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El Rufai  Picks  Holes on  NBA’s  Decision without Fair-hearing

Governor Nasir El Rufai of Kaduna state has said that the leadership of the Nigeria Bar Association(NBA) has embraced injustice, unfairness, lack of fair hearing, and total disregard for the rule of law in its decision on who should speak at its Annual General Conference.
In a statement issued by the Special Adviser on Media and Communication, Mr. Muyiwa Adekeye on Thursday night, El Rufai lamented that the NBA based its decision on a one-sided narrative.
‘’That a professional organization has elected to endorse a one-sided narrative on a profound national issue is something that its members may wish to reflect upon.
‘’ For an association, whose bread and butter is about justice, to make a ruling based on the stridency of people who lampoon judicial processes against certain individuals without hearing the other side is odd,’’ he added.
The statement  said that although the decision about who speaks at an NBA event is that of the association’s, ‘’Malam El-Rufai wishes to make clear that he did not seek the platform and is not agitated that he has one less speaking engagement.’’
The governor revealed that he accepted the invitation to participate in a panel discussion on national identity based on the request of a   lawyer friend, adding that he ‘’accepted as part of his commitment to having a national conversation and the evolution of a national consensus.’’
According to the statement, these worthy conversations must continue irrespective of platform and El Rufai ‘’ will continue to make his voice heard on the things our country needs to do for its progress.’’
El-Rufai said that he has taken several actions on the security, institutional, and technology fronts to address the legacy of violent strife in the state.
The statement pointed out that  the governor made permanent military and police bases a reality in southern Kaduna, after close to 40 years of waiting, adding that he  ‘’set up a Peace Commission to nudge communities to embrace their responsibility to live in peace and harmony.’’
The governor vowed that  ‘’his investments in building a constituency for peace, anchored on the rule of law, respect for the citizenship rights of everyone and an embrace of the obligations of common humanity will continue.’’
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