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Senator Natasha: Get a Life, you can’t Pull her Down

Professor Abdulghaffar Amoka


The victory at the Court of Appeal is still hurting them and they are still wondering why the entire people of Kogi Central are so in love with her. Yeah! You can’t beat what was genuinely earned. They are pertubed and uncertain of the future implications of her rising profile in the political scene. They are unsettled and scared. They can’t even think straight or have got no time to think. The only thing they can think of now is how to bring her down. Do you have what it takes to bring her down?


They began by launching various attacks on her personality. They feel blackmailing her to kill her integrity and painting her as an enemy of Ebira project will do the bring-her-down magic. They started by circulating the March 2023 video as a video made in November 2023. That was too cheap and their lies were bursted immediately. But instead of being ashamed of the lies and repent, they refused to give up. They immediately shifted to an interview she granted after casting her vote at her polling unit.


Distinguished Senator Natasha H Akpoti Uduaghan is the highest-ranking opposition leader in Kogi state and she was interviewed in that capacity after casting her vote at her polling unit. She was asked about her assessment of the ongoing election and her response was that she woke up like everyone else with a lot of reports that there were already results written for the polling units across the zone and agents portions signed while voting was yet to begin. She read out from the image of such a result sheet that was sent to her.


She was asked what she would do. She replied that she was not the candidate on the ballot and that she believed the affected candidates and their respective political parties would come together to assess the situation and make a proper report. But for her, she will see how future occurrences of such situations can be curbed in our elections. She was asked if she had passed a report to INEC and she repeated again that she was not the candidate on the ballot but that she had passed the information to the candidate and it is the candidates that will take it up from there.


Her SIN was why she granted the interview. The allegation of the written results was already everywhere on Social Media on Saturday morning, but Natasha was expected not to talk about it as a Senator from KC, the highest ranking PDP member in Kogi state for that matter. To a normal person that was a fair interview because she never accused anyone. Sometimes she even throws the question back to the interviewer to answer. She displayed a high sense of diplomacy. But to the same barbarians, she should have kept quiet over the allegation by the opposition parties or not even granted that interview.


There is a new audio message from another barbarian going around. The new allegation was that she met Muri, the SDP candidate, and called him the “incoming governor” and that she said she will help Muri with rigging evidence. I laughed so hard after listening to the audio message. Muri vs Ododo was more of an APC vs APC fight. Muri left APC just after losing in the APC primary election. Common sense should tell you that Natasha has no business with the fight between brothers. The author of the audio message said they must do everything possible to tarnish Natasha’s image and accused her of being an enemy of Ebiraland. The lies on the audio were too obvious to destroy an earned integrity. That errand boy and his likes should go and get a life.


The barbarian seems not to know the meaning of ‘enemy”. The governor once said that by now, he thought that there should be water running at every part of Okene and that he made provision for it but they did not do it. Meanwhile, all the commissioners for water resources for the state for the past 8 years were from Kogi Central. Is Natasha responsible for the non-implementation of the water project in Okene? Maybe some people need a thinking cap to know the meaning of enemy of the state and if Natasha is the enemy of Ebiraland. However, I doubt if his excellency can actually absolve himself from the non-implementation of such a project as the CEO of the state.


The governor recently had a talk with his stakeholders in Lokoja. He talked about enemies within that betrayed him and called out some names. The issue is still being discussed. Rather than making the rising profile of Natasha within the political scene your problem, you should reflect on the governor’s speech at the government house and focus on the task ahead over the next 4 years so that we don’t make the same mistake.


It has been a tough 8 years in Kogi State. Public primary and secondary schools are nearly dead and the LG workers and primary school teachers have been under an economic nightmare. Start talking to the governor-elect to start planning how to revive our schools and bring relief to the workers. That should top the priorities of our discussions and an agenda for the government in the coming months.


This is all politics, but what amazes me is how it is ok for Shaibu Abubakar-Audu to support and lead the campaign of his party’s candidate, but Natasha Akpoti-Udughan is an enemy for supporting her party’s candidate. This is common sense. C’mon, get a life.


Making Natasha’s fall your problem is a project that is dead on arrival. Focus on your life. It is the dawn of a new era in Kogi Central and our Senator is on a purposeful mission. She has been appointed as the Chairman, Senate Committe on Local Content and Vice Chairman, Senate Committee on Steel. Stop wasting your time as you can’t derail her or pull her down. Use that time to do something to better your life. Tell your sponsors to also get a life.


To our dear Senator, the Amazon on whom the people have so much hope for a good representation, don’t bother yourself with losers and their databoys. I thought they should have moved on after the loss but they appear to still be angry with themselves. But they can’t derail you from your mission that I am privileged to be aware of. The people are anticipating the benefits of a good representation at the Red Chambers. Focus on that as your profile keeps rising.


Best wishes to our Senator. Kogi Central shall be great!



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