The about our party cannot be hidden...We are making phenomenal progress

Rebirth of Ebira Nation & Rescue Mission on Population Census                                                                               

In the recently concluded off-season elections in Kogi state, the candidate from our Ebira Nation, Alhaji Ahmed Usman Ododo of the APC passed through a very rough road up to the steep hill to win the coveted governorship contest in grand styles. Kudos therefore to our dogged and indomitable leader, Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello that took us to the promised land. This very commendable feat that was achieved by the Ebira Nation has once again brought to the fore the lies and manipulations that have always existed in the population census figures of our dear state that need to be urgently addressed.


However, it is important to say at this juncture that the forthcoming population census is an important project and a litmus test that requires our total commitment in order to get things right by situating our correct and actual population figures. This is the only way to establish the superiority of our numerical strength irrespective of the number of our LGA. We need to come out to participate and get counted as Anebira.


In this regard, I want to use this medium to respectfully appeal to our *Local Government Chairmen in Kogi Central Senatorial District* to rise up to the occasion and constitute formidable committees to work assiduously to actualise this project titled *Rescue Mission On Population Census* so that our actual census fiqures are properly and eloquently captured this time around to correct the manipulations of the past which were designed to shortchange and misrepresent our Senatorial District by branding us as ‘ Minority’ which we are not. God bless us all. Amen.

Long Live Ebira Nation!

M J Isah “Negro” Public Analyst, Abuja.

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