged with the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), Democratic People’s Party (DPP) and some members of the All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA) to form the All Progressives Congress (APC). In November 2015, he was appointed Minister of Science and Technology by President Muhammadu Buhari. on 21 August 2019, He was sworn in again as Minister of Science and Technology by President Muhammadu Buhari


Awards and achievements

Dr. Onu is a certified member of Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria, a fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Engineering, fellow of the Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers. As a Minister of Science and Technology, he began the National Science and Technology Week which held its first edition on the 13th to 17 April 2017 in Abuja and then in March 2018 to showcase inventors and inventions. He signed a Memorandum of Undertaking (MOU) with three international companies to export indigenous technologies and food. He also signed an agreement with NASCO to kick off commercial production of High Nutrient Density biscuits. In 2016, he initiated a program tagged “774 YOUNG NIGERIAN SCIENTISTS PRESIDENTIAL award (774-YONSPA)” aimed at encouraging and developing the interest of Nigerian youth in science, technology, and innovation (STI).




































Minister of Health


Assumed office



Preceded by Isaac Adewole


Minister of Health

In office



Personal details


Born Osagie Emmanuel Ehanire

4 November 1946 (age 73)


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress


Education Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich


Occupation Surgeon

Osagie Emmanuel Ehanire (born 4 November 1946) is a Nigerian medical doctor and politician. He was appointed as the Minister Health in the President Muhammadu Buhari administration in November 2019.[1] Following the submission of the ministerial nominees to the Senate by the Presidency in July 2019 and subsequent screening, He was appointed as the Minister of Health in August 2019.


Early life

Osagie Ehanire was born on 4 November 1946 in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, in Iduighun community.



After his primary education, he attended Government College Ibadan in Oyo State for his West African School Certificate where he excelled at his Higher School Certificate examination. Ehanire went on to study Medicine at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany, qualifying as a Surgeon. He went on to the Teaching Hospital of the University of Duisburg and Essen and to the BG Accident Hospital in Duisburg, Germany for his post graduate education. In 1976, he attended the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland where he obtained a postgraduate Diploma in Anaesthetics. He got his Board Certification in both General Surgery and Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery at the Medical Board of North Rhine Westphalia in Dusseldorf, Germany. In 1984, he became a Fellow of West African College of Surgeons.



Dr. Osagie Ehanire worked in Germany as a Resident Anesthesiologist, Resident Vascular Surgeon and Resident General Surgeon in Thoracic Surgery at various hospitals. He also served as Clinical Instructor, Fracture Internal Fixation Course at BG Accident Hospital in Duisburg, Germany. On his return to Nigeria in 1982, he worked at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital as Senior Registrar in the Department of Surgery (Orthopaedic Surgery), a position he held until 1984. Between 1985 and 1990, he joined the Shell Petroleum Development Company Hospital as a Divisional Consultant Surgeon. He also served at various times on the Medical Review Board of Edo State Hospital Management Board and remains as a Trustee of TY Danjuma Foundation.



Ehanire was appointed as a delegate of Congress for Progressive Change (CPC) to the political merger conference that gave birth to the All Progressive Congress (APC), the name which he coined. As the Edo State Coordinator for the Buhari Support Organisation (BSO), he was a key player in ensuring the victory of President Muhammadu Buhari at the 2015 presidential election. In October 2015, he made the list of ministerial nominees to serve the Buhari led administration. After being screened and cleared by the National Assembly, he was appointed as the Minister of State for Health in November 2015. Following the beginning of a new administration in May 2019 and the submission of the ministerial nominees to the Senate by the Presidency in July 2019 and subsequent screening, he was appointed the Minister of Health in August 2019.


Personal life

He is married with children.





Governor of Ekiti State

In office

May 29, 1999 – May 29, 2003


Preceded by Atanda Yusuf


Succeeded by Ayo Fayose

Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment



Assumed office

August 21, 2019


Personal details


Born February 4, 1958 (age 62)


Chief Niyi Adebayo (born February 4th 1958) is a Nigerian politician and traditional aristocrat. He served as the first Executive Governor of Ekiti State from May 29, 1999 to May 29, 2003 and represents the Alliance for Democracy (AD). 


Adebayo has been associated with APC, and he is currently a top chieftain of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Niyi has extensive experience in a wide range of disputes & legal and advisory work. His more notable achievements have been in the areas of project finance, oil and gas, contract procurement and business facilitation. He is a member of Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) and the International Bar Association (IBA). Niyi is a keen sportsman and plays tennis, squash and football.

He holds the chieftaincy title of Otunba.







  1. Geoffrey Onyeama – Enugu State – Minister of Foreign Affairs


Minister for Foreign Affairs



Assumed office

November 2015


Appointed by Muhammadu Buhari


Preceded by Aminu Bashir Wali


Deputy Director General: WIPO

In office

January 2009 – November 2015


Personal details


Born February 2, 1956 (age 64)

Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria


Alma mater Columbia University

St John’s College, Cambridge

London School of Economics


Geoffrey Jideofor Kwusike Onyeama (born February 2, 1956) is Nigeria’s Minister for Foreign Affairs. Onyeama was appointed Foreign Affairs Minister of Nigeria in November 2015 by President Muhammadu Buhari.


Early life and education

Onyeama was born to the family of Nigerian jurist Charles Onyeama. He holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree in Political Science from Columbia University, New York in 1977 and a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree in Law from St John’s College, Cambridge in 1980. He holds a Masters of Law (LL.M) from the London School of Economics and Political Science in 1982 and a Masters of Arts (M.A) in Law from St John’s College, Cambridge in 1984.[3] Onyeama was admitted as a Barrister-at-Law of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in 1983 and was also called to the English Bar of the Grey’s Inn in 1981.



Onyeama began his career as a Research Officer in the Nigerian Law Reform Commission Lagos from 1983 to 1984. He then worked as a lawyer with Mogboh and Associates in Enugu, Nigeria from 1984 to 1985. In 1985, he joined the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as an Assistant Program Officer for Development Cooperation and External Relations, Bureau for Africa and Western Asia. He rose through the ranks at the WIPO to become Deputy Director General for the Development Sector in 2009. In November 2015 he was appointed Nigeria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs by President Muhammadu Buhari.







































































Minister of State for Education


Preceded by Anthony Anwukah


Personal details

Born 20 August 1967

Ehime Mbano-Imo State, Nigeria


Political party All Progressives Congress

Residence Nigeria

Alma mater Imo State University

University of Lagos

University of Jos


Occupation politician


Chukwuemeka Nwajiuba is a Nigerian politician and lawyer. He is the current Minister of State for Education of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He has previously served as the Chairman of TETFund Board of Trustees.


Early life and education

Nwajiuba was born on 20 August 1967 at Umuezeala Nsu in Ehime Mbano Local Government Area in Imo State, Southeast Nigeria. He completed a Bachelor of Laws (LLB) from Imo State University. He then joined the University of Lagos and completed Master of Laws(LLM) degree followed by a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Law from the University of Jos. He was called to Nigerian bar in 1989.



Nwajiuba started his career as a managing partner of Ayodeji C. Emeka Ibrahim &Co in 1991.

He contested for Imo governorship on the platform of All People’s Party in 2003, 2007 and 2011. He was elected a member of the House of Representatives in 1999 – 2003 where he served as House of Representatives committee chairman on Land, Housing and works. He was a founding member of All Progressives Congress and Secretary of the Constitution drafting committee that produced the Constitution that gave birth to All Progressives Congress in 2013. He was the Chairman of Tertiary Education Trust Fund from 2017 to 2019.

Nwajiuba was re-elected member of the Okigwe North Federal House of Representatives in 2019 under Accord Party.  He was nominated for a ministerial role and became a Minister of State for Education of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2019.



































  1. Suleiman Adamu – Jigawa State – Minister of Water Resources









































  1. Zainab Ahmed – Kaduna State – Minister of Finance


Zainab Ahmed

Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning



Assumed office

August 21, 2019


Appointed by Muhammadu Buhari


Minister of Finance

In office



Preceded by Kemi Adeosun


Minister of State for Budget and National Planning

In office



Personal details

Born 16 June 1960 (age 60)

Kaduna State


Political party All Progressive Congress

Education Ahmadu Bello University

Olabisi Onabanjo University


Occupation AccountantPolitician


Zainab Shamsuna Ahmed (born 16 June 1960) is a Nigerian accountant. She is the current Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning appointed on August 21, 2019 as President Muhammadu Buhari brought the two ministries under her as one, making her the de facto Minister of Economy.

Upon the resignation of the erstwhile Minister of Finance Kemi Adeosun on September 14, 2018, Zainab Ahmed was appointed as Finance Minister in September 2018. In 2015, she was appointed as the Minister of State for Budget and National Planning by President Muhammadu Buhari.


Early life and education

Ahmed was born in Kaduna State. She had her secondary school education at Queen Amina College, Kaduna, and later proceeded to have her A’Level in Zaria.  She got her first degree in Accounting from Ahmadu Bello University in 1981, after-which she proceeded to Olabisi Onabanjo University for her MBA.

Ahmed’s MBA was obtained in August 2004 from the Ogun State University, Ago Iwoye; while her BSc Accounting (1981) was from Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria; IJMB ‘A’ Levels (1979) from SBS/ABU Zaria; and WASC ‘O’ Level in 1977 from Queen Amina College, Kaduna.



Zainab Shamsuna is the current Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Zainab Shamsuna was the immediate past executive secretary and national coordinator of the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI). She was also a member of the last two NEITI boards, having worked in the NEITI and global EITI.

An accountant by profession with a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from ABU Zaria and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA), Ahmed, in her biography, says she has “extensive knowledge and diverse experience in public sector reform and management.”

Upon graduation, Ahmed was employed in 1982 as an Accountant II in the Main Accounts of Ministry of Finance in Kaduna State and was promoted to Accountant I in March 1984, but resigned in 1985 to join NITEL. Earlier, she had done her National Youth Service in Kaduna State in 1981/1982 where she was posted for primary assignment to Messrs. Egunjobi Suleiman & Co. Chartered Accountants, and served as an Audit Trainee.

Ahmed has served the Nigerian public in various high-ranking positions, including as managing director of the Kaduna State of Nigeria’s investment company, and also the Chief Finance Officer of the Nigeria mobile telecommunications company. Zainab was reappointed and sworn in as the Minister of Finance on the 21st of August 2019 by the President.




  1. Bashir Salihi Magashi – Kano State – Minister of Defence


Assumed office

21 August 2019


Appointed by Muhammadu Buhari

Military Governor of Sokoto State

In office

August 1990 – January 1992


Commandant Nigerian Defence Academy

In office



Bashir Salihi Magashi is a retired Nigerian Army Major General and current Defence Minister of Nigeria. He was appointed Governor of Sokoto State from August 1990 to January 1992 during the military regime of General Ibrahim Babangida.[1] He was appointed Nigeria’s Minister of Defence by President Muhammadu Buhari on 21 August 2019.


Early life

He was admitted to the Nigerian Defence Academy in 1968 and commissioned into the Nigerian Army in 1971 as a member of the 5th Regular Combatant Course. He also attended the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria where he obtained an advanced Diploma in Public Administration, LLB Honors and a call to the Nigerian Bar with a BL Hons in 1984.

He started his career as a platoon Commander and later became Company Commander at the historic and elite 6 infantry Battalion (Bn) of the Nigerian Army. He was later deployed as Adjutant 1st Guards Battalion Bn and later Commander of The 4 Guards battalion in Epe Lagos; He was also Commander 93 Mechanized Bn and Commander 192 Mechanized Bn. He also served as Deputy Military Secretary (DMS 2)1984-1985 and (DMS 1)1985-1987 at the Army Headquarters (AHQ MS A), Cadets Brigade Commander in Nigerian Defence Academy1988-1990 and as the Commander 7 Mechanized Infantry Brigade in Sokoto in 1990.


The General was, later appointed as Commander of the 15 Brigade of the ECOWAS Monitoring Group (ECOMOG) mission in Liberia in 1992 before Commanding the Nigerian Contingent Force in 1993. He served as Commander of The Guards Brigade in Abuja from 1993–96. General Magashi subsequently rose to become General Officer Commanding (GOC) 2nd Division Ibadan and later proceeded to the Lagos Garrison Command as Command. He finally retired from the Nigerian Army as Commandant, Nigerian Defense Academy Kaduna from 1998-1999 as his last official engagement as a Military Officer.

He was a member of the Provisional Ruling Council from 1996–1999, a member of the Association of Humanitarian Lawyers and equally an Honorable Member of the Nigerian Red Cross Society.

He has attended various Leadership and Management courses both home and abroad. He is a graduate of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL) in Italy and a Member of the Senior Executives Course 14 of the National Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies Kuru in Jos.

He is a recipient of the Forces Service Star (FSS), Meritorious Service Star (MSS) and The Distinguished Service Star (DSS). His decorations also include the ECOMOG MEDAL and Silver Jubilee Medal. He has also received distinguished National awards and titles including Commander Order of the Niger (CON) and the prestigious Commander of the Federal Republic (CFR).

Major General Bashir Salihi Magashi (Rtd) was one time the Military Governor of Sokoto State in Nigeria from August 1990 to January 1992. In the political sphere, he was in 2002 the legal adviser to the ALL Nigerian Peoples Party ANPP and in 2007, the Kano State governorship candidate of the Democratic People’s Party (DPP). He later became the National Chairman of the party before finally retiring from politics in 2014

He is married, blessed with children and enjoys reading, football and Athletics. He also occasionally plays golf.



During the intrigues leading to General Sani Abacha’s assumption of power in November 1993, Brig. General Bashir S Magashi was given command of the Brigade of Guards in September. He was a member of the Abacha Military Caucus that reviewed the military and the political situation resulting from annulment of 12 June 1993  Shortly after democracy was restored in May 1999, the government announced the compulsory retirement of all armed forces officers who had served for six or more months in military governments, including Major-General Bashir Magashi. In 2002, he was legal advisor to the All Nigeria People’s Party ANPP. In April 2007 he was Kano State governorship candidate of the Democratic People’s Party(DPP).[6]

He is currently the Nigeria’s Minister of Defense. He was appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari on 21 August 2019.


  1. Hadi Sirika – Katsina State – Minister of Aviation


Minister of State on Aviation

In office

11 November 2015 – June 2019


Constituency Katsina North


Personal details

Born 2 March 1964 (age 56)



Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Profession Politician




Sen. Sirika Hadi is the Minister for Aviation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. He is a former Member House of Representative, and assumed the Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2011, where he represents Katsina North Senatorial District under the platform of Congress for Progressive Change. Sirika held the position of (Vice-Chairman) of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Committee set by the Nigerian Senate.



As a former pilot, Sirika is a member of the Senate Committee on Aviation. He bares his mind, undisguised, about how not to own a private aircraft through corrupt means. He also spoke about other issues bordering on piloting and the Aviation sector, in an interview with Jamila Nuhu Musa and Augustine Aminu. He also spoke on President Jonathan’s poor grasp of his brief and on a number topical issue.

On the other hand, Nigeria cannot make the desired progress in the comity of nations under the leadership of the ruling People’s Democratic Party, a Congress for Progressive Change lawmaker, Senator Hadi Sirika, has said. Speaking in an exclusive interview with LEADERSHIP WEEKEND, Sirika, who represents Katsina North senatorial district of Katsina State, said that the party had run out of ideas on how to move the nation forward despite leading the country in the last 13 years. In his interview with Soni Daniel and Ruth Choji, Sirika, a pilot and long standing ally of the president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, speaks on how to enthrone credible and responsive leadership in Nigeria and how to salvage the Nigerian aviation industry.


An elder of the opposition Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), Senator Hadi Abubakar Sirika has disclosed that elders of the party have succeeded in convincing Muhammadu Buhari to run as president in 2015. Senator Sirika, who made the disclosure in Daura while donating vehicles to his constituents from the response they have received from so far, the General, will run.






























  1. Abubakar Malami – Kebbi State – Minister of Justice/Attorney General of the Federation



Abubakar Malami  SAN


Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation


Assumed office

11 November 2015


Preceded by Mohammed Bello Adoke


Personal details


Born 17 April 1967 (age 53)

Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State, Nigeria


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Alma mater Usmanu Danfodiyo University

University of Maiduguri


Profession Lawyer and politician


Abubakar Malami was born on 17 April 1967 in Birnin Kebbi, the capital of Kebbi State, Northern Nigeria. His early formal education began at Nassarawa Primary School, Birnin Kebbi before he completed his secondary school education at College of Arts and Arabic Studies.  In 1991, he graduated from Usmanu Danfodiyo University where he studied Law and was called to the bar in 1992. Abubakar is an alumnus of the University of Maiduguri where he obtained his master’s degree in Public Administration in 1994. After graudating, he became a legal practitioner, serving in various capacities including being a counsel and magistrate in Kebbi State.




Early political care

Malami was the National Legal Adviser of the defunct Congress for Progressive Change. He was actively involved in the formation of the All Progressives Congress (APC) in 2013 as the resource person to the Manifesto Drafting Sub-Committee of Inter Joint Party Merger Committees between the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) and the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP).  In 2014, Abubakar contested for the governorship ticket of the All Progressives Congress in Kebbi State but lost the primaries to Atiku Bugudu.


Minister of Justice

On 11 November 2015, Abubakar was appointed as Minister for Justice and Attorney-General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria thus making him the youngest minister in Muhammadu Buhari’s cabinet. On 21 August 2019, he was re-appointed as the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of the Federation by President Muhammadu Buhari on 21 August 2019.



  • Senior Advocate of Nigeria – 2008


  1. Ramatu Tijjani – Kogi State – Minister of State, Federal Capital Territory (FCT)





















Minister of State for Federal Capital Territory (FCT)


Assumed office

21 August 2019


President Council of African Political Parties


Former Women Leader APC

In office



Personal details

Born 12 June 1970

Kogi State


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressive Congress (APC)


Alma mater Ahmadu Bello University, Nasarawa State University, Commonwealth University, London.


Profession Urban Planner, Politician


Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu (born 12 June 1970) is a Nigerian politician from Kogi State, Nigeria. She is the Minister of State for Federal Capital Territory (FCT) appointed by president Muhammadu Buhari on August 21, 2019. Ramatu was previously the National Woman Leader of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP) later All Progressive Congress (APC) after the party and other political parties merged (2014 – 2018).

She has supported the incumbent president Muhammadu Buhari during his presidential campaigns, where she criticised the opposition candidate in 2019 election, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar of not bringing anything important to the development of the country while he was the vice president of Nigeria, and called on Nigerians not to expect anything from him as he has nothing to offer again. She was previously elected the president of the Council of African Political Parties.


Early life and family


Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu, née Sidi Ali, was born on 12 June 1970 in Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria. She is the daughter of late Alhaji Mamman Sidi Ali, who was the Bawan Allah of Lokoja in Kogi state, Nigeria, royal title he held until his death. Ramatu started her early childhood education at Dawaki primary school Suleja in 1976 and in 1982 after she finished her Primary School, she enrolled for her secondary education at Federal government college (FGC) Minna, Niger state and finished in 1988. Two years later after a successful completion of her remedial program, Ramatu got admitted into Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for her undergraduate program to study Urban and Regional Planning, She graduated in 1995 with Bachelor of Science degree (B.Sc.) Urban and Regional Planning, after which Ramatu went to Nasarawa State University, Keffi, and done her master’s degree in Public Administration. She was conferred with honorary doctorate degree in Public Administration by the Commonwealth University, London and also earned a certificate in Leadership Skills from the Abbey College, London.


Career and Politics

Ramatu first started her work life after she was mobilized to serve a compulsory national service, National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) at the Federal ministry of works and housing. Young Ramatu later joint AZAH Intermediaries Nigeria Limited, a civil engineering construction firm, where she worked as Managing Director for some years, but she later went back to university where she done her master’s degree and Certificate in Leadership Skills and currently undergoing a Ph.d program.


In 2004, Aliyu was appointed special adviser on Women affairs, Youth and Social Development to the chairman of the Gwagwalada area council, Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Abuja, Nigeria. In 2007, she ran for political office to represent Kwali/Abaji federal constituency in the Nigeria National Assembly (NASS) but her bid was unsuccessful, later a year in 2008, she was appointed vice national chairman of her party, which was the major opposition political party in Nigeria at the time, All Nigeria Peoples Party(ANPP) which she served as the overseer North Central Zone. In 2010 she was given the national woman leader of the party, and concurrently served as the president of the Council of African Political Parties (CAPP) after she successful contested and won the election which took place in Khartoum, Sudan. And in 2014, after three opposition political parties in Nigeria merged into one, including her own party ANPP, she was appointed the women leader of the new party All Progressives Congress (APC), which she served until 2018.


Personal life

Ramatu Tijjani Aliyu is married to Alhaji Ahmed Tijjani Aliyu, a banker and philanthropist. Together they have three children. She is also running an NGO and founded the Global Women and Youth Empowerment Strategy (GLOWYES).

































LAI MOHAMMED: Minister of Information and Culture


Assumed office

November 2015


Preceded by Sen. Patricia Akwashiki


Personal details

Born 1952


Political party All Progressives Congress (APC)


Lai Mohammed is the current Nigeria’s Minister of Information and Culture. A Nigerian lawyer, and former National Publicity Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC).



He was born into the family of Alhaji Mohammed Adekeye in 1952. He is a native of Oro in Kwara State. He earned a bachelor’s degree in French from Obafemi Awolowo University, in the year 1975. He proceeded to obtain a Law degree from the University of Lagos, and then Nigerian Law School in 1986[2] As a practicing Lawyer, Alhaji Lai Mohammed co-founded the legal firm of Edu & Mohammed as a Senior Partner in 1989.



Alhaji Lai Mohammed is a businessman and served as the Chairman of Optmedia Limited, a subsidiary of Afromedia Plc since 18 December 2008. He served as a Director of Afromedia PLC since May 2011.Alhaji Mohammed is also a fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) and worked as Public Relations Officer for almost 10 years with the Nigerian Airport Authority, now Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria (FAAN).



Lai Mohammed is an active politician and was the National Publicity Secretary of All Progressive Congress (APC) in Nigeria. He was on 11 November 2015 sworn in by President Muhammadu Buhari as Minister of Information and Culture following his appointment and successful screening by the Nigerian Senate. On 21 August 2019 he was again sworn in by President Muhammadu Buhari as Minister of information and culture.









































Gbemisola Ruqayyah Saraki

Minister of State for Transportation



Assumed office

21 August 2019


Preceded by John Okechukwu Emeka


Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria from Kwara Central Senatorial District

In office

May 2003 – May 2011


Political party All Progressive Congress (APC)


Profession Insurance, Politician


Gbemisola Ruqayyah Saraki is currently the Minister of State for Transportation of the Federal Republic of Nigeria appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari on 21st August, 2019 and former senator who was elected to represent the Kwara Central Senatorial District in the year 2003 under the platform of the People’s Democratic Party. She was elected into the House of Representatives in 1999 representing Asa/Ilorin West Federal Constituency, Kwara State. She’s a sibling to Former Senate President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (8th Assembly), Bukola SarakI.



Saraki attended the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom and earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics. She did her national service at the Nigeria Bank for Commerce and Industry, Lagos. She worked for the Societe Generale Bank (Nigeria) with the post of the Head of Money Markets and later as Head of Domiciliary Accounts. From 1994 to 1999, she was Executive Director of Ashmount Insurance Brokers, Lagos.

Her father is Abubakar Olusola Saraki, who was a leading senator of the Second Nigerian Republic (1979–1983) and father of politics in Kwara State. Her brother, Abubakar Bukola Saraki was governor of Kwara State, Nigeria from 29 May 2003 to 29 May 2011 and was the President of the 8th Senate of Nigeria. She is divorced from her husband, architect Olusegun Fowora whom she had married in 1990 and has 2 children, a daughter, Tiwalola Oyinkansola Fowora born in 1991 and a son, Olaotan Fowora born in 1995.


Political career

Saraki was elected as a member of the House of Representatives in 1999 under the umbrella of the All People’s Party (APP). She ran under the umbrella of the People’s Democratic Party, (PDP) for the senate in 2003 and won the seat, representing the Central Senatorial District of Kwara State. She re-contested in 2007 and won again, serving as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for eight years (2003-2011). In 2011, she relinquished her senatorial seat to contest the gubernatorial election of Kwara State under the ACPN party, losing election to the winner, the PDP’s Abdul Fatah Ahmed. As a legislator 2003-2011, she was a member of several committees. At the Senate in 2007-2011, Saraki chaired the Senate Committee on National Planning, Poverty Alleviation and Economic Affairs. She also acted as Vice-Chairperson of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs.


Saraki was also a returning member of the ECOWAS Parliament. Saraki defected to the All Progressives Congress (APC) on the eve of the 2015 presidential election. In February 2016, Saraki was appointed by President Muhammed Buhari as the Pro Chancellor and Chairperson of the Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelsa State. On 13 February 2017, Saraki was also appointed as one of the 16-member committee to re-negotiate its 2009 agreement with the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU)


On 21 August 2019, President Muhammadu Buhari appointed her as the Minister of State for Transportation. Saraki is a cerebral thinker with developmental ideas. In February 2020, she delivered a speech on youth part











Minister of Works and Housing



Assumed office

11 November 2015


13th Governor of Lagos State

In office

29 May 2007 – 29 May 2015


Personal details

Born 28 June 1963 (age 57)

Lagos, Lagos State, Nigeria


Political party All Progressives Congress (formerly Action Congress)


Spouse(s) Abimbola Emmanuela Fashola


Occupation Lawyer and Politician


Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN (Yoruba: Babátúndé Rájí Fáshọlá; born 28 June, 1963) is a Nigerian lawyer and politician who is currently the Federal Minister of Works and Housing. He served two terms as Governor of Lagos State from May 29, 2007 to May 29, 2015. As a candidate of the Action Congress party, now known as the All Progressives Congress, Fashola succeeded Bola Ahmed Tinubu, on 14 April, 2007, and was sworn in on 29 May, 2007. Fashola was re-elected on 26 April, 2011. On November 11th 2015, he was appointed by President Muhammadu Buhari to be the Minister of Power, Works and Housing; he was reappointed Minister of Works & Housing  on the 21st of August 2019.


Personal life

Babatunde Raji Fashola of Yoruba origin, from Lagos, was born in Lagos on 28 June, 1963. He attended Birch Freeman High school Lagos and Igbobi College Lagos. He studied Law at the University of Benin from where he graduated with a Bachelor of Laws, LL.B.(Hon), degree in 1987.

He is married to Mrs. Abimbola Fashola and they have two children.


Legal career

He was called to the Nigerian Bar as a solicitor and advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria in November 1988 after completing the professional training program at the Nigerian Law School, Lagos which he undertook between 1987 and 1988.[7] His legal career of over one and a half decades, commenced in the law Firm of Sofunde, Osakwe, Ogundipe and Belgore, where he cut his legal teeth as a litigator over such wide-ranging areas of Specialization as, intellectual property (registration of trade marks), commercial law, covering general contracts, company activities, mergers, acquisitions, right issues, ownership of shares and equity of corporations, as well as land disputes, criminal law and chieftaincy matters, in all of which he has come to acquire appreciable expertise and vast experience.


Fashola, a Notary Public of the Supreme Court of Nigeria, has been variously honoured with awards and certificates of merit including the Distinguished Alumnus Award conferred on him by the University of Benin Alumni Association in recognition of contributions to the Alumnus association and humanity.


He is also a recipient of Lagos State public service club Platinum Award for outstanding contribution towards development. As well as Alliance for Democracy ” Igbogbo Bayeku Local Government Award” in recognition of activities towards the success of the party.

Babatunde Fashola is also a Patron of the Law Students Association of the University of Benin and he is the second law graduate from the University of Benin and the first member of the Nigerian Law School graduating class of 1988 to be conferred with the professional rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria. Fashola is also the First ever Chief of Staff to be so honoured. Babatunde Fashola is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association, the International Bar Association and an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria.


Political appointments

Babatunde Fashola also served in Lagos state in various capacities, including:

  • Secretary of the Lands Sub-Committee of the Transitional Work Groups. 1999.
  • Member of the panel of Enquiry into allocation of houses on the Mobolaji Johnson Housing Scheme at Lekki, 2000.
  • Member of the State Tenders Board- 2002– 2006.
  • Member of Lagos State Executive Council-2002-2006.
  • Member of the State Security Council-2002-2006
  • Member of the State Treasury Board-2002-2006
  • Chairman Ad-Hoc Committee on the Review of Asset distribution among Local Government.
  • Minister of Power, Works and Housing 2015-2019
  • Minister of Works and Housing 2019 to date


Governor of Lagos state

Babatunde Raji Fashola commenced a four-year tenure as the Executive Governor of Lagos State in Nigeria on 29 May 2007. In June 2007, Babatunde Fashola appointed former Inspector General of Police Musiliu Smith head of the Lagos State Security council, a body charged with taking a holistic look at the anatomy of crime in the state.


Education reforms

Babatunde Fashola commissioning a university-style gate for Birch Freeman High School, in Surulere, on 4 February 2010.

Babatunde Fashola vowed to rehabilitate the state’s public schools, long being neglected with time. Among the schools being habilitated included the governor’s alma mater, Birch Freeman High School, which is located at a busy metropolis of Surulere.


The Eko Mega City Project

The biggest task Babatunde Raji Fashola faced in office as Governor of Lagos State is his visionary project to transform Lagos into a mega city,  the first of its kind in Lagosian history. Although initialized under the former governor, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, in June 2002, the mega project task accelerated under Fashola’s governorship. Both private and public sectors are involved in fulfilling the project.


Newly added toll gates and roads at the Lekki-Ẹpẹ Expressway.

The crucial part of the mega city project is the rehabilitation of Lagos’ infrastructures and districts. Formerly taken care of by the federal government, they were immediately neglected, as Abuja was declared Nigeria’s new capital since 1991. According to Lagos Rail Mass Transit, proposed light railways will be consisted of the outskirt blue-line and inner red-line destinations. As part of the project, the Badagry Expressway, which links Lagos directly to the south-eastern border of Benin Republic, is currently being rehabilitated by various contractors,  with BRT and railway networks being established.

Another ambition is to recover lands at Victoria Island, being lost to erosion for decades. This artificial terrain is the location of the proposed Eko Atlantic City. This is also to support housing project that would accommodate up to 25 million Lagosians by 2015, a population growth from 15 million that could turn Lagos into the world’s third largest city.


Ayodele Awojobi Memorial Park, Onike Round-about, Yaba, Lagos.

In October 2009, Babatunde Fashola posthumously dedicated a garden personally in honour of the memory of late professor Ayodele Awojobi at Onike Roundabout, Yaba, Lagos, with a statue of the famous academic erected at the centre. Artists of repute such as Oladejo Victor Akinlonu has commended the Governor on a job well done on the various value enhancement and beautification of Lagos state being a pioneer in the beautification of the state since the 80’s Oladejo enjoined artists to work with the Governor Oladejo’s works such as the eyo masquerade and the Bust of Sir Alexander Molade Okoya Thomas where commissioned by the Governor.






























Minister of State for Health



Assumed office

23 August 2019


Speaker of the 4th Lagos State House of Assembly

In office

2 June 1999 – 30 May 2003


Senator for Lagos East

In office

29 May 2007 – 6 June 2011


Personal details

Born 16 February 1953 (age 67)

Lagos State, Nigeria


Political party All Progressives Congress


Adeleke Olorunnimbe Mamora (born 16 February 1953) is currently the Nigeria Minister of State, Federal Ministry of Health. He was elected Senator for the Lagos East constituency of Lagos State, Nigeria, taking office on 29 May 2007. He is a member of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

Mamora was a National Delegate for the National Republican Convention (NRC) in 1990, and Secretary, Lagos East of the United Nigeria Congress Party (UNCP) in 1998. He was elected to the Lagos State House of Assembly in 1999, and was appointed Speaker. He was Chairman of the Conference of Speakers (2000 – 2001). Mamora was elected to the Senate in April 2003, and reelected in 2007. He was also a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament (2003 – 2006). In 2003, he was appointed chairman of the Senate Committee on Ethics, Privileges and Public Petitions.

After resuming his seat in the Senate in 2007, he was appointed to committees on Upstream Petroleum Resources, Selection Committee, Health and Federal Character & Inter-Government Affairs. In a mid-term evaluation of Senators in May 2009, ThisDay noted that he had sponsored bills on Tenure of Office, Surgeon-General of Nigeria and repeal and amendment of the Tobacco Control Act. He sponsored or co-sponsored motions including one to amend Senate rule 111 to bring it into conformity with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Mamora was described as a master of parliamentary procedures.


Early Life and Education

Mamora was born on 16 February 1953. He obtained a B.Sc., Health Sciences, Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) University of Ife, Ile-Ife and became a Health Practitioner. He was Medical Director of a Medical Centre (1987 – 1998), and a Company Medical Adviser (1988 – 1992).


































Abdullahi Mohammed


Chief of Staff to the President

In office

May 1999 – 2 June 2008


Succeeded by Gbolade Osinowo

National Security Adviser

In office

June 1998 – May 1999


Director of the National Security Organisation

In office

March 1976 – October 1979


Governor of Benue-Plateau State

In office

July 1975 – March 1976


Personal details

Born 1939

IlorinNorthern RegionBritish Nigeria

(now Illorin, Nigeria)


Alma mater Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst


 Nigerian Army

Years of service 1958–1979


Rank Major General


Abdullahi Mohammed is a retired Nigerian Army Major General, who served as Chief of Staff to Presidents Olusegun Obasanjo and Umaru Musa Yar’Adua from 1999 to 2008; National Security Adviser to General Abdusalami Abubakar from 1998 to 1999; Director General of the National Security Organization from 1976 to 1979; and Governor of Benue-Plateau State, Nigeria from July 1975 to February 1976 during the military regime of General Murtala Mohammed.


Murtala and Obasanjo yearS.

In July 1975, Mohammed was Director of Military Intelligence, and formed and executed the 1975 Nigerian coup d’état plan with other officers including Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, Joseph Nanven Garba, Muhammadu Buhari and Ibrahim Taiwo to depose General Yakubu Gowon, after which they transferred power to General Murtala Muhammed as head of state. Immediately after the coup, he was appointed Governor of Benue Plateau State.

After Olusegun Obasanjo had taken over control, he recalled Mohammed in March 1976, and appointed him to the Supreme Military Council as Director General of the Nigeria Security Organisation with the additional responsibility for police security. Later he was made director of military intelligence.


Second Republic

After General Olusegun Obasanjo handed over to elected civilians at the start of the Nigerian Second Republic in 1979, Muhammed retired from the army. He went into private business, becoming managing director of Atoto Press in Ilorin.


National Security Adviser

In 1998, General Abdusalami Abubakar who took over as head of state after the death of General Sani Abacha, removed Ismaila Gwarzo and appointed Mohammed as National Security Adviser.


Fourth Republic

In 1999, President Olusegun Obasanjo made Mohammed his chief of staff, and President Umaru Yar’Adua re-appointed Mohammed as Chief of Staff when he assumed office on May 29, 2007. Mohammed resigned on 2 June 2008.













Olamilekan Adegbite is the Nigerian minister of Mines and Steel Development. Adegbite was formerly the Commissioner for Works and Infrastructure in Ogun State under the Ibikunle Amosun regime.





































Tayo Alasoadura FCA: AProfessional Per Excellence. Distinguished Senator Tayo Alasoadura is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria. Chartered Institute of Certified Accountants in England and Chartered Insrtitute of Taxation of Nigeria. He is also a member of the Institute of Industrialist and Corporate Administrators of Nigeria, Member of the Institute of Investment Management and Research of Nigeria. Fellow of the Institute of Public Administrators of Nigeria, Certified Fellow of Public Administrators and Management, and the Golden Fellow of the Institute of Strategic Finance and Administration.


Work Experience

Tayo Alasoadura joined Ayanfalu Balogun Badejo&Co, a renowned firm of Chartered Accountants in Lagos as a messenger and later as an articled clerk…Thereafter,he rose through the ranks to the highly exalted position of the Managing Partner/Chief Executive Officer/ Chairman of the Firm…
In addition, he was a Director, Askar Paints Limited from 1990 till 1992:Director, Okitipupa Oil Palm Plc from 2006 till February 2009 and Chairman/Chief Executive Officer Tabore &Tay Nigeria Ltd From April 2009.


Political Exploits and Political Appointments;

  • Former Member of Unity Party of Nigeria.
  • Former Member of Peoples Solidarity Party (PSP).
  • Former Member&Iju Ward Chairman of Solidarity Party of Nigeria.
  • First State Deputy Chairman of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).
  • First Deputy National Chairman of PDP Finance Committee under the Chairmanship of Late Abubakar Rimi.
  • Chairman, National Reconciliation Committee for Lagos State PDP Senator Tayo Alasoadura, FCA has so served in the following political capacities. Member of the Ondo State Revenue Generation Committee under the Olumilua Administration in 1992. Member, Presidential Visitation Panel to the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State in I999.
  • Chairman, Governing Board of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital 1999-2001.
  • Chairman, Governing Board of Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria 2001-2003.
  • Team leader, Federal Government Delegation to Brazil on the management of state debts in June 2004.
  • Ondo state Commissioner for Finance and Planning from June 2003 till February 2009.
  • Federal Government Delegation at Training/Sensitization programme in London Club,2006.
  • Chairman, South West forum of Finance Commissioners 2005 till 2009.
  • Chairman, Forum of Commissioners of Finance for Oil producing state, 2005 till 2009.
  • Secretary, Forum of Commissioners of Finance in Nigeria 2003 till 2006.
  • Chairman, Forum of Commissioners of Finance in Nigeria 2005 till 2009.
  • Senator Representing Ondo Central Senatorial District.

He has large investment in road infrastructure in the state, but also birthed the master plan that has served as a basis for the infrastructural development and expansion observed in Lagos even after Tinubu’s two terms in office.


2007 gubernatorial campaign

Following Tinubu’s tenure as governor of Lagos State, Aregbesola ran on the platform of the then Action Congress (AC) for the Governorship of Osun State in the April 2007 elections.

Aregbesola had to withstand several attempts by the incumbent state government to cut short his ambition, from the failed attempt to abort the launch of Oranmiyan, the campaign organisation of Aregbesola, which was fixed for Oshogbo Stadium until the state government deployed force to stop the event.


On 16 May 2005, a major financier of Aregbesola’s campaign, Alhaji Sulaimon Hassan-Olajoku, was assassinated at Gbongan Junction after attending a series of political events to mobilize support of Aregbesola. Aregbesola also narrowly escaped assassination plots in Ilesha in 2005 and on Osogbo Oroki Day in 2006.

In addition, a petition led to the arrest and detention of Aregbesola for three weeks by men of the Lagos State Police Command until a High Court ruled in favour of him and awarded a penalty of N5m against the police for wrongful arrest and detention


Legal battle

After incumbent Olagunsoye Oyinlola was declared the winner of the 14 April 2007 elections Aregbesola immediately proceeded to the courts to overturn this outcome.


In May 2008, Aregbesola called over 100 witnesses and tendered 168 exhibits in his petition before the Election Petitions Tribunal, alleging violence and ballot box stuffing in the election. In an October 2008 interview, he described Oyinlola as “a bully who came from a reactionary military arm”, stating that Oyinlola had done.








































Executive Commissioner, Stakeholder Management, Nigerian Communications Commission



Assumed office

August 2, 2016


Personal details

Born 29 May 1966 (age 54)


Nationality Nigerian


Alma mater Ahmadu Bello University


Sunday Akin Dare (born 29 May 1966) is a veteran Nigerian journalist who has worked in diverse aspects of the media, they include broadcasting (TV and radio), journalism (electronic and print), and decades of multimedia journalism experience spanning over 25 years. He currently serves as the Executive Commissioner, Stakeholder Management, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), an appointment he was nominated for by President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari in August 2016 .he is the current Nigerian minister of youth & sports.



Dare had his secondary school education at Baptist High School in Jos; a city in the Middle Belt of Nigeria from 1978 to 1983, shortly afterwards he studied for an Advanced Level education at Oyo State College of Arts and Science, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. He thereafter gained admission to Ahmadu Bello University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) honours in International Studies in 1991. His quest for knowledge motivated him to delve further to obtain a Master of Arts (MA) in Law and Diplomacy from the University of Jos, Plateau state Nigeria in 1996.


Dare was opportune to be selected as a Freedom Forum Fellow and Visiting Scholar at the School of Journalism – New York University (NYU) in 1998. His professional excellence positioned him for another highly esteemed international experience; Harvard Nieman Journalism Fellowship at Harvard University between 2000 and 2001 where he enrolled for Media and Public Policy studies. In 2011 Dare once again distinguished himself among his contemporaries from across the world and won the Reuters Foundation Journalism Research Fellowship at University of Oxford, United Kingdom where he contributed to the body of knowledge in the field of media, and researched “New Media and Citizen Journalism in Africa – A Case Study: Using New Media Tools and Citizen Journalism to Investigate Corruption in Nigeria.



Sunday Dare has over two decade of journalism experience spanning over 25 years before 2016 when he was appointed as Executive Commissioner, Stakeholder Management, Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) where he is charged with the responsibility of managing the NCC’s interface with public and private sector stakeholders.


Prior to his appointment at NCC, he was the brain behind the birth of Social Media Clinic (SMC), a Media/Information Technology (New Media) program aimed at providing information as well as educating private citizens on IT development and sensitizing the members of the public on usage of new media as a tool for building responsive society. He managed the aforementioned role together with serving as the Chief of Staff / Special Adviser on media to former Lagos State Governor, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu.


In 2009, Dare was appointed Senior Special Assistant (Media) to the Minister of Information and Communications, while serving in this capacity he managed decisions on all subject matter that revolved around media and communications, as well as public information dissemination and media policies that fell within the jurisdiction of the Ministry. Additional responsibilities in his portfolio included supervision of operations of the Nigerian Communications Commission and feedback to high ranking officials and the Minister of Information and providing recommendation on prospect and pitfalls in Nigeria’s telecommunications industry. Dare also played instrumental role in the meetings that held between the leadership of NCC and top executives of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Dare’s iconic moment in the Ministry was being a member of the Minister’s advisory team that initiated and executed the sale of the 2.3GHz spectrum frequency in 2014.


Dare served as Chief, Hausa Service, African Division at Voice of America (VOA) in Washington, DC between 2001 to 2009, in this capacity he managed multifarious portfolios. Other than managing the daily production of radio and online broadcast programs, he ideated, designed and implemented the acquisition of modern Information Technology and Telecoms gadgets for production and distribution activities such as news-gathering, content storage, program distribution etc. to expand content capacity and reach; as well as increase existing target audience. He also led a team of eleven International Journalists based in Washington DC; alongside twenty-four news correspondent based in West Africa for Voice of America.

In his early days as a Journalist, Dare multitasked as a correspondent with several foreign publications including The Nation magazine in New York; as well as working with the European backed Fourth Estate magazine as a production editor during the military interregnum in Nigeria. Other journalistic role Dare took on during the military era in Nigeria include being a pioneer member of the Nigerian weekly magazines The News and Tempo; serving as an Editor, Tempo magazine and pioneer Online Editor/General


Honor & Recognition

Dare is a well decorated professional with numerous awards to his name. He has been honored both locally and internationally, including being recognized as one of the fifty Leading Nigerians during the Nigeria’s Golden Jubilee anniversary celebration in North America. He also emerged the winner of the Voice of America Meritorious Honor Award 2009 in recognition of his sterling leadership and professional contributions in Africa and diaspora. Additionally, Dare was listed as a member of International Committee to Protect Journalists Citation in 2000 in New York, USA in recognition of his spiritedness as a journalist.




















Minister of State for Science and Technology

In office



Personal details

Born 8 January 1959 (age 61)

ShendamPlateau State, Nigeria


Political party People’s Democratic Party (1999 – 2010; 2012 – 2015)


Labour Party (Nigeria) (2011)


All Progressive Congress (2015 – present).


Pauline Kedem Tellen OFR was (born 8 January 1959). She is a Nigerian politician and currently serving as Women Affairs Minister. She was appointed in 2019 by President Muhammad Buhari after turning down ministerial nomination in 2015 on the grounds that she was not consulted prior to the announcement of the appointment and that she would not accept the offer for equal distribution of power among the three senatorial districts of her native state of plateau because she is from same local government as Governor Simon Lalong.


In 1999, she was appointed Minister of State for science and technology to the cabinet of former president, Olusegun Obasanjo. In 2007, she became the deputy governor of Plateau State and the first woman to be a deputy governor in northern Nigeria. she also contested to be governor of the state in 2011, but lost to Jonah Jang. She is presently a member, board of trustees of All Progressive Congress, and was honoured as woman of the year for her contribution to Nigeria at the 10th African Icon of Our Generation Award. She is a board member of National Agency for Control of Aids (NACA)




Early life and education

Tallen is a native of Shendam, to the family of Kattiems. She got a degree in sociology at the University of Jos in 1982.


Political career

Tellen political career started in 1976, when she was the clerical officer at Shendam local government council, then later ministry of local government affairs In 2011, she joined Labour Party (Nigeria), then contested in the gubernatorial election of the state. By 1994, she was made a councillor in Plateau State. She was made commissioner in the state by the military government between 1994 and 1999.

In 1999, she was appointed Minister of state for science and technology, becoming the first woman to be appointed as a minister in that capacity by former president, Olusegun Obasanjo.


Before 2015 general elections, she decamped from PDP to APC, a move she believed angered some people in her state. However, she described the move as a calling from God, with no regrets. In 2015, she rejected an ambassadorial nomination by President Buhari, citing federal character and zoning in her state as reasons. In an interview with Leadership Newspaper, she explained that as deputy governor she contested against the governor for the betterment of the state and because the governor didn’t have the interest of the people at heart. She also stated that the victory of President Buhari at the 2015 general elections was divinely orchestrated.




















Minister of Transportation


August 21, 2019


Governor of Rivers State

In office

October 2007 – May 2015


Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly

In office



Personal details

Born Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi

27 May 1965 (age 55)

Ubima, Ikwerre, Eastern Region, Nigeria

(now Ubima, Ikwerre, Rivers State, Nigeria)


Nationality Nigerian


Political party All Progressive Congress (2014-present)


Spouse(s) Judith Amaechi


Alma mater University of Port Harcourt

Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi (born 27 May 1965) is a Nigerian politician who is currently serving as the Minister of Transportation in the cabinet of President Muhammadu Buhari. He previously served in oil-rich Rivers State as Governor of Rivers State from 2007 to 2015 and Speaker of the Rivers State House of Assembly from 1999 to 2007.



Amaechi was born in Ubima, Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State to the family of the late Elder Fidelis Amaechi and Mary Amaechi. His first and last names are Ikwerre meaning “God is strength or power” and “who knows tomorrow” respectively. He was raised in Diobu, a densely populated neighbourhood in Port Harcourt.


He had his early education at St Theresa’s Primary School from 1970 to 1976. He earned his West African Senior School Certificate in 1982 after attending Government Secondary School Okolobiri. Amaechi received a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honors) in English Studies and Literature from the University of Port Harcourt in 1987, where he was the President of the National Union of Rivers State Students (NURSS).

He completed the mandatory National Youth Service Corps in 1988, and thereafter joined Pamo Clinics and Hospitals Limited owned by Peter Odili, where he worked until 1992. He also a director of several companies, including West Africa Glass Industry Limited and Risonpalm Nigeria Limited.


Early political career

During the transition to the Third Nigerian Republic, Amaechi was Secretary of the National Republican Convention in Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State. Between 1992 and 1994, he was Special Assistant to the Deputy Governor of Rivers State, Peter Odili – his boss believed in Amaechi as a young man with potential in politics, and brought him under his wing. In 1996, he was the Rivers State’s Secretary of the Democratic Party of Nigeria (DPN) caretaker committee during the transition program of General Sani Abacha.


Rivers State House of Assembly (1999–2007)


In 1999, he contested and won a seat to become a member of the Rivers State House of Assembly to represent his constituency. He was subsequently elected as the Speaker of the House of Assembly. Amaechi was elected the Chairman of Nigeria’s Conference of Speakers of State Assemblies. In May 2003, he was re-elected as the Speaker. In 2003, when the National Assembly moved to hijack the legislative functions of the State House of Assembly as enshrined in the constitution, he and his colleagues took the matter to Supreme Court.


As speaker, Amaechi used his close working relationship with Governor Peter Odili to increase the harmonious relationship between the Executive and Legislative arms of government in Rivers State, until when Rotimi Amaechi launched a campaign against the State Government, and verbally attacked the image of the State Governor, in an effort to succeed Peter Odili as governor in 2007.


Governor of Rivers State

In 2007, Amaechi contested and won the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) primary for Rivers State Governor in 2007. His name was substituted by the party, an action which he challenged in court. The case eventually got to the Supreme Court. He became governor on October 26, 2007, after the Supreme Court ruled that he was the rightful candidate of the PDP and winner of the April 2007 Governorship election in Rivers State.

His administration invested in infrastructure development, construction of roads and bridges, sticking to the vision of connecting all parts of the state by road. The governor was also committed to urban renewal and modernization of transportation services. His administration began building a monorail to provide mass transportation within the city of Port Harcourt. Some power plant projects (Afam, Trans Amadi, Onne) were also built to improve power supply in the State.


He was re-elected for a second term on 26 April 2011. In August 2013, Amaechi was amongst seven serving governors who formed the G-7 faction within the PDP. In November 2013, Amaechi alongside five members of the G-7 defected to the new opposition party the All Progressives Congress (APC) and became director general of Muhammadu Buhari’s presidential campaign.


Minister of Transportation

In 2015, following Muhammadu Buhari’s election, Amaechi was appointed to his cabinet as Federal Minister of Transportation. In July 2019, he was re-nominated for ministerial appointment by President Buhari. Amaechi was ask to take a bow and go during his screening by the Senate.


Personal life

He is married to Judith Amaechi and they have three boys. He is a Catholic and a Knight of St. Johns



Amaechi holds the national honour of the Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON).








Minister of Power



Assumed office

21 August 2019


Personal details

Born Mamman Saleh

2 January 1958 (age 62)

Lau, Taraba State


Political party All Progressive Congress


Education Kaduna Polytechnic

Bayero University Kano


Mamman Saleh (born 2 January 1958), is the current minister of power in Nigeria. He was sworn in by the president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari on 21 August 2019.


Early life and education

Saleh is from Taraba State. He holds a higher national diploma in electrical electronics from Kaduna Polytechnic, graduating in 1988. He also hold an MBA in business administration from Bayero University Kano, graduating in 2015.



Saleh started his career in 1981 as a teacher in Technical School, Mubi, Adamawa State. In 1992, he transferred his service to Taraba State. He was promoted to the rank of assistant director in the ministry of works in Taraba State and retired in 2002. After his retirement, he became a full-time businessman and politician.


  • Senate confirms Amaechi, Dare, Fashola, Akpabio, Malami, 38 others as ministers”. The Nation Newspaper. 30 July 2019. Retrieved 19 March 2020.
  • Egbas, Jude (23 December 2019). “Is Power Minister Saleh Mamman a ghost worker? [Opinion]”. Pulse NG. Retrieved 19 March 2020.
  • Toromade, Samson (21 August 2020). “Buhari reappoints himself Petroleum Minister, swears in 43 ministers”. Pulse NG. Retrieved 19 March 2020.
  • Zakariyau, Abdulrahman; Okah, Paul (24 August 2019). “Can the new ministers take Nigeria to the Next Level?”. Blueprint Newspaper. Retrieved 19 March 2020.
  • “Power: Saleh Mamman takes up Buhari’s charge”. The Punch Newspaper. 27 October 2019. Retrieved 19 March 2020.
  • Sunday, Simon Echewofun (21 August 2019). “Buhari drops Fashola as power minister, appoints Mamman new minister”. Daily Trust Newspaper. Retrieved 19 March 2020.


  • Categories: Federal ministers of Nigeria People from Taraba State Bayero University Kano alumni






























Emir of Daura



Assumed office

28 February 2007


Personal details

Born 1931


Alhaji Faruk Umar Faruk, or Umar Faruk Umar, (born 1931) is the 60th Emir, of the Daura Emirate. The Emirate is based in the town of Daura in Katsina State, northern Nigeria.



Umar Faruq dan Umar was born in 1931. He became Emir of Daura, or Sarkin Daura, on 28 February 2007 following the death of Sarkin Muhammadu Bashar dan Umaru. A few months later he volunteered to stand security for former governor of Jigawa State, Saminu Turaki, who had been detained over allegations of corruption and money laundering after leaving office in May 2007. However, Turaki’s successor as governor, Sule Lamido, persuaded him to change his mind.


In 2007 Faruk met President Umaru Yar’Adua with the Ooni of Ife Okunade Sijuade, the Emir of Kano Ado Bayero and the Emir of Zazzau Shehu Idris. Yar’Adua assured them that a constitutional role would be found for traditional leaders in Nigeria. In January 2009 Faruk represented the President’s family, standing in for the bride during the marriage rites for a daughter of President Yar’Adua who was being married to the Bauchi State Governor Alhaji Isa Yuguda. In December 2007 he was awarded the honor of Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON). In July 2009 the European-American University Commonwealth of Dominica conferred an honorary doctorate award on Faruk for his role in nation building.


In April 2008 he turbaned Mr. Ndudi Elumelu, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Power and Steel, as the Hasken Daura (Light of Daura). In November 2009 he turbaned the President of the Court of Appeal, Justice Umaru Abdullahi, as Walin Hausa. Normally the Muslim festive period of Id-El-Kabir includes a durbar held simultaneously in Daura and Katsina council areas. In December 2008 the Daura durbar was cancelled since the Emir was performing religious obligations in Saudi Arabia.


In February 2009 Faruk intervened to restore calm after mob violence broke out at Kongolam on the border with Niger in which seven people died. Later he asserted that the smugglers who caused the incident were outsiders, not residents of the border area.


In the summer of 2009 the farmers of Katsina state suffered an invasion of quelea bird, which threatened to destroy their crops. Faruk advised them to stay calm and treat the event as an act of god, assuring them they would be given assistance. In February 2010 the Emir pledged thirty million naira of his own money to rebuild three old city gates and the “Kusugu well” monument in the emirate.

In 2010 he was a Director of First Fuel and Gas Limited.





























Personal details

Born December 22, 1969 (age 50)

Abia State



University of Nigeria Nsukka, University of Lagos, Institute of Management Technology Enugu, Ogun State University


Occupation President/CEO, Master Energy Group




Uchechukwu S. Ogah (born 22 December 1969) is the current Nigerian Minister of State for Mines and Steel Development. An oil magnate, entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist, Ogah is the President of Master Energy Group, a conglomerate with over 15 subsidiaries and interests across a variety of industries. Ogah holds the Nigerian national honour, the Officer of the Order of the Niger (OON). He was nominated for a ministerial appointment by President Muhammadu Buhari and was later appointed as Minister of State, Mines and Steel Development on Wednesday, August 21, 2019.


Early life and education

Ogah was born to Chief Wilson and Ezinne Pauline Ogah of Onuaku Uturu,Isuikwuato Local Government Area of Abia State.

Ogah attended Ishiagu High School, after which he worked at West African Examination Council (WAEC) from 1986–89, before he proceeded to the Institute of Management and Technology (IMT), Enugu State where he obtained Upper Credit at Ordinary National Diploma (OND) in 1992 and Distinction at the Higher National Diploma (HND) Level in 1995 in Accounting. He also attended University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) where he obtained a Postgraduate Diploma in 2005. He also has a Bachelor of Science degree (Banking and Finance) from Ogun State University and a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) from University of Lagos. Ogah obtained his ACA in 2007. He is a Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN).



In December, 2001, Ogah established Uche Ogah Foundation which aims to provide empowerment, poverty alleviation, and providing education for the less privileged.

He had sponsored free medical services in different parts of Nigeria, in addition to building and equipping a number of modern hospitals in his native community, Uturu and other communities in Nigeria. He also partnered with a number of medical centres, including the Hopeville Rehabilitation Centre, to fabricate artificial limbs and calipers for people with a disability.


Ministerial appointment

Ogah was nominated for ministerial appointment by President Muhammadu Buhari on July 23,2019 along with 42 other nominees. During his senatorial screening on July 24, he narrated his plans on how to work on Nigerian refineries as well as his plans for the Nigerian currency rate. Ogah was confirmed for ministerial appointment by the Senate on July 30th and on August 21, 2019 was confirmed and sworn in as the Minister of State for Mines and Steel Development.




























The Kogi State house of assembly is made up of 25 house of assembly members representing constituencies all over Kogi State ranging from Kogi East, Kogi Central to Kogi West.

The State Governor Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello was able to deliver 25 out of 25 house of assembly members for his party APC. History was made in Kogi State as the All Progressives Congress party [APC] won all the House of Assembly seats in the State.


In Kogi East, APC aside winning Senatorial seats and three houses of representative seats also won the eleven state constituencies including Ankpa 1 and 2, Bassa, Dekina 1 and 2 Baraidu, Ibaji, Idah, Igalamela – Odolu, Ofu, Omala and Olamaboro.


Also, in Kogi Central senatorial district, the party also won the senate as well as all it houses of representative’s seats.


Similarly, the party clinched Assembly seats in Okene 1 and 2, Adavi, Ajaokuta, Okehi and Ogori Magongo constituencies.


In Kogi West, the party also won in all its state constituencies including Kabba – Burnu, Ijumu, Yagba – East, Yagba west, Mopamuro, Lokoja, 2 and Kogi Kotokarfe and also Lokoja 1 constituency.


Speaking on the party successful outing in the recently held polls, former Chief of Staff to Governor Bello of Kogi State who is now the Deputy Governor to Governor Bello and was the DG Campaign council to APC in the state Edward David Onoja, owed the success of the party to it’d internal democratic practices. ‘All the candidates on the platform of the APC in Kogi State were not imposed or gave bribes for endorsement. They went through the primaries and came out as party flag bearers’, he said.


Kogi State House of Assembly


The Kogi State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of Kogi State of Nigeria.


It is a unicameral legislature with 25 members elected from the 21 local government areas of the state.


Two local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies each to give equal representation. This makes the number of legislators in the Kogi State House of Assembly 25.

The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive.


Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) in the assembly complex within the state capital, Lokoja.

All the 25 members of the 7th Kogi State House of Assembly session are members of the All Progressives Congress (APC).





























The Lagos State House of Assembly is the state legislature of Lagos State. It is situated along Governor’s Avenue in the state capital, Ikeja. The House of Assembly is currently under the All Progressives Congress which is the current party ruling Lagos State. There have been eight different house of assemblies the very first one was inaugurated 2 October 1979 and the present one was inaugurated 7 June 2019.[1][2] There are forty members of the House of Assembly, two represent one of the twenty various local government areas in Lagos.



The present Speaker of the House of Assembly is Rt. Hon Mudashiru Obasa (Member representing Agege I) and he is the first to be re-elected into office three consecutive times, and a fifth term record.



The purpose of the House of Assembly is to “provide information on the scope of responsibilities, services and commitment for the entire people of Lagos State”. Their vision is to be “the leading light and pathfinder for Nigerian legislatures”, and their mission is to make laws that will ensure good governance, representing the will of Lagosians and in the process ensuring judicious use of the resources of the state in order for Lagosians to receive maximum benefit. Lagos State House of Assembly, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos.


The Lagos State House of Assembly was created to provide certain services for the good of Lagosians. Each service has various standards that must be met; for example, whenever the appropriation of a bill is passed on to the house, they must ensure that estimates are critically analyzed and resources are distributed in such a way those in need are put in priority. They must also ensure that the money budgeted is efficiently utilized judiciously as intended. When it comes to law making, the House of Assembly must ensure the laws are passed with the positive interest of Lagosians at heart. The laws must also be practical and implementable over a long period of time. In the case of legitimizing of a political candidate for office the House of Assembly must pick an individual who is well qualified and possesses the skills needed for the position. Members of the public are allowed to express their opinions of this candidate in the House of Assembly form petitions and all these petitions must be read and put into consideration before appointing the candidate for a public office. When members of the public send in petitions to the House of Assembly regarding various issues, the Committee Secretary of the House of Assembly is given a 48-hour limit to respond to these petitions leaving behind his name, position and contact information. Formal petitions will receive responses within two weeks of the day it was issued.


State House, Alausa

The House of Assembly recognizes that every Lagosian has the right to peacefully protest, therefore part of the House of Assembly’s responsibility is to ensure that the citizens’ rights are protected. Furthermore, the House of Assembly is entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the activities of ministries, departments and agencies (MDA’s), through committees. These committees conduct semi-annually and annually inspections on the books of MDA’s in order to ensure they are complying with the rules and laws that have been put in place; any defiance of the law is punished accordingly. Lastly, another service they provide is publication of hazards, these are word for word reports of the proceedings in the House of Assembly and they are made available to the general public for a fixed fee.



























5th Kaduna State House of Assembly


Type unicameral


Term limits 4 years


Founded 1914


New session started 2019



Speaker of the Assembly RT Hon. Yusuf Ibrahim Zailani, APC

since 2015


Leader of the House Haruna Mabo, APC


since 2015


Seats 34


The Kaduna State House of Assembly popularly known as Lugard Hall, it houses the Lugard Memorial Council Chamber (Northern Nigeria Council of

Chiefs) and The Kaduna State House of Assembly, which is a branch of the Government of Kaduna State, it formerly served as the legislative house of the defunct Northern Nigeria (1954-1967) and the British Colonial government of Nigeria (1914-1954) where all legislative decisions and laws for the governance of the region emanated. Taraba State House of Assembly Named after the then Governor General of Nigeria Sir Frederick Lugard. It is a unicameral body with 34 members elected into the 34 state constituencies. The current Speaker of the State Assembly is Rt. Hon Yusuf Ibrahim Zailani from Igabi local government constituency of Kaduna State.








Ogun State Legislature


Type unicameral


Term limits 4 years


Founded February 3, 1976



Speaker of the Assembly Olakunle Oluomo, All Progressives Congress


Seats 26


Political groups Majority •   All Progressives Congress (17)

Minority •   People’s Democratic Party (9)


Voting system Direct election




The Ogun State House of Assembly is the legislative branch of the Ogun State Government, Nigeria, inaugurated on February 3, 1979. The assembly is unicameral with 26 representatives elected from each constituencies of the 20 local government area of the state.

Presently, the Assembly comprises seventeen members of the All Progressive Congress (APC) and nine members of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).


Presiding officer

The incumbent Speaker is Olakunle Oluomo, who was re-elected on June 10, 2019.



Osun State House of Assembly


The Osun State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of Osun State of Nigeria.[1][2][3] It is a unicameral legislature with 26 members elected from the 30 local government areas of the state know as state constituencies. In some places two local government areas are merged to form a single state constituency. This makes the number of legislators in the Osun State House of Assembly 26.

The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) in the assembly complex within the state capital, Osogbo.

The current speaker of the 7th Osun State House of Assembly is Timothy Owoeye.
































6th Assembly


Type Unicameral


Term limits 4 years



Speaker Funminiyi Afuye, All Progressives Congress



Seats 25


Political groups •   All Progressives Congress (25)



Last election 9 March 2019


Next election February 2023


The Ekiti State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of Ekiti State of Nigeria. It is a unicameral legislature with 26 members elected from the 16 local government areas (State Constituencies) of the state.  Local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies to give equal representation. This makes the number of legislators in the Ekiti State House of Assembly 26.

The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) for plenary sessions in the assembly complex within the state capital, Ado-Ekiti.

The current speaker of the 6th Ekiti State House of Assembly is Funminiyi Afuye.








Type unicameral


Term limits 4 years



Founded February 3, 1976



Speaker of the Assembly Rt. Hon. Bamidele Oleyelogun



Seats 26


Length of term 4 years



Voting system Direct election


Last election May 2011


The Ondo State House of Assembly is the legislative branch of the Ondo State Government inaugurated on February 3, 1979. The assembly is unicameral with 26 representatives elected from each constituencies of the 18 local government area of the state. In 2011, the assembly consists of two political parties, LP and the PDP but the assembly was dominated by the Labour party with a total number of 25 representative and the PDP with only one representative. In October 2015, all members of the assembly defected to the PDP following the defection of Olusegun Mimiko, the governor of the state who was re-elected on May 29, 2011 following the April 11, 2011 election. Presently, the Assembly comprises 23 members of the PDP and 2 members of the APC with a vacant seat.


Presiding officer

The incumbent Speaker is Bamidele Oleyelogun who succeeded the first female speaker of the Assembly, Jumoke Akindele.




Current House of Assembly Member


S/N Name Constituency Post Held

  1. Rt. Hon. (Chief) Oleyelogun Bamidele David Ifedore Speaker
  2. Rt. Hon. Ogundeji Iroju Odigbo I Deputy Speaker
  3. Hon. Jamiu Sulaiman Maito Akoko North West I Majority Leader
  4. Hon. Oladiji Olamide Adesanmi Ondo East Dep. Majority Leader
  5. Hon. (Dr.) Adeyemi Olayemi A Owo II Chief Whip
  6. Hon. Festus Ayodele Adefiranye Ile-Oluji/Oke-igbo Deputy Chief Whip
  7. Hon. Simeon Toluwani Borokini Akure South I Whip
  8. Hon. Elegbeleye Rasheed Olalekan Akoko North East Minority Leader
  9. Hon. Tomide Leonard Akinribido Ondo West 1 Dep. Minority Leader
  10. Hon. (Prince) Akinruntan Abayomi Ilaje 1 Parliamentary Secretary
  11. Hon. Akinrogunde Akintomide Okitipupa I Deputy Parliamentary Secretary
  12. Hon. Samuel E. Ademola Irele Member
  13. Rt. Hon. (Revd) Aderoboye Samuel Ademoye Odigbo II Member
  14. Hon. Adewale Williams-Adewinle Ondo West II Member
  15. Hon. (Dr.) Abiodun Faleye Akure North Member
  16. Hon. (Eldr) Felemu Gudubankole O Akoko South-West II Member
  17. Hon. Mohammed Taofik Oladele Akoko North West II Member
  18. Hon. Gbegudu Ololade James Okitipupa II Member
  19. Hon. Akingbaso Festus O Idanre Member
  20. Hon. Olajide David Sunday Akure South II Member
  21. Hon. Oluyede O. Feyide Ose Member
  22. Hon. Olugbenga Akogun Omole Akoko South West I Member
  23. Hon. Favour Semilore Tomomewo Ilaje II Member
  24. Hon. (Barr.) Torhukerhijo Success Ese-odo Member
  25. Hon. Towase Kuti Oluwasegunota Akoko South-East Member
  26. Hon. Oluwole Emmanuel Ogunmolasuyi Owo I Member









The  Kwara State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of  Kwara State of Nigeria. It is a unicameral legislature having 24 members elected from the 16 local government areas of the state.  Local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies to give equal representation. This makes the number of legislators in the Kwara State House of Assembly 24.

The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) in the assembly complex within the state capital, Ilorin.

The current leaders of the 9th Kwara State House of Assembly is Salihu Yakubu-Danladi (Speaker) and Raphael Adetiba (Deputy Speaker).

























Hon. Ahmed Lawan Mirwa. (Speaker)

Nguru II


Hon. Mohammad Isa Bello Danchuwa. (Deputy Speaker)



Hon. Mohammad Lamido



Hon. Gafu Mai Zabu

Bade West


Hon. Mohammad Bazani

Damaturu I


Hon. Ishaku Sani Audu



Hon. Chiroma A. Buba

Fune I


Hon. Mohammad Ali

Gaidam South


Hon. Bunu Zanna




Hon. Adamu Dafa Dogo



Hon. Abdullahi Adamu Bazuwa



Hon. Alhaji Hassan Mohammad



Hon. Yakubu Suleiman



Hon. Mala Lawan Jawa



Hon. Buba Ibrahim

Damaturu II


Hon. Digima Gana



Hon. Alhaji Bukar Mustapha

Gaidam North


Hon. Lawan Sani Inuwa

Nguru I


Hon. Bulama Bukar



Hon. Ya’u Usman Dachia



Hon. Saminu Musa Lawan



Hon. Ahmed Musa Dumbol



Hon. Ahmed Musa Dumbol



Hon. Mohammad Kabir Mai Malo

Bade East
























The  Borno State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of  Borno State of Nigeria. It is a unicameral legislature with 30 legislators elected from 27 local government areas (state constituencies).  Local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies to give equal representation. This brings the number of state constituencies in Borno State to 30.


The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives) and the state governor. The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) for plenary sessions in the assembly complex within the state capital, Maiduguri.


The current speaker of the 9th Borno State House of Assembly is Abdulkarim Lawan.






















Gombe State House of Assembly


The Gombe State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government of Gombe State of  Nigeria. It is a unicameral legislature with 24 members elected from the 11 local government areas of the state delineated into 24 state constituencies.  Local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies to give equal representation. This makes the number of legislators in the Gombe State House of Assembly 24.

The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) in the assembly complex within the state capital, Gombe.

The leaders of the 6th Gombe State House of Assembly are Abubakar Sadiq Ibrahim, Speaker (APC Balanga constituency) and Shuaibu Adamu Harunais, Deputy Speaker, (APC, Kwami West Constituency). The All Progressives Congress (APC) is the majority party with 19 seats while People’s Democratic Party (PDP) constitutes the minority position having only 5 seats.




House Members


Kanya Constituency


Name: Hon. Usman Isa, Kanya


Position: Member


Party: All Progressives Congress (APC)


Name: Usman Isa, Kanya


Jahun Constituency


Name:     Hon. Idris Garba, Jahun



Position:    Member


Party:        All Progressives Congress (APC)


Name: Idris Garba, Jahun


Garki Constituency


Name: Hon. Muhammad Lawan Garba


Position: Member


Party: All Progressives Congress (APC)


Name: Muhammad Lawan Garba


Kafin Hausa Constituency


Name:     Hon. Adamu Baban Bare.


Position:    Member


Party:        All Progressives Congress (APC)


Name: Adamu Baban Bare.


Maigatari Constituency


Name:     Hon. Habu Muhammad, Maigatari


Position:    Member


Party:        All Progressives Congress (APC)


Name: Hon. Habu Muhammad


Sule Tankarkar Constituency


Name:     Hon. Abubakar Muhammad


Position:    Member


Party:        All Progressives Congress (APC)


Name: Abubakar Muhammad Said.


Birni Kudu Constituency


Name:     Hon. Eng. Siraj Muhammed


Position:    Member


Party:        All Progressives Congress (APC)





























9th Kano State House of Assembly members 2019 – 2023

  1. Hon Abdul’aziz Garba Gafasa Speaker (APC) (Ajingi Constituency)
  2. Engr Hamisu Ibrahim Deputy Speaker (APC) (Makoda Constituency)
  3. Labaran Abdul Madari Majority Leader (APC) (Warawa Constituency)
  4. Ayuba Labaran Alhassan Chief Whip (APC) (Kabo Constituency)
  5. Kabiru Hassan Dashi (APC) Deputy Majority Leader (Kiru Constituency)
  6. Hon Hayatu Musa Dorawar Sallau Deputy Whip (APC) (Kura/Garun Malam Constituency)
  7. Hon. Isyaku Ali Danja Minority Leader (PDP) (Gezawa Constituency)
  8. Garba Shehu Fammar Deputy Minority Leader (PDP) (Kibiya Constituency)
  9. Muhammad Ballo Butu-Butu (APC) (Rimin Gado/Tofa Constituency)
  10. Nuraddeen Alhassan Ahmad (APC) (Rano Constituency)
  11. Jibril Isma’il Falgore (APC) (Rogo Constituency)
  12. Hon Tukur Muhammad (PDP) (Fagge Constituency)
  13. Salisu Maje Ahmad Gwangwazo (PDP) (Municipal Constituency)
  14. Lawal Rabi’u (PDP) (Tarauni Constituency)
  15. Umar Musa Gama (PDP) (Nassarawa Constituency)
  16. Aminu Saadu (PDP) (Ungoggo Constituency)
  17. Lawal Hussain (PDP) (Dala Constituency)
  18. Yusuf Babangida Suleiman (PDP) (Gwale Constituency)
  19. Hon Mudassir Ibrahim (PDP) (Kumbotso Constituency)
  20. Muhammad Elyakub (APC) (Dawaki Kudu Constituency)
  21. Kabiru Yusuf Isma’il (APC) (Madobi Constituency)
  22. Hon Tasi’u Ibrahim Zabainawa (APC) (Minjibir Constituency)
  23. Muhammad Dan’azumi (APC) (Gabawa Constituency)
  24. Saleh Ahmed Marke (APC) (Dawaki Tofa Constituency)
  25. Kabiru Hassan Dashi (APC) (Kiru Constituency)
  26. Nasiru Abdullahi Dutsen Amare (APC) (Karaye Constituency)
  27. Abubakar Danladi Isah (APC) (Gaya Constituency)
  28. Abba Ibrahim Garko (APC) (Garko Constituency)
  29. Zubairu Hamza Masu (APC) (Sumaila Constituency)
  30. Musa Ali Kachako (APC) (Takai Constituency)
  31. Sunusi Usman Bataiya (APC) (Albasu Constituency)
  32. Garba Ya’u Gwarmai (APC) (Kunchi/Tsanyawa Constituency)
  33. Abdullahi Iliyasu Yaryasa (APC) (Tudun Wada Constituency)
  34. Lawal Shehu (APC) (Bichi Constituency)
  35. Abubakar U. Galadima (APC) (Bebeji Constituency)
  36. Ali Ibrahim Isah Shanono (APC) (Bagwai/Shanono Constituency)
  37. Muhammad Uba Gurjiya (APC) (Bunkure Constituency)
  38. Salisu Ibrahim Muhammad (APC) (Doguwa Constituency)
  39. Murtala Musa Kore (APC) (Dambatta Constituency)
  40. Yunusa Haruna Kayyu (APC) (Gwarzo Constituency)





































They all won under the All Progressives Congress

Hon. Aliyu Sabi’u Muduru – Mani

Hon. Shamsudeen Dabai – Danja

Hon. Tasi’u Maigari – Zango

Hon. Tukur Shagumba – Batagarawa

Hon.Dalhatu Shehu Tafoki-  Faskari

Hon Mustapha Sani Bello – Mashi

Hon Muhammad Kwamanda – Dutsin-ma

Hon Abdul Jalal Runka – Safana

Hon Nasir yahaya – Daura

Hon Musa Nuhu Gafiya – Kaita

Hon Abubakar Suleiman Tunas – Ingawa

Hon Mustapha Rabe Musa- Maiadua

Hon Lawal H Yaro – Musawa

Hon Aminu Ibrahim Saeed – Malumfashi

Hon Sani Lawal – Baure

Hon Abubakar Muhammad Total – Funtua

Hon Abubakar Suleiman – Rimi

Hon Hamza Rimaye – Kankia

Hon Ya’u Garba – Kankara

Hon. Lawal Isa Kuraye – Charanchi

Hon. Haruna Aliyu Yamel – Dutsi

Hon. Abubakar Muhammad – Funtua

Hon. Ali Abu Albaba – Katsina

















The Nasarawa State House of Assembly is the unicameral legislature of Nasarawa State in Nigeria. The House of Assembly consists of 24 members, including a Speaker and Deputy Speaker. The legislature is seated in Lafia, the capital city of Nasarawa State.





































The Niger State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of Niger State of Nigeria. It is a unicameral legislature with 27 members elected from the 25 local government areas of the state.  Local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies to give equal representation. This makes the number of legislators in the Niger State House of Assembly 27.


The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) for plenary sessions in the assembly complex within the state capital, Minna. Committees and oversight functions are held as determined by the members.

Honourable Abdullahi Wuse and Bako Kassim Alfa as speaker and deputy speaker.


List of Representatives


  • Ahmed Marafa, representing Chanchaga
  • Abdullahi Wuse, representing Tafa, Speaker
  • Bako Kassim Alfa, representing Bida I, Deputy speaker
  • Abdullahi Mohammed Kagara (APC), representing Raffi, clerk,
  • Mohammed Bashir Lokogoma, representing Wushishi.
  • Hussaini Ibrahim (APC), representing Agaie
  • Isah Ibrahim (APC), majority leader, representing Rijau
  • Musa Alhaji Sule (APC), representing Katcha, Chief Whip
  • Mohammed Abba Bala (APC), representing Borgu













The Plateau State House of Assembly is the legislative arm of the government  of Plateau State of Nigeria. It is a unicameral legislature with 25 members elected from the 17 local government areas of the state.  Local government areas with considerable lager population are delineated into two constituencies to give equal representation. This makes the number of legislators in the Plateau State House of Assembly 25.


The fundamental functions of the Assembly are to enact new laws, amend or repeal existing laws and oversight of the executive. Members of the assembly are elected for a term of four years concurrent with federal legislators (Senate and House of Representatives). The Legislators are known as Members of State House of Assembly. The state assembly convenes three times a week (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) in the assembly complex within the state capital, Jos.

The speaker of the current 9th Plateau State House of Assembly is Abok Ayuba.























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