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In order to close any gap of divisiveness between the Christians and Muslims, I have set up a joint committee of the Christian and Muslim faiths in Imo State with the security agencies as supervisors, on how the members can live peacefully, harmoniously, and freely as brothers and sisters without rancor.
These were my expressed commitments when I received in audience, the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) led by the Imo State President, Rev. (Dr.) Eche Divine Eche and their Muslim counterpart, led by the Chief Imam of Imo State, Barr. Suleman Yusuf Njoku, at the State Executive Chambers, Government House Owerri.
The meeting was witnessed by the Deputy Governor of Imo State, Prof. Placid Njoku, the Speaker Imo State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Chiji Collins, the Secretary to the State Government, Chief Cosmas Iwu, Heads of Security Agencies in the State, and members of the State’s expanded Executive Council.
The decision to meet with the two groups was born out of my conviction that they are the most reliable point of contact for all Christians and Muslims in the State.
I reminded the groups that there are a lot of strings binding them together, advised them to shun hate, violence amongst other things that could bring communication gap.
As a result of the level divisiveness we met on assumption of duty, I found it expedient to set-up a joint committee made up of Christians and Muslims in the State, with the security Agencies as supervisors, on how to bridge the communication gap and pursue peace together.
This is to ensure harmonious coexistence among Christians and Muslims and reduce the problems of miscreants hiding under religious differences to commit all forms of vices, claiming to be Fulani Herdsmen or Boko Haram.
As a matter of emphasis, every citizen of the State must live together within the ambits of the law, and when anyone commits a crime the individual must go in for it.
Our administration is committed to the protection of lives, properties, and the encouragement of freedom of worship.
I thank the religious leaders for finding time to visit. I enjoin them to refrain from all forms of violence and/or resort to self-help, as self-help always leads to reprisal attacks, which makes violence intractable.
Sen. Hope Uzodimma
Governor, Imo State
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