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Bakare Takes Delivery Of Multi-billion Naira Citadel Complex

The General Overseer of the Latter Rain Assembly, Pastor Tunde has taken delivery of a multi-billion Citadel Complex.

The complex which was built by Cappa and D’Alberto Ltd is located at Oregun, Lagos.

It was handed to him in a quiet ceremony having been fully completed and set for dedication.

The complex according to sources will be dedicated towards the end of the year.

Unlike many of the massive church buildings in Nigeria, the Citadel Complex is not solely for church activities.

The church building is just about 10 per cent of the entire complex. Space, where the church will hold service, is a 5,500-seater auditorium while the remaining space of the complex has many other facilities which are more of community service facilities.

Citadel: Why it is different from other church buildings

Within the complex are a shopping mall, banking halls and a 40-classroom facility for creche, nursery and primary school. It also has a school of Governance aimed at training government officials and politicians in the art of governance.

There is also an event Centre with over 2000 seating capacity, a swimming pool and a free e-library in the complex.

The complex has a total of 250 toilet facilities and a parking space for over 500 cars.

It also has a pharmacy and a hospital.

Bakare according to sources built the complex so that the church could interface with the community and make an impact.

The idea of building a facility like that occurred to him when he saw that many of the churches that were burnt in the north during religious riots were churches that had no social amenities.

He saw that churches that had hospitals and also rendered community services were not attacked by assailants.

That influenced him to build with the purpose of impact rather than being alienated from society.

<<Church Times Nigeria

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