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Kogi 2023: Poll Predicts APC Candidate, Ododo Edging Out SDP’s Muri Ajaka, Dino Melaye

The governorship candidate of the All Progressive Congress (APC), Alhaji Usman Ododo is predicted to edge out both the candidates of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Muri Ajaka and Dino Melaye, his main rival contenders for the November 11 Kogi state governorship election in a statewide poll undertaking by TAEEIAI media group and made available to newsmen.


The poll which was conducted using random sampling of everyday Kogites to assess public perception of the front-runners for the next occupant of the highly coveted Lugard house throne as the administration of Governor Yahaya Adoza Bello draws to an end was limited to the three popular and frontline contenders for the job.


According to a statement signed by the head of the TAEEIAI media Research and Electoral situation department, a team of investigators administered three thousand questionnaires to analyze the opinion of a number of persons/respondents, such as civil servants, politicians, and frontline media practitioners on multidimensional metrics. Usman Ododo scored 65 percent in terms of public appropriation of his antecedent as a politician, while Muri Ajaka scored 30 and Senator Melaye scored 45 percent.



On power rotation, the poll also found that most Kogites (55 percent of respondents) think that the governorship should go to Kogi West, while 30 percent think it should go to the Kogi Central and 10 percent that it should go to the Kogi East. While Ten percent think that it should go to the best man.



On competence, 45 percent of Kogites think that Dino Melaye is the most competent candidate while 30 percent of Kogites think that Usman Ododo is the most competent, with 20 percent of Kogites thinking that Murtala Ajaka is the most competent.



On integrity and probity, the APC candidate scored 75 percent, while the SDP candidate scored 50 percent and the PDP candidate scored 45 percent. There is almost a consensus that any incoming government should build on the emanating gains of the outgoing administration.



On the expectations for the incoming administration, 55 percent of respondents said they were optimistic because of the foundation set by the outgoing administration while 55 percent said the caliber of persons the eventual winner surrounds himself with will be the game changer and 7 percent said he should bring into his government some people from the opposition parties for unity and stability.



The poll also found that economic development, stability, and peace were the overwhelming considerations on the minds of most Kogites. For 85 percent, development was connected to peace and security.



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