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Obasanjo Permanently On Ego Trip –- Prof. Sagay

Chairman, Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption, Itse Sagay, has asked Nigerians to dismiss the statement credited to former President Olusegun Obasanjo that Nigeria is drifting towards a failed state under President Muhammadu Buhari.

Speaking with Daily trust correspondent, Sagay said it was typical of Obasanjo to always see himself as having run the best and most progressive government in Nigeria, and portrayed every other government as a failure.

“So, he (Obasanjo) is just on another ego trip. He’s permanently on an ago trip and he’ll ever be on an ego trip,” Sagay said.

He described the government of Buhari as the best Nigeria would ever have.

He said: “He (Obasanjo) will run down anything that he’s not in charge of. He was against Jonathan too. It’s just a personal ego trip.

“I don’t see how anybody who is speaking genuinely can say anything negative about this government. It has done so much for this country, look at the number of corrupt people sent to prison, look at the number of assets recovered, they’re in trillions, look at the Abacha money recovered from abroad almost in billion dollars, look at all the infrastructural works going on.

“We have a rail network now that is getting from Lagos to Ibadan and it’s being built into Apapa Port so that in future all these trailers on our roads would disappear, look at Niger Bridge almost being completed, look at our international airports, the list is endless.”


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